The whole audience was all in awe when they heard the words and looked at the flame with awe in their eyes.

The reason why they are so detached is that they control the top of the inferno.

I heard that there, every thousand years will condense out a wisp of the most powerful sky fire.

This fire is invincible and fearless of any five elements. Once it is contaminated, it is extremely difficult to extinguish. It can be called a kind of extremely vicious and powerful flame.

And the sky fire Protoss in a long time to master how to refine the secrets of the sky fire, which also makes the whole sky fire Protoss become one of the most powerful existence in the whole divine world.

But now, this Qi Hongbo actually got a ray of sky fire, and look at the skillful control, it is obvious that he has got the essence.

Even if he was as rebellious as Ji haoqiong, he could not help but lower his head.

Feeling the awe of the people's eyes, Qi Hongbo stood up, walked to the window, and said, "I'll make him kneel down and beg for my life."

All of them bowed their heads. Only Zhong An'an looked at Qi Hongbo's back, but the image of the teenager just appeared in his mind.

The woman's keen sixth sense makes her feel that everything is not as simple as Qi Hongbo said!

While Qi Hongbo and others continued to feast in the Yucai Pavilion.

Pu yanru's figure appears under the tower in the middle of the curse city.

This dark tower, which points directly to the sky, is the most striking landmark of the whole curse City, and also the place where the curse goddess lives.


The tower of curse stands silent, and the dark stars around it cannot penetrate.

And it's so quiet that you can hear your heart beating.

Pu yanru knows that in this silent darkness, there is a very powerful curse seal. If ordinary people make a mistake, they will fall into the land of eternal destruction.

However, Pu yanru stepped into the tower in a few steps.

After entering the tower, the surrounding environment changed again.

And there were thorns all over the land, and evil vines were growing.

On the ground, there are countless poisonous snakes swimming.

When Pu yanru came in, they all stood up and looked greedily.

The venom that drops, splashes down on the ground, opened one after another enchanting and strange florets.

Pu Yan took a deep breath and said softly, "master!"

A moment later, a calm voice came from the void, "here you are!"

With that, the poisonous insects all over the place began to gather together, including those thorns and evil vines, which all grew up in an instant, and then gathered together to form a strange and evil god seat.

A vague figure gradually appeared on the throne.

After a while, a woman with skin white as snow and lips as red as flame appeared on the throne.

Seeing this woman, Pu Yan knelt down respectfully.

"Yes, master!"

That's right.

This girl, who seems to be in her twenties, is the goddess of curse that scares countless people.

She looked down at PU yanru and said, "what's the situation in the city now?"

"Huishizun, Tianhuo, Taiyin, Gujian, Wutong, lishendian and other influential people have already sent people, and strong people from other parties are gathering here!"

"Master, I have spread the news of your impending breakthrough in accordance with your orders! It seems that they are all here because of this. "

The curse goddess nodded with satisfaction, "good! These people are not fools

Mr. Zhang shigu always said, "I don't know, but I don't know."

The curse goddess's mouth showed a cold smile, "you still don't understand what it means to be promoted to Daluo and become a strong ancient deity!"

"Before that, although my divine power is almost the same as that of the God King, he can completely destroy me!"

"But when I was promoted to Da Luo and became a strong man at the ancient god level, there was very little that could completely destroy me! In this case, even the king of God has to weigh the result of offending me! "

"In particular, what I am good at is still the most difficult curse to guard against, so I think the LORD God is also suffering from my headache at the moment." Speaking of this, curse goddess a burst of Jiao smile.

Pu yanru could not help nodding and smiling, "so it is! Master, does that mean later... "

Without waiting for her to finish, the curse goddess waved her hand and said, "I know what you want to say, but the emperor Tianzhao has been in charge of the divine realm for thousands of years. No one knows what cards are hidden in such an old thing! If I want to replace it, it will not be done overnight! "

"What's more We all belong to the Heavenly Kingdom. We are both prosperous and damaged. If there is internal strife now, it is easy to be taken advantage of! It's better to hide behind the LORD God and gradually improve the strength! I think the LORD God should think the same wayThe curse goddess is indeed the most powerful new God among the celestial gods in the past thousand years.

At least the mind and eyes are extremely clear.

Pu Yan such as natural full face flattery of praise a few words, then suddenly think of what kind, deep voice said.

"Master, Chu Xiaoyun has returned to the city of curse!"

"Oh? She came back just in time. Anyway, her blood talent is useless to me. I'll give it to you then! " Curse goddess light way.

Pu Yan was so happy, "thank you, master! But... "

"But what?"

Pu Yan lowered her head, "but Chu Xiaoyun didn't come alone this time. She was also accompanied by a strange man!"

"Oh? Strange man There was a little interest in the curse goddess.

"Yes With that, Pu yanru told the story about the jade dish Pavilion.

The curse goddess leaned against the throne, raised two amazing long legs, and said faintly: "one strike will defeat the descendants of the power temple. The strength is really good, but you have never seen it. It should be a young strong man from the outside world!"

"The outside world..." Pu Yan was stunned and then said in shock, "master, does he mean that he came from other heavens? That's not to say his strength... "

The curse goddess waved her hand. "It's not so magical. Although it's nominally said that only the strong can walk freely in the sky, but only if there is a good starboat, you can cross it at will."

"Yes! I understand! " Pu yanru was relieved.

"Tut, listen to what you said, it seems that you are still a young man in the world! It's been a long time since I tasted the youth taste from the outside world! " With that, the curse goddess stretched out her tongue, licked her lips with great charm, and then flushed Puyan like a hook of hands.

"Come here!"

Pu Yan such as the whole body a shock, and then the face will show the color of intoxication, "yes, master!"


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