Everyone was staring at it.

Many people have been shocked by this one after another, almost numb.

Xue an raised his head and looked up at the curse goddess who was on the right position and said faintly, "are you very happy to see me kill them all?"

The curse goddess's face changed slightly, but she still giggled and said, "Oh? What makes me happy? "

"Because whether I kill them or be killed by them, it's only good for you, right?"

"You're smart!" Curse goddess smile gradually cold, "smart enough to kill you!"

Xue an also laughed, "take the knife to kill people, and then destroy the sword. This is not a vicious strategy! Unfortunately... "

"I'm not a knife, and you're not a knife holder!"

The curse goddess sneered, "what do you want?"

The cold light in Xue an's eyes grew stronger and stronger. "I said before that, today I'm killing people for It's to kill you Tianzhao gods


If Xue an's behavior before was just a shock to the public, now his words seem to be like a rock shattering the sky, which makes everyone's eyes open.

Kill the gods.

It takes a lot of courage and strength to say such a thing.

We should know that although Tianzhao divine region ranks at the bottom of the divine realm, it is one of the divine realms. Among them, the strong are like clouds, and the gods are respected and oppressed by the world, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

But this young man in white dares to say the words of killing the gods of Tianzhao. This is just crazy.

Even though Zhong An, who has always attached great importance to xue'an, couldn't help turning pale and shaking his head secretly.

Although Xue Angang's strength is shocking enough, even Zhong An'an thinks that his strength is very likely to be the first among the younger generation in this area.

After all, even Qi Hongbo has died in his hands.

However, the gods of Tianzhao are powerful gods who have been famous for a long time. They are not the common practitioners who dare to touch them.

This young man in white is still too confident! Zhong An thought.

And curse goddess is like to hear what joke, first is a Leng, then just sneer of laugh.

"Exterminate the gods? Boy, do you know what you're talking about? Don't think that your own ability is superior to that of your peers. In my eyes, you are just a strong ordinary man! To destroy you, just one hand! "

To the back, the curse of the goddess's words are full of cold kill.

Xue an was not moved at all, but said faintly, "are you finished? After that, the destruction of the gods will begin with you. "

Curse goddess anger extremely counter smile, "small..."

Her words did not finish, because Xue an took a step and his body flashed, then he appeared directly in front of the curse goddess, and then raised his fist to blow out.

The power of this blow compressed and exploded the air in the place where it passed, and made a huge noise.

But in the face of this blow, the curse goddess's face flashed a look of disdain, and then gently waved her sleeve.


This blow was interrupted by Sheng Sheng, and Xue an was shocked back by a powerful force.

The curse goddess slowly stood up and looked down on Xue an. She said haughtily, "you still don't understand what the gap between God and man means! You may be a good punch, but in my eyes, it's like a baby playing with an axe, which makes people just want to laugh! "

The audience was in awe.

Many people look at Xue an with bad eyes.

After all, Xue Angang's performance was too strong. He killed several Tianjiao and even said that he wanted to kill the gods of Tianzhao.

Such words and deeds naturally attracted a lot of people's jealousy.

Now, seeing Xue an, who has been rolling over like a bulldozer, is finally frustrated in front of the goddess. These people are naturally full of joy.

Chu Xiaoyun was full of worry and exclaimed, "adult!"

The curse goddess turned her head and glanced at Chu Xiaoyun and said with a sneer: "Chu Xiaoyun, since you dare to collude with outsiders to deal with your own school, you should pay the due price today. When I finish cleaning him up, I will let you taste the taste of punishment!"

In the past, Chu Xiaoyun, in the face of the curse goddess, was always silent like a cold cicada, afraid of it like a tiger.

But until today, she has understood that no matter how much fear can help, so after hearing the curse goddess's words, her eyes gradually cold.

"Master? Hehe, how did you ever think I was your apprentice? If it wasn't for harvesting my natural blood, you would have killed me already! "

"Looking for death!" The curse goddess didn't expect that she, a good and obedient disciple, would dare to refute herself in public. She could not help but be angry. The light in her eyes flashed, and a gray light went straight to Chu Xiaoyun.

At the sight of this gray glow, which reeked of corruption, all the people looked frightened and retreated.

Because they all know, this is the curse goddess fame disappeared, curse light.This thing is extremely difficult to entangle, once contaminated, it is as difficult to eliminate as the maggot of tarsal bone.

Even if you are a king, you have to peel off the skin to get rid of it.

This is why the curse goddess is a new God, but has such a detached status.

Because the other gods in the face of this strange means of attack also have to retreat three points.

Chu Xiaoyun naturally knows what this is, but now she has no way back, so she can only take a deep breath, and then mobilize all the powers of her body, trying to fight.

But it was just then.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of her, directly blocking the light of the curse with the body.

"My Lord!" Chu Xiaoyun exclaimed.

The whole scene was quiet, and then there was a low uproar.

"Now, this guy is dead!"

"Yes, I dare to resist the curse of the goddess with my own body. I really don't know how to write the word" death. "

The face of the damned goddess also brightened in these noisy remarks.

No one can be safe in the light of his own curse, not even the king of God, let alone this young man.

But in the case that everyone felt that even if Xue an did not die, he must have been seriously injured.

Xue an, who was haunted by the gray light, gradually began to laugh.

"Is this the power of your curse? Aging, decadence, putrefaction, weakness It's quite lively, but it's a pity... "

As soon as Xue an turned his hand, the gray light faded like the tide, and then gathered in Xue an's palm.

Xue an held the gray light ball in his hand and said faintly, "it's still too weak!"

With that, Xue an suddenly shook it.

This gray brilliance is directly squeezed into nothingness.

The curse goddess is also a little stunned.

She had never seen anyone like Xue an who regarded her curse on nothing.

What's going on?

Does he have a powerful magic weapon that can resist the curse?

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