But at this time, Xue an gradually smile.

But this smile is full of cold and killing intention, "surrender to you? ha-ha! It's up to you Is it worth it? "


Dead silence.

People stare at Xue an, can't believe their ears.

How dare to use this tone to speak with the curse goddess, which can not be described with arrogance.

It's just death!

Sure enough.

The smile on the curse goddess's face gradually disappeared, replaced by frost.

"Young man, I guess you are also the descendant of some aristocratic families! But when you go out to experience, did your elders not teach you to respect the strong? "

Xue an shook his head and said faintly, "you are wrong. In this world, no one is qualified to teach me how to do things."

This time, many people are simply angry and laugh.

"That's a lot of nonsense!"

"How dare you say that?"

In particular, the curse goddess, even after a burst of consternation, sent out a burst of sneer.

"I finally understand that you are not arrogant, but a pure madman."

With that, the curse goddess looked at Qi Hongbo in the distance and said faintly, "Qi Shao Zhu, several of your good friends have died in this young man's hands. Next, he will give it to you! Don't worry about anything. Bleeding will add color to my celebration

Qi Hong's erudite speech smile, and then slightly bowed his head, "as you wish, the goddess!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Xue an coldly.

"Xue, on the Yucai Pavilion, if you hadn't been dissuaded by Miss Yan Ru, do you think you would have lived to this day?"

Xue an stood calmly. "I told you at that time that you could leave immediately to save your life, but it seems that you didn't listen to it!"

"Ha ha! It's ridiculous. I'm the young master of Tianhuo God family. Do you really think you have enough face when you say a few words to let me go? " Qi Hongbo said with a sneer.

But when he was talking to Xue an, Bai Chong, who had been standing behind him, was retreating without anyone's notice.

When he retreated to the crowd, Bai Chong gradually became pale and finally disappeared into the air.

From the beginning to the end, no one was aware of his actions.

Only the Xuannu Tianjiao Zhong'an of the Taiyin deity turned her head and looked at it. She was stunned, and then she understood something.

The reason why Qi Da Shao talks to Xue an seems to be questioning, but actually he is diverting Xue an's attention, so as to take the opportunity to let Bai Chong attack.

You should know that the most famous ancient sword Protoss is its swordsmanship.

Bai Chong is a descendant of Bai Chong, and his Kendo is even more powerful.

If it is quietly close, and suddenly a sudden attack, even if the ancient god is strong, it is difficult to resist.

Think of this, Zhong An An's eyes show a touch of dignified, and then quietly take a look at Xue an.

Although Xue an has killed several people since he entered the arena.

Xue an has a good feeling.

For all those who died in the hands of xue'an were wicked men who did a great deal of evil.

Such as the power temple, such as Ji haoqiong!

The evil in the hands of these people can no longer be described in simple words.

So Zhong An'an even subconsciously worried about xue'an.

At this moment.

Qi Hongbo noticed that in the void not far from Xue an's back, there was a very slight turbulence which could not be seen without paying attention.

Qi Hongbo knew that this was Bai Chong's position. He couldn't help feeling proud. Then Jie Jie sneered.

"Xue, it's futile to say anything. Since you want to make the whole audience pay the price of bleeding, you should beat me first."

With that, Qi Hongbo's body flashed and rushed to Xue an in an instant.

In terms of strength and cultivation, in addition to the curse goddess, it belongs to his highest.

So even if it is just a simple impact, the speed is extremely fast, which is amazing.

It was at this time that Bai Chong, who had been hiding in the void behind Xue an, suddenly burst out. The folding fan in his hand turned into a bright sword light, and then he cut off Xue an's neck.

The sword is bright and scattered.

The sword made all the viewers feel cold in their hearts. They just felt that the sword spirit stabbed their faces. They couldn't help but step back and then looked at them with horror.

Just look at it, you can imagine how fast and sharp the sword is.

Looking at Xue an's present appearance, there is Qi Hongbo's impact in front and Bai Chong's sword in the back.

Under the attack of the two sides, it is obvious that they will die.

At least Qi Hongbo's face showed a touch of color.

As long as Bai Chong is successful in this sword, even if he is a strong one, he has to admit defeat obediently.But it was just then.

Listen to Xue an also don't return to say: "in front of me, who gives you courage in the end? Is it love? "

Many people are puzzled by this sentence.

Bai Chong doesn't care.

Once holding the sword in his hand, Bai Chong will instantly become a cold assassin, not moved by foreign objects.

Seeing that the sword had come to Xue an's neck, it was about to be cut off.

Even the strong wind stirred Xue an's hair.

But this is the moment.

A wisp of sword appeared in front of Xue an's neck in a short time, blocking the sword directly.

This wisp of sword is so weak that it seems to be extinguished by blowing a breath.

But when the real face, will understand this wisp of sword's terror.

At least Bai Chong is.

He felt as if he had hit a mountain with this impregnable sword in his hand, and could not shake it at all.

Not only that, but also the anti shock force brought by it directly shakes Bai Chong out.

After landing, Bai Chong was startled. He looked at Xue an in disbelief and said in a trembling voice: "this This

It's been a long time, but I can't even speak.

At the same time, the ancient sword in his hand suddenly broke and turned into Dao Dao Dao sword. Then he worshipped Xue an's sword.

It's like To see the subjects of the most noble emperor!

Then Xue an sighed: "the sword is the weapon of the gentleman, and the soldier of killing! But you actually chose to use sneak attack to achieve the goal in order to strengthen the so-called, which in itself is insulting the sword! So... "

Xue an tou also did not return, light way: "you do not deserve to hold a sword at all!"

With the words, the light of the sword behind Xue an skyrocketed and turned into a bright sword in an instant. The tip of the sword pointed directly to Bai Chong, who was shaking like chaff.

"Before you die, let's see what a real sword is." Xue an said lightly.

The voice has just dropped.

I saw the long sword pointed up and cut down.

This is an indescribable sword, just like the river of heaven pouring down, like the sun and the moon hanging upside down.

The powerful sword power makes the whole Sendai vibrate violently, and the scattered swords cut the ground into cracks.

Bai Chong didn't even avoid it. In fact, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. Because under the lock of Qi machine, he could only look at the sword blindly, and then whispered: "so This is the sword

When he said this, Bai Chong's eyes were full of yearning and relief, and even a trace of happiness.

Because he knew that to die under such a sword is the best destination for sword cultivation!

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