There was no sound, not even extra movement.

There was no sound.

Bai Chong, like a man made of wax, gradually melted under this sword.

Of course, it's not because he really melted, but because the sword is so fast.

It's so fast that the flesh and blood can't disintegrate in time, and then it's evaporated by qiangjue sword power directly.

In an instant.

Bai Chong disappeared.

Only a layer of dark red dust like frost and snow floating in the air is left, which is Bai Chong's flesh and blood evaporated by the sword power.

The dust began to fall and spread a thin layer on the ground.

Besides, there is no trace of his existence.

The audience was silent.

Everyone was stunned by the scene.

Many people are more because of excessive shock, and fell into a trance.

Once upon a time, people thought that this young man in white was making wild words. But since he came into the arena, he has killed four or five people in a row.

What's more, all those who died in his hands were arrogant and arrogant.

Especially now, even Bai Chong, the descendant of Tianjiao of the ancient sword God clan, is dead. He is still under the sword skill that the ancient sword God family is good at.

Such terrible facts naturally shocked countless people.

Originally, the old God was there, and Pu Yan and Ruan Jingxiu, who thought Xue an was going to die, were staring at the eldest brother and staring at them stupidly.


Qi Hongbo looked down at the dark red dust on the ground, his face gradually became solemn, then slowly raised his head and said in a cold voice.

"I admit, I've been looking down on you before! I didn't expect that you were still a Kendo master, and even killed Bai chongdu under the sword

Qi Hongbo took a deep breath, the light in his eyes was more and more bright, and said slowly: "if I didn't take you seriously before, now, you will be my equal opponent!"

Xue an raised a little funny smile, "Oh? Is it just an opponent? "

"Do you think that's enough?"

As he spoke, Qi Hongbo's face showed a look of scorn and pride.

"Your strength is really good, but you can't beat me! Because in front of me, you are all mortals

But just as soon as his voice fell, and even his mouth was not closed, Xue an stepped forward across the void, appeared directly in front of him, and then clapped his hands with lightning speed.


A slap in the face rang through the audience.

With this sound, Qi Hongbo was directly pulled out like a gyroscope. After more than a dozen turns in the air, he fell down and barely stopped.

And his face was rapidly reddened and swollen at the speed visible to the naked eye. In a flash, the originally handsome cheek became a pig's head.

There was a dead silence.

After a while, all the people turned pale, and their eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Because no one expected that Xue an would suddenly attack and slap Qi Hongbo, the little Lord of the sky fire god family, Qi Hongbo, Qi Dashao, who was the most respected and respected God.

Now It's a big deal! Some people think of it.

Sure enough.

At first, Qi Hongbo was at a loss. Then he gradually woke up from being forced by the fan. Then he began to shiver all over his body, and the bitterness in his eyes would be condensed into substance.

"Well, how dare you hit me? You're dead! No, I won't kill you. I'll take your spirit out and put it into the abyss of fire to roast you for thousands of years, so that you can't live or die Qi Hongbo growled bitterly.

But Xue an did not pay attention to the threat in his words, but only noticed one detail.

"Fire abyss?" Xue an's eyes brightened slightly.

"Yes! It's the place where we started our family. It's full of countless kinds of sky fire. No matter how strong you are, if you don't have our secret method, you will be destroyed by the refined spirits! Ha ha, and you, will become a specimen inside, will be imprisoned forever

Qi Hongbo said, the light on his face flickered, and the wound began to heal at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Xue an lowered his head after hearing the speech, as if thinking about something.

But this fell in the eyes of many people, but Xue an was afraid.

Qi Hongbo thought so, and he couldn't help but say: "what? Scared? Then you kneel down and beg me. If you ask me, maybe I will be merciful and let you die quickly! "

With that, Qi Hongbo began to laugh.

But in the laughter, Xue an suddenly shook his head and sighed, "the ancestral land of fire is regarded as the abyss of fire. No wonder you Tianhuo deities have been imprisoned in this divine world and are complacent! But it's good news for me, so I've decided to give you a death! "

Qi Hongbo didn't understand Xue an's words at all. In fact, he was already dazzled by his anger.From childhood to adulthood, people around him dare not even look at him, let alone be slapped in the face.

Today, Xue an's behavior has made him hate him to the bone. He would like to eat Xue an raw.

But just as he was about to make a move, Xue an's figure flashed and appeared beside Qi Hongbo again. Then he grabbed Qi Hongbo's neck and threw Qi Hongbo out.

This time, Qi Hongbo was not as lucky as he had just been. He was rolling in the air, smashing several tables and finally falling to the ground.


The cracks on the ground were as dense as cobwebs. Qi Hongbo was hard to get up when he fell.

Then Xue an walked slowly to Qi Hongbo in the eyes of the audience, looked at him from a commanding position, and said faintly, "have you taken it?"

This question made the audience hold their breath.

Qi Hongbo lowered his head and said intermittently: "fu Serve Come on, NIMA

As he said this, Qi Hongbo suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of light, and there was a dark blue flame in the void.

As soon as the flame came out, the temperature of the whole field rose sharply.

People who are close to me feel that their hair and hair are burning, and they can't help but retreat in panic.

Qi Hongbo said with a grim smile: "boy, you are good at boxing, but you still have to die under my fire!"

With the voice, we can see that the flame suddenly increases, and then turns into a line of fire, which directly rushes to xue'an.

Where I passed, even the air was distorted by baking.

At such high temperatures, even refined gold would have to be completely melted.

Many people can't help but sigh with relief and think that Xue an is dead.

Pu yanru and Ruan Jingxiu and other people's mouth is showing a smug smile.

But this smile just climbed up the eyebrow tip, then thoroughly solidified.

Because at this moment, Xue an suddenly opened his mouth and breathed gently.


It is such a simple breath, but let the blue flame as big as a basketball wildly sways, and then in the eyes of everyone who is shocked It's out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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