Looking at Xue an's back, Pu Yan Ru's glass in her hand is frozen in the air. Her pretty face is still smiling, but her eyes are gradually showing a chill.

Qi Hongbo said lightly: "Miss Pu, do you know this man?"

Pu Yan shook her head, "I haven't seen it!"

One side of Bai Chongyi shakes the folding fan, "so arrogant, I don't know what he has to rely on!"

In Qi Hongbo's eyes, Sen Leng's killing machine appeared. "No matter what depends on, since you dare to shout in front of me, I will kill it!"

Li Gang, who was repairing his arm injury with a grin on his face, roared: "yes, this guy is dead. Several elders and the Lord of the temple will arrive soon, and I will peel off his skin at that time."

Just talking about this, the arm just connected broke off again.

Li Gang sent out a burst of scream, "this son of a bitch, his blow crushed my arm bone into pieces, which at least cost me ten years of practice. I must kill him!"

As a body cultivation, the body is the most precious magic weapon, and the skeleton is extremely strong, but this also means that once it is broken, it will take a lot of cultivation to recover.

So Li Gang hated Xue an.

Hearing Li Gang's clamor, Pu Yan said faintly, "I can understand your feelings, but before the celebration of God's birthday, no one is allowed to cause trouble. Everything Wait until after the celebration, OK? "

Although Li Gang resented, Pu Yan, as the spokesman of the curse goddess, did not dare to listen to her words.

Qi Hongbo also nodded slightly, "Miss Pu, don't worry, we won't make it difficult for you! We will wait for the celebration of the holy birth of the master. "

"Thank you very much Pu yanru bowed slightly.

At this time, Ji haoqiong, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said in a cold voice, "I want that woman then!"

As soon as his words were spoken, Bai Chong and others all turned pale.

Because Chu Xiaoyun is Qi Hongbo's first choice.

Qi Hongbo's face also became a little ugly.

Ji haoqiong licked his lips. "Qi Shao, don't worry. I won't ask you for nothing. When the time comes, Wutong God church will try its best to help you control the sky fire god family. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Qi Hongbo's eyes lit up, and then he showed a faint smile, "Ji Shao is polite. It's just a woman. What a shame!"

Ji haoqiong grinned, "Qi Shao, if you don't mind, I can give it to you after I use it!"

Qi Hongbo laughed and said, "to tell you the truth, I really don't mind these! For example, I think it's good for this woman to be a fallen flower and a fallen willow! "

Qi Hongbo refers to Ruan Jingxiu.

After seeing Pu Yan Tathagata, Ruan Jingxiu, who has been trying his best to reduce his sense of being, trembles a little at the smell of speech, and his face is as white as paper.

But Pu yanru was not angry at all when she heard these people discussing how to "deal with" her younger martial sister. Instead, she listened with a smile.

At this time, Qi Hongbo turned his head and looked at PU yanru, "by the way, Miss Pu! The woman just now seems to be your younger martial sister. Do you have any opinion about this? "

Pu Yan said with a smile, "you are so interested that I dare not say anything even if I have opinions! What's more, since Chu Xiaoyun is mixed up with the guys who are against you, she deserves some punishment! "

"Oh? I just saw that this woman has great respect for Miss Pu Bai Chongyi closed the paper fan and chuckled.

Pu yanru turned her lips in disdain. "A woman whose family has been destroyed would have been dead if she hadn't had the merit of her blood gift!"

"I was just being nice to her in my attitude, but the fool was very grateful. I would like to do something that I don't have to give anything to get a good impression of."

"But now that her days are almost over, gentlemen, there is no need to worry about more!"

Hearing Pu yanru's words, Qi Hongbo was slightly stunned, and then nodded thoughtfully.

Next, Pu yanru had a few drinks with Qi Hongbo and others, and then left.

When she's gone.

Qi Hongbo and Bai Chong looked at each other.

Then Qi Hongbo leaned back on his chair and said thoughtfully, "it seems that the rumor is true."

Bai Chong also nodded, "yes, Pu Yan should not have lied!"

Li Gang heard confused, "Qi Shao, little white head, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand anything? "

Zhong An'an, who had not spoken, sighed suddenly at the moment, "Ligang, Qi Shao, they are saying that the curse goddess held such a grand birthday, it is likely that she is about to break through!"

Strength Gang smell speech whole body a shock, "you mean..."

"Yes Qi Hongbo nodded, "Xuannu said a lot. The curse goddess may have accumulated enough divine power, and will soon break through into the real Dara and become the strong ancient deity!""Hiss!" Hearing this, Li Gang took a breath of cold air.

Even stupid as he is, he knows what it means.

The strong man of ancient god level is a big man who can control the life and death of a region.

Before Tianzhao Shenyu, only the king of Tianzhao, who had not appeared in public for a long time, was a strong ancient god.

If the curse goddess really succeeds in breaking through, it will bring a terrible chain reaction.

"No, I will report this matter to the Lord of the temple immediately! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm leaving first

Said, the strength Gang a body, then disappeared in the night sky.

Ji haoqiong looked at Li Gang's back with disdain, and said with a sneer: "what a fool, such intelligence, I don't know until now! Qi Shao, why do you invite this guy every time? "

Qi Hongbo said with a smile, "although it's really stupid, it's good to be a dog! Just as I didn't speak just now, he took the initiative to do it for me! "

Ji haoqiong nodded after hearing the speech, "this is also true! I'd like to have a free dog

But Bai chongze suddenly said: "Qi Shao, the strength of that young man just now can't be underestimated!"

After all, they beat back Li Gang with one move. Such strength must be at least King level!

Qi Hong's erudite words, however, began to smile, full of arrogance.

"His strength is really good, I may be afraid of three points before I do it! But now

With the voice, Qi Hongbo suddenly appeared in front of a dark blue flame.

As soon as the flame came out, the temperature of the whole room soared.

In an instant, the room full of porcelain and glass will burst.

"This is Sky fire Bai Chongyi Leng, and then said in dismay.

Qi Hongbo nodded haughtily, "yes, this is a wisp of sky fire that my father personally gave me before I came out of the house! With him No matter who is strong, in my eyes, they are all ants! "

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