The voice was so untimely that the audience was shocked. Then they all turned their heads and looked at the speaker.

In the crowd, Xue an stands aloof, with a faint smile on her face.

Now, even Qi Hongbo and others can't help but stare at Xue an with full face of suspicion.

What does he want to do?

At the same time.

The curse goddess leaned back on the chair and looked at Xue an with great interest, and then played with the flavor: "if you can't get to the same place, what does it have to do with you?"

"And if I'm right, you're the young man who's been in the limelight recently. Tut, you're really good-looking." With that, the curse goddess licked her lips, and the desire in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows and said faintly, "if we're all here, I should harvest it!"


As soon as this sentence was uttered, the audience was quiet first, and then it completely exploded.

"Who's the guy who is so arrogant?"

"Isn't this boy a madman? How dare you speak in front of the curse goddess and the arrogance of all the noble families? "

Qi Hongbo also can't help but be stunned, and then sneer, "really looking for death!"

Sure enough.

The smile on the curse goddess's face grew colder, "harvest? Hehe, boy! I advise you to think clearly what you are doing before you speak! Otherwise But it's easy to die! "

Although the voice of the curse goddess was indifferent, the faces of those who knew her changed. They knew that she was angry.

Therefore, many people do not prohibit looking at Xue an as if they were dead.

Vision convergence, Xue an but gradually smile up, and then gently droop eyes, light way: "know what I came here for?"

"Oh? What for? Don't say it's to avenge my good disciple! " The curse goddess naturally saw Chu Xiaoyun standing behind Xue an, and couldn't help sneering.

As soon as this was said, Ruan Jingxiu, the female disciples, laughed in succession.

In particular, Ruan Jingxiu said, "Tut, it seems that Miss Chu's vision is not so good. She actually believes in a madman!"

Chu Xiaoyun's whole body trembled slightly, and her face was gradually pale, but her eyes showed an unprecedented resolute light,

"that's right!" Chu Xiaoyun raised his head, took a deep breath, and said in a loud voice.

"Lord Xue and I are here to avenge you!"


As soon as this was said, the audience was quiet first, and then they burst into laughter.

Especially those female disciples who are familiar with Chu Xiaoyun are even more sneering.

"What a boast! How dare you speak so in front of your master? It seems that Chu Xiaoyun is also tired of living! "

"Yes, you dare to say such words on the ceremony. Master will certainly not let her go!"

Even Pu yanru, at the moment, there is no warm smile on her face. Instead, she is full of disdain and schadenfreude.

In this case.

The curse goddess, who was supposed to be furious, laughed, "Oh? Revenge on me? Chu Xiaoyun, I have to admit that the people of Chu family are brave indeed, but they are not very clear headed! If you want to get revenge on me, just rely on him? "

The curse goddess pointed to xue'an, then sneered and said, "can you ask him if he dares to say this now?"

Chu Xiaoyun was slightly stunned, and then subconsciously looked at Xue an, "my lord..."

Her heart gradually tightened together.

Because she found that Xue an actually lowered his head, as if thinking something.

Is it possible that Did he really flinch?

When Chu Xiaoyun was in a state of confusion, the goddess of curse stood up slowly and looked down on Xue an from a commanding position.

"Young man, if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, and bind yourself to practice, I can consider leaving you a way to live!"

The powerful divine power revealed in the voice makes the whole Sendai tremble.

But at this time, Xue an, who had lowered her head, suddenly shook her head and chuckled, then slowly raised her eyes.

"You just said something wrong!"

"Oh? What's the matter? " Curse goddess light way.

"I'm here to avenge you for Chu Xiaoyun's business!"

With that, Xue an looked around the audience and pointed to Qi Hongbo and others in the distance, "including them, they are going to die today!"

The whole scene was silent enough to have a breath, and then hearing Gang finally couldn't help but hate in his heart and roared.

"Boy, I'm going to peel off all your skin. I'll see if you dare to be so crazy then!"

Said, the strength Gang then a vertical cross, the body shape appeared in the Xue an behind, then raises the fist to blow down.

At the same time, a virtual image of a warrior in gold armor appeared behind him.

"It's the spirit of strength!" Originally, Bai Chong, who was shaking the paper fan, could not help but be surprised. Then he shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "no wonder this Li Gang is so arrogant. It turns out that he has obtained the treasure of the power temple."We should know that the temple of power has its own unique features when it can stand in the divine world and enjoy a strong reputation.

For example, the spirit of the power God is a kind of treasure condensed from the belief of all previous power God hall masters and elders over the past thousands of years.

Once you have it, you can give a strong blessing to those who practice martial arts.

This strength Gang itself is not weak, and with the spirit of the power God, it is even more powerful. A blow down makes the mind of the weak people turbulent.

Xue an does not hide or dodge, still standing there quietly, as if he did not notice the blow from behind.

Seeing that the fist has already reached the body, Xue an still has no action. Li Gang's face can not help but appear a ferocious smile.

With the blessing of the spirit of power, he was confident that he would blow a strong monarch into pieces with one blow.

So he thought, this Xue an is dead.

But at this time, originally back to his Xue an, I don't know when to turn around with an incredible angle, and then raised the sapphire like palm, gently blocked Li Gang's blow.


A muffled sound, the invisible shock wave instantly swept all the tables, chairs and benches around, shaking it into powder.

Caught off guard, Li Gang felt the whole arm was numb by the shock, and even the fist of the spirit of strength was blocked by Sheng Sheng.

But Xue an's shoulder did not even move.

Li Gang was shocked and wanted to stop, "this..."

The voice did not fall.

Xue'an showed his white teeth and laughed, "since you can't wait to be the first one to die, then I'll help you!"

After that, Xue an shook it with one hand.

Li Gang felt a sharp pain from the hand he was holding. He didn't wait for the scream to make a sound.

Listen to the click of a crisp sound, the palm of Li Gang is pinched by Xue Ansheng for crushing.

"It's indecent to come but not to go. I'll give you a blow!"

Xue an raises his fist and blows it out.

This is simple, it seems that there is no fancy punch, but let the whole Sendai blowing a gust of wind.

"Lord save me!" Li Gang only had time to send out this scream.

Then Xue an's blow was directly on his chest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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