As soon as he said this, Ruan Jingxiu suddenly turned pale, "Qi Shao..."

Ji haoqiong grinned and said, "I have a habit. I never touch anything used by others, especially women."

Qi Hongbo laughed at the speech. "Ji Shao's words are very true. It seems that I have to change my habits in the future."

In the face of such remarks, Ruan Jingxiu could only lower his head, and his face was so embarrassed that he was bleeding.


The well-dressed and delicate maids began to serve like water.

All kinds of precious and extremely precious food materials are carefully cooked and emit a mouth watering aroma.

All the dishes on this table may be the whole wealth of an ordinary monk.

In the face of such extravagant writing, these aristocratic Tianjiao people are all indifferent, no wonder.

"Qi Shao, this time you can represent the Tianhuo Shenzu. It can be seen that your status has become more and more stable. Maybe you will become the young clan leader of the sky fire god family before long. I hope Qi Shao can help you more when the time comes." The bronze man said with a smile.

Qi Hongbo heard the speech with a proud smile, "brother Li, you're welcome. If I take charge of the sky fire Protoss, then everything will be easy to say!"

The big man was overjoyed at the speech and raised his glass in his hand. "Thank you very much, Qi Shao."

After that, he drank it all in one gulp, and his manner was full of flattery.

If someone who knew the man saw this scene, he would be surprised.

Because the name of this great man is Li Gang. He is the first true biography of the power temple. He is also one of the top figures in his own heaven. However, when facing Qi Hongbo, he is so flattering. It can be seen that the concept of respecting the strong in the divine world has reached what extent.

At this time, the young man in white, who was shaking a paper fan, said with a smile: "Qi Shao, I think there is still a seat available, but there are still people coming?"

The crowd also can't help but show the color of doubt.

Because one of the chairs is still empty.

Qi Hongbo ha ha ha a smile, "white brother is really careful observation, yes, someone will come soon!"

There was a slight commotion in the crowd.

The man in white also can't help but frown, "now the powerful family Tianjiao in the curse city has gathered here, but I don't know who will be this one?"

What's more, they are all called "white men" in the city, because they are called "white men" in ancient times.

Naturally, there are some doubts about who Qi Hongbo is waiting for.

Qi Hongbo shook his head. "It's not the pride of a rich family, but a woman."

The crowd was stunned at first, then all of them suddenly.

Strength Gang strange smile way: "no wonder can let Qi Shao all leave a chair, originally is a Niang!"

Bai Chong also can't help but smile, "that we should open an eye today, to see what kind of woman, can enter the eye of Qi Shao."

At this moment, I heard a sound of footsteps coming from the stairs.

Then Xue an and Chu Xiaoyun came up slowly.

In an instant.

All people's eyes are focused on Chu Xiaoyun.

Chu Xiaoyun's skill of covering his face does not work for the pride of these noble families.

So after a moment's examination, even the most critical person has to nod in secret.

He is really a unique creature.

Especially that graceful and moving figure like a beautiful snake is a man's favorite.

In contrast, the side of Xue an looks very humble.

Only Zhong An'an, after looking at Chu Xiaoyun a few times, focused his attention on xue'an.

Especially when she noticed that although the young man looked plain, his eyes were as quiet and deep as the sea.

Then he laughed with great interest.

At this time, Bai Chongyi closed the paper fan and sighed in a low voice: "it's really worthy of being the woman that Qi Shao likes. It's really pure and beautiful. It's amazing!"

This sentence reminds people.

"It's not bad, it's true what xiaobaitou said!"

"It's really amazing!"

Tianjiao, one of the most powerful families present, began to cheer.

Standing behind Qi Hongbo, Ruan Jingxiu, who doesn't even have a seat, is so jealous that he will go crazy.

This bitch, why is my family background inferior to mine and my accomplishments inferior to mine, but she always oppresses me?

However, she only dared to vent her emotions in her heart for a while and did not dare to show them.

So no one paid attention to her.

At this time, Qi Hongbo's eyes also flashed a touch of amazing color, and then nodded with pride, "Miss Chu, we have been waiting for you for a long time, please sit down!"

As he said this, Qi Hongbo leaned over slightly, leading with his hands empty.

This attitude also caused a slight commotion.

Chu Xiaoyun did not have any response to this, but drooped his eyes and automatically retreated to one side.Yeah? What's the meaning of this? A lot of people are confused.

At this time, Xue an Shi ran came up.

Many people noticed that Xue an beside Chu Xiaoyun was stunned.

What does he want to do?

It's in this kind of doubt.

Xue an came to the table and sat down slowly.

There was a moment of silence.

Many people's faces changed, and then they all looked at Qi Hongbo.

In their eyes, what the teenager did was obviously a provocation of Qi Shao's dignity.

Now let's look at how to deal with it.

Sure enough.

Qi Shao's face sank and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


It was like a command.

Li Gang Huoran, who had already been unable to restrain himself, stood up and said to Xue an with a face full of sycophantic colors: "boy, do you know where this is?"

In the face of this extremely arrogant question, Xue an did not get angry, but a faint smile.

"Oh? Where? "

"Hum! This is the Yucai Pavilion. All of you here are proud of the noble family. You are the only one What is the origin of Tianjiao? "

Although Li Gang is rough on the surface, he is very careful.

In fact, there are no fools who can make a name in this divine world.

He saw that although Xue an's temperament was plain, he had a certain bearing when he did everything. He was afraid that it was the true story of Tianjiao of some big families or powerful families, so he planned to ask him clearly first.

Otherwise, once you start, you will suffer a lot.

Hearing his question, all the people at the scene also raised their ears.

In the face of this question, Xue an raised his mouth and gradually revealed a faint smile.

"I'm not Tianjiao, and I'm not a descendant of a noble family. My name is Xue an!"

Said, Xue an looked around the audience, "I come here to see what the so-called Tianjiao exists!"

"As a result I'm disappointed! "

When he heard that Xue an was not a proud man, Li Gang was relieved. His expression became extremely arrogant and asked in a sharp voice, "what do you mean by that?"

Xue an shook her head. "It's not interesting. In fact, I'm not aiming at anyone. I just want to say that everyone here is rubbish." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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