"Boy, you are crazy. I appreciate that. But if you are too arrogant, you will die miserably." Ji haoqiong said with a grim smile.

There was a slight commotion in the crowd.

"It's Ji Da Shao of Wutong Shenjiao!"

"I guess the boy will suffer! The Wutong cult is not as easy to deal with as the power temple

In the discussion, Xue an didn't even raise his head, but said coldly: "don't talk nonsense. Come here if you want to die!"

Ji haoqiong's face sank and he snorted coldly. His body flashed suddenly and turned into five parts.

these five branches as like as two peas of Ji Hao's body are not the same.

This is the most powerful skill of Wutong Shinto, which is to incarnate Wutong.

Once it is put into practice, it can be divided into five parts which are basically equivalent to self cultivation.

Although there are many limitations, but the power of this secret is too strong.

imagine as like as two peas, who were well matched in strength, five people who were exactly the same as you were suddenly replaced by those who were desperate.

As a result, the Wutong Shinto religion has become a powerful clan, and has always been well-known.

At this time, the five branches occupy five directions respectively and surround Xue an.

Ji Hao, you are crazy? Now I see how crazy you are

The atmosphere of the whole venue was one song.

Almost everyone thought that Xue an would die.

Ji haoqiong was more and more proud, "boy, you kneel down now, I can let you die happily, otherwise, I will be very patient to tear you up a little bit!"

Xue an showed his eyes around, looked at these besieged bodies, and said with a smile: "at first glance, it seems to be very bluffing, but you really think you can win me by burning the spirit?"

Xue an's words made Ji haoqiong, who was full of complacency, "how can you know these?"

Xue an sneered, "I know Much more than you think

With that, Xue an suddenly stepped on the ground with his left foot, and the hard floor instantly collapsed into a big pit, while Xue an, like an arrow from the string, rushed to Ji haoqiong in an instant and punched out.

This speed is so fast that it even exceeds the reaction speed of many people.

However, as the true legend of Tianjiao, which was cultivated by the Wutong theology, Ji haoqiong naturally had its own advantages, so when he saw Xue an's blow, he had his own way.

He took his time and snorted a little coldly.

In an instant, the five branches suddenly appeared around xue'an's front and back, and then simultaneously displayed a cold killing move.

Only see the road of Guanghua, sharp and open.

The prestige is strong enough to make people look sideways.

What's more, it's still five parts of the body to play together, its power soared more than a hundred times.

Such a joint attack, not to mention the king level strong, even if the ancient god level, also have to retreat.

But when Ji haoqiong was satisfied that Xue an would die this time.

Xue an suddenly took a deep breath and stamped on the void.

"Go away!"


At an order.

The space is surging.

The blast wave, like a sharp blade, swept around the body in an instant.

Puff, puff, puff!

After a dull sound.

These five branches are like fragile porcelain, with cracks on the body, then fade away and return to nothingness.


Ji haoqiong opened his mouth and vomited a big mouthful of blood. His face was as white as paper.

But what made Ji haoqiong more scared than the injury was Xue an's shocking methods.

In any case, he did not expect to be able to use this method to break his own double attack.

"Who are you?" Ji haoqiong roared with fear.

Xue an smiles, "my name is Xue an! Remember this name, it's better to remember it in the next life, or it's easy to be killed by me again! "

After that, Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly, his mind was like a knife, and he cut straight through it as fast as lightning.

After the sound of puff, Ji haoqiong was shocked. He stood on the spot and looked at Xue an with a blank face.

The whole room was quiet, I don't know what happened.

"This What's the trick? " Ji haoqiong gasped and asked.

"Mind turning sword!" Xue an said lightly.

Mind turns into form.

Ji haoqiong's eyes were startled. As a preacher of Wutong theology, he understood how difficult it was.

Then he spat out his tongue like a snake's letter, trying to lick his lips again, but it was just then.

Just above his forehead, a deep red blood line gradually emerged and rapidly extended.

In an instant, his whole body showed a red blood line, and then he saw the blood splashing, and the whole person split into two parts and fell to the ground.People were staring at it.

If Xue an just killed Li Yuqian and Li Gang in the power temple, it can be considered as a coincidence.

Now Ji haoqiong's death is a blow to everyone.

We should know that the strength of the Wutong theology can not be underestimated, and Ji haoqiong is a long-standing strong man Tianjiao.

As a result, it was destroyed by Xue an?

These facts are just too shocking.

Even Pu yanru's expression at the moment is gradually dignified.

As for Ruan Jingxiu, the whole person has been silly. Two duck eggs can be stuffed into a wide mouth.

Qi Hongbo and Bai Chong looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Then Qi Hongbo took a deep breath and said, "if you don't get rid of this son, you're bound to have a big problem."

Bai Chong nodded, "yes! I don't think we should pay attention to morality and morality when dealing with this person. We'd better go on together and kill him! "

His words made a lot of people nod slightly, and their eyes gradually became bad.

After all, Xue an's performance is too strong now, which naturally arouses the hatred of countless people.

But at this time, there was a burst of applause.

Everyone looked up.

The goddess of curse, sitting on the throne, was clapping her hands with interest, and then said with great interest: "it's really good! I haven't seen such a wonderful fight for a long time

Xue an looks at it quietly and is not moved at all.

And the curse goddess is excited and a little hard to control.

"Tut, I really like you more and more! If you like, I can even accept you and teach you all kinds of skills! As for these enemies, it's just a matter of my words, if you want to completely surrender to me, what do you think? " The curse goddess said excitedly.

And this question caused a stir in the audience.

Many people look envious and jealous.

If it's really like the curse goddess said, it's very likely that the young man will die.

But Chu Xiaoyun smell speech, then complexion a white, full of worry to see Xue an.

If Xue an really agrees, then he will fall into the land of eternal disaster.

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