He has been tempered by various secret methods since he was young. His body is as strong as a rock, but under this blow, he is as weak as tofu.

Xue an's fist directly smashed Ligang's chest, and then went straight through it and went out from behind.

Not only that.

The spirit of Li Zun who was originally blessed by Ligang burst into pieces after sending out a sad cry.

Xue an slowly pulled out her hand.

Li Gang's throat gave out a gurgle sound, hard to raise eyes, with an incredible look at Xue an, it seems that he did not believe that he was so dead.

But Xue an's blow not only pierced his chest, but also directly cut off all his vitality, so his eyes darkened with the speed visible to the naked eye, and then he fell to the ground and died.

Blood drips down, smoke and dust diffuse,

and the whole scene is dead.

Originally full of schadenfreude, ready to see the crowd, now all silly.

Because no one thought that Xue an killed Li Gang, the true disciple of the power temple, so neatly.

And it's like killing a chicken. There's no mood swings.

At a time when the whole audience was astounded.

A very angry roar came, "you killed Gang son unexpectedly, I will tear you into pieces!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw a big man break through the space and instantly appeared on Xue an's head. Then, with the help of the supreme power, he directly fell down.

The person who starts the work is the main force of the power temple!

As the master of the power temple, Li Gang's tragic death is like a loud slap in the face of Li Yuqian.

If he can not find the court in time, the power of the temple will be greatly damaged.

Moreover, Li Gang is not only the true disciple of the power temple, but also his nephew.

So Li Yuqian simply hates Xue an, and his hand is the most powerful killing move.

When this force against the thousand hands, it will not be like the strength Gang, but also powerful spirit and martial spirit appear to bless.

But people with a clear eye can see that Li Yuqian is far more powerful than Ligang in terms of strength and cultivation.

His whole body has been condensed together with the spirit of the God of power. His actions and actions are like a great beast of the great and terrible power.

And the strength of the blow was even more astonishing.

Even this solid Sendai, because of this momentum and show thin cracks.

Xue an but sprinkle ran a smile, "hit apprentice came to master, well, then you also follow to go together!"

After that, Xue an raised his hand and grasped liyuqian's neck in a second to the peak.

Li Yuqian, who was originally full of killing intention, was shocked when he felt the coolness from his feet and wrists. Then his body swelled and he wanted to break free of Xue an's hand.

But all his means were completely invalid in front of Xue an.

Seeing Xue an holding Li Yuqian's wrist, he suddenly fell to the ground.


There was a crack in the shape of a human figure above the ground.

Then not waiting for the force to resist the thousand reaction, Xue an will swing it up again.

Next, Li Yuqian incarnates as a mallet in Xue an's hand, which is smashed by Xue an.

Bang bang bang!

After more than a dozen explosions, the original solid ground in Sendai was shaken out of cracks, a mess.

And then look at Li Yuqian, it's really miserable.

All the joints were broken, even the fingers could not be lifted.

However, the powerful vitality of physical training saved liyuqian's life. Even for him, these injuries were just skin injuries.

If he had not been imprisoned by Xue an, he would not have suffered this injury.

But the more it is, the more he is bent.

That kind of powerful but can't make, the feeling that the whole person has been suppressed, let the force resist thousand simply want to go crazy.

At this moment, Xue an suddenly released his hand.


Force against the thousand landing, the heart will be secretly relieved, and then stir up the whole body Qi and blood, began to repair the body injury madly.

You wait for me, when I repair the injury, I will crush you a little bit!

Li Yuqian's thought of incomparable resentment.

But just as these thoughts appeared in his mind, Xue an had already stepped forward and stepped on his head.


There was a gasp from the audience.

Because Xue an trampled under his feet, but the strong guard!

Li Yuqian is all over the body crazy shock, and then angry to crazy roar: "boy, you dare to step on me? I... "

The voice did not fall.

Xue an suddenly whispered, "goodbye!"

After that, Xue an made a strong effort.


There was a dull noise.Li Yuqian's head is trampled on by Xue Ansheng.

And even the spirit and the spirit were crushed.

The brain and blood flowed out, giving off a disgusting smell.

Li Yuqian's hands and feet are still unconsciously trembling, as if unwilling, but also seems to regret.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Everyone was shocked at the scene, and then gradually showed a look of fear.

That's the Lord of the power temple!

Was Xue Ansheng trampled to death?

If you talk about it before it happens, no one will believe it, because it's like a joke.

But in front of the fact is placed there, Li Yuqian and Li Gang's body lying on the ground, even the blood is not cold.

In the face of such a scene, the whole audience was silent.

Xue an stood in the pool of blood and suddenly chuckled, "how do you feel when you are a fish and I am a victim? And this is what you gods often do to others

"So today I come It's to kill you

It's like a stone that stirs waves.

Although Xue an's strength, they are obvious to all.

But Xue an's words made everyone present angry.

In particular, Xue an's spearhead is directed at all the protoss, which is unbearable.

"Extremely arrogant!" Some Protoss can shake their heads and sneer.

"What if you killed two people in the temple of power? How ridiculous Tianjiao, a rich family, is even more sneering.

But Qi Hongbo, Ji haoqiong, and Bai Chong's faces gradually cooled down.

Qi Hongbo, in particular, hated Xue an for a long time. He only relied on his dignity and didn't want to start.

It can be seen that Xue an has killed two people in succession, and has said that he will deal with all the people present. How can such an attitude not make Qi Hongbo, who is arrogant, furious.

But before he could do it, Ji haoqiong of the Wutong theological sect spat out his tongue like a snake's letter, gently licked his lips and sneered.

"Qi Shao, this man belongs to me, because I can use him to cultivate evil soldiers! What's more, if you kill him, that woman will be mine

Qi Hongbo was slightly stunned, and then nodded, "since Ji Shao thinks so, then give it to Ji Shao! But be more careful! "

Ji haoqiong grinned grimly, "don't worry, I'm not like those idiots in the power temple!"

After that, Ji haoqiong stepped forward and walked into the field.

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