There was a dead silence.

Many people even think that they have heard something wrong. It's only after a while that they react and then get angry.

"Where are the arrogant people?"

"It's a dead and alive thing. Doesn't he look at anyone in the audience before he talks? Qi Dashao, the little master of the Tianhuo deity, Zhong An'an, the Xuannu of Taiyin, Ji haoqiong, Baichong, Baichong, and Ligang of lishendian! Any one who takes it out here is a very famous person. Now that he is gathered together, he dares to utter such crazy words? "

The whole top floor of Yucai pavilion was a sensation.

All eyes focused on Xue an.

Among these eyes, there were disdain and ridicule. Some even looked at xue'an as if they were looking at a dead man.

"Good, good!"

Li Gang was very angry and laughed. He said three good things in succession. His muscles twisted like water. A random muscle tremor made the whole jade food pavilion tremble.

"No matter who you are, with your arrogance, I will give you a lifelong lesson today, so that you can understand Don't insult the pride of heaven

After that, a strong and powerful force went straight to xue'an and locked it firmly.

You should know that this strength gang has already broken through for half step true immortal, is a solid King level strong person.

Of course, because of the secret method, the power of a strong person at the same King level may be greatly different. For example, compared with Qi Hongbo, he is far from the king level.

But the king level is the king level. Even if it is just the prestige that is revealed at random, it is enough to make people pale.

At the moment, in many people's eyes, Xue an is like a small boat in the rough sea, which is in danger of capsizing at any time.

But it is in this case, Xue an is still full of indifferent color, and even his fingers gently tap the table, looking at Ligang with great interest.

"Physical training? Muscle is good, if there is a bodybuilding competition, you should be able to get a good place! But the muscle is good, does not represent the strength is good! So I don't think you can even count as rubbish for your physical training

"Looking for death!" Li Gang was furious by Xue an's words. His whole body suddenly climbed to the top. Then he stepped out and directly came to Xue an. He raised his hands and fell.

This palm is so powerful that it seems to break the space.

If the buildings of this Yucai Pavilion were not protected by divine power, it is estimated that this palm would collapse the whole building.

Even so, the floor of this Yucai Pavilion still made a groaning sound.

But even so, Xue an still did not have the slightest movement, instead raised the eye quietly to look at.

Li Gang's face showed a grim smile.

He is very confident in his palm, let alone a young man. Even if he is a strong king here, he has to give up.

But when he thought that the overall situation had been decided, Xue an raised his hand and, in a short time, played lightly in the palm of Li Gang's hand.

This finger doesn't seem to have any power.

Can be such a moment, but let the strength Gang such as by lightning, and then directly fly out, and spit out a big mouthful of blood in the air.

Until after smashing a wall, this strength gang can calculate can fall to the ground.

Then look at his arm, which is twisted in a very strange position, obviously broken bones and broken tendons.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

We should know that the muscles and bones of strong physical training such as Ligang have been tempered as solid as gold and iron, and can even resist magic weapons and tear off monsters.

But just now Xue an just lightly pop up a finger, will this strength Gang blow out, and destroyed his arm.

Such strength is really daunting.

In the silence, Qi Hongbo's face changed a lot, and then he said with pity: "no wonder you dare to be so arrogant. It turns out that he has some strength."

"But you think Is that enough? "

As he said this, Qi Hongbo's eyes were full of light, and a strong divine power spread from him, which made the people close to him unable to help but retreat.

However, for Xue an, they were not affected by the breeze.

"Qi Shao, the evil family is tight. Be more careful!" Strength gang at this time staggered to stand up, cold voice way.

Qi Hongbo sneered, "don't worry, such goods are not in my eyes!"

"Boy, you are a strong man. I'll give you two ways. First, leave here immediately. I can think that everything has not happened! Second, leave your life behind

Xue an leaned back on the chair, smelled the speech with a faint smile, "then I will give you two ways. First, leave here now, and honestly go home. I can consider letting you go! Second... "

Xue an showed his white teeth and said, "there is no second, because you don't even have the right to choose!"

This is not only Qi Hongbo, but also Tianjiao, a few other noble families."I have practiced for so long, and I have never seen such a arrogant person!" Bai Chong gently shakes the paper fan.

Ji haoqiong didn't speak. He just looked at Xue an, his eyes were as vicious as a snake.

Qi Hongbo was even more angry with a smile and nodded, "very good, you are the first to dare to talk to me like this, then I will help you and let you go on the road now!"

With that, Qi Hongbo was ready to start.

At this moment.

Then a woman chuckled and said, "you are all guests. Why do you fight so much?"

With the voice, I saw a beautiful face, and a smile very friendly woman appeared in the scene.

When I saw this woman.

The audience was quiet at first, then they began to say hello.

"I've seen Miss Pu!"

"I've seen Miss yanru!"

In these greetings, even Qi Hongbo bowed slightly, "it's Miss Pu!"

Pu Yan such as Qiao smile Qian Xi, "met Qi Shao!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Xue an and Chu Xiaoyun behind Xue an.

When his eyes reached, Chu Xiaoyun could not help but lower his head, "I have seen Sister Pu

Pu Yan said with a smile, "it turned out to be Xiaoyun junior sister. I haven't seen you for a long time!"

This greeting, let Chu Xiaoyun heart emerged a warm current.

Because when she was in the city of curse, Pu yanru took good care of her. She was the only one who did not treat her with colored glasses.

At this time, Pu Yan looked around the audience and sighed: "master's celebration is around the corner. Why should we do this? How about giving Yan such a face and retreating each step? "

Qi Hong learned a lot and sneered: "Yan Ru girl, it's not that I don't give you face. It's really that this person is too arrogant!"

Pu yanru naturally saw the situation in the field, especially noticed the injury on the body of Li Gang.

This makes Pu yanru also quite surprised, do not know the origin of this young man in the end.

But always good at dancing, she came forward and filled a glass of wine with a light smile.

"This adult, if you don't dislike it, drink this cup and treat it as if nothing happened. How about it?"

In the eyes of many people, this has been regarded as a step for the young man.

But everyone didn't expect that Xue an looked at PU Yan for a long time. Then he got up slowly and said to all the people present, "since you don't want to leave, I hope you don't regret it then."

With that, Xue an turned and left.

Chu Xiaoyun looks pale and nods at PU Yan, and then he also leaves.

From the beginning to the end, Xue an did not take Pu Yan Ru's wine cup. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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