A few days passed, and the day of God's birthday finally arrived.

The whole city of curse has been filled with Tianjiao, a strong man from all over the world.

At last, the curtain of the grand celebration began slowly.

In front of the black tower in the center of the city, the goddess of curse opened up a space for the celebration.

"The leader of the power Temple brought all the elders and the true disciples to watch the ceremony and congratulate them!"

"Ji haoqiong, Tianjiao disciple of Wutong Shenjiao, is here to observe the ceremony on behalf of the leader of Wutong deity."

"Zhong An'an, the Xuannu of Taiyin, comes to congratulate you!"

"Bai Chong, the ancient sword God, come to congratulate

One after another, shouts of ceremony.

The crowd watching in front of the door was a commotion.

"In the past, the goddess also held the celebration of God's birthday, but it's just that the adults of this region send a representative here to express their feelings. How can it be as grand as this year? Almost all the strong men in all regions are here Some people are astonished way.

"Who said no, look at these people. If you take out any of them, they are the strong ones on the shaking side! After that, the curse goddess will become more and more powerful Some people sigh.

At this time, he listened to the noise of the crowd in the distance, and then saw Qi Hongbo and his party come with pride.

"Qihongbo, the little Lord of the sky fire god clan, come to watch the ceremony and congratulate you!"


The crowd was quiet, then surprised.

"The people of the sky fire clan are coming too!"

"What's more, it's still the little master of Tianhuo! Now, the face of this goddess has been revealed! "

Tianhuo Shenzu is known as one of the most powerful families in the divine world. Qi Hongbo's identity as the little Lord is more valuable.

He can come in person, which also shows the power of the curse goddess.

Qi Hongbo enjoyed the feeling of being admired by thousands of people. He walked slowly into the temporary Sendai.


"I've met the master of Qi Shao!"

As soon as he came in, greetings were heard all the time.

Qi Hongbo nodded slightly, then walked to Bai Chong and others who were waiting for him.

"Qi Shao, the black robe you are wearing today makes you more handsome and extraordinary!" Li Gang flatters with a smile.

Qi Hongbo did not say yes, but looked around the audience for a while, and said faintly, "hasn't that person come yet?"

Bai Chong shook his head. "I have seen it once after I came in. There is no trace of him and Chu Xiaoyun! It should not have come yet! "

"Well, if he dares to come, I must peel off all his skin!" Li Gang naturally knew who he was talking about, and he couldn't help showing a look of hate on his face.

"Is your wound healed? How dare you say that? " Ji haoqiong, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said in a sarcastic tone.

Li Gang didn't dare to offend Ji haoqiong, so even though he was ridiculed, he still forced to smile: "of course it's good! And you can rest assured that if that guy dares to come, we will not let him go first. After all, the master of our temple has arrived at the moment! "

Speaking of this, Li Gang's face showed a touch of color.

Ji haoqiong snorted coldly and said nothing more.

At this time, Bai Chong said faintly, "I'm afraid he doesn't dare to come."

"Ha ha, I don't think he dares to come. If that guy is not too stupid, he should leave now and run as far as he can." Li Gang said.

Qi Hongbo said lightly: "it doesn't matter whether he comes or not."

"Yes, Qi Shao is right." Li Gang said with a flattering smile.

Just at this time, I saw Pu yanru and Ruan Jingxiu walking over.

At the moment, Pu Yan changed into a brand-new dress, more elegant and moving.

Ruan Jingxiu, who followed her, was radiant with excitement.

Although she also knew that Qi Hongbo was just playing with her, she finished the task very well, so as soon as she returned to her school, she was sent to Pu yanru to receive the guests together.

This position was something she had never thought of before, so she was naturally elated.

"Qi Shao, ladies and gentlemen, my master will be here later. Please wait a moment." Pu yanru said with a smile.

Qi Hongbo nodded and glanced over Ruan Jingxiu.

Ruan Jingxiu shivered, then bowed to salute.


However, Qi Hongbo didn't even pay attention to her. He turned his head and chatted with PU yanru.

Despite this, Ruan Jingxiu is still full of color.

Because everyone is secretly aiming at this side at the moment, this small group has become the core of the audience.

As for those of Ruan Jingxiu's classmates, their eyes were blue.

At this moment.

I saw the entrance of Sendai shining, and then two people walked in slowly.

Walking in front of him is a young man in white, with a sword eyebrow and starry eyes.And follow behind, is a figure enchanting like a beautiful snake, but looks like Lori woman.

When I see someone.

Qi Hongbo's eyes showed a touch of cold.

That's right.

Xue an and Chu Xiaoyun came.

The appearance of the two of them also aroused the astonishment of the whole audience.

"Where is this young man? How can you be so naive? "

"I've seen that woman. She's a disciple of the curse City, named Chu Xiaoyun! But this is the first time I've seen this boy! "

In these comments, Li Gang stares at Xue an in the distance, and the hatred in his eyes is almost overflowing.

"How dare you come

It seems to feel the vision of Li Gang, Xue an turned his head to look at this side.

When he saw Qi Hongbo and others, Xue an's mouth slightly raised, showing a cold smile, then gently raised his hand and made a gesture of cutting his throat.

The whole audience was shocked.

All of us didn't expect that the new boy was so arrogant that he dared to threaten the pride of Qi Hongbo and other noble families.

Qi Hongbo's face was as cold as frost, and Li Gang couldn't help it, so he wanted to rush directly.

At this moment.

From the void came a burst of tender laughter.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!"

With the words, we can see that the seat of Sendai is shining and floating, and then a young woman with white skin and flaming red lips appears.

When I see this man.

All the guests got up and bowed their hands.

"Congratulations to the curse goddess!"

"Congratulations on God's birthday!"

The sound is so high that the whole Sendai is trembling.

The curse goddess looked around the audience and saw the strong among them. She could not help but look at her face and nodded slightly.

"You are welcome! How dare you bother all the adults to come here just for a birthday

"You are welcome! It's my pleasure to attend your celebration A man as strong as an ox said in a deep voice.

This man is the master of Li Gang, that is, the master of the power temple.

"Yes! What the Lord of the hall of power said is absolutely right The crowd echoed.

The curse goddess smiles and is about to speak.

From the crowd came a voice without sorrow or joy.

"People Are you all here? "

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