The curse goddess just flashed an idea in her heart, Xue an's voice came from behind her.

"The game begins, I hope you have a good time!"

The curse goddess's muscles tensed in an instant, because she could clearly feel Xue an standing behind her, and even her neck could feel Xue an's breath.

This makes the curse goddess's hair stand on end, but her action is not unpleasant.

A long beautiful leg kicks back in a short time.

Although the curse goddess is not good at physical arts, but the powerful God body makes her foot full of strong lethality.

It's unexpected.

The foot of the curse goddess is empty.

In this moment, the curse goddess in the heart of the alarm bell, power surging, body gradually empty, then want to cross the void, move away.

But at this time, a hand directly into the void, a grasp of the curse goddess's neck, suddenly pull back.

The curse goddess was so hard that she was pulled back and bent down.

At the same time, Xue an bends his knee and bumps up.


There was a creepy crack.

This knee impact directly burst the spine of the curse goddess, and its strength was so strong that it penetrated through the front chest and abdomen, bringing out countless blood mist.

The curse goddess screamed and tried to struggle, but Xue an didn't give her the chance at all. She kicked out her other foot again, kicking out the two legs of the curse goddess.

Next is Xue an's performance time.

All kinds of body skills were displayed in xue'an's hands, while the curse goddess turned into human flesh sandbags, which were beaten and flew around and screamed.

There was a lot of people's teeth clucking.

No one expected that things would go in this direction.

The curse goddess, who had just been domineering, suddenly became Xue an's human flesh sandbag.

Such a gap not only makes the guests who come to the ceremony unbelievable, but also the people in the city of curse do not believe it.

But the fact is in front of you. The lump in the Air flies around, and you can't see that the rotten flesh in human form is just the goddess who is still in high spirits.

And at the beginning, I could make a few screams, but now I don't even scream.

Is it possible that The goddess has been killed alive?

The idea hovered in many people's hearts, and made their hair stand up.

At this time, Xue an grabs the curse goddess in the shape of an adult and flies into the air, and then hits down with an elbow, which smashes the curse goddess into the ground.

The flat and hard surface of Sendai, which was originally flat and hard, was finally overwhelmed by Xue an's tossing and tossing. After a sad cry, it broke into pieces.

And a deep and bottomless big hole appears in the center of Sendai.

Everyone was staring at it.

After a long time, Ruan Jingxiu swallowed his mouth and asked in a trembling voice, "pu Elder martial sister Pu, master, she She's not really dead, is she

Pu yanru has already looked silly.

She didn't expect Xue an to be so tough that even her master was beaten like this.

But master, will it be so simple to be defeated? Pu yanru has some doubts.

At this time, he listened to the voice of a vicious and malicious laugh coming from the deep hole.

"Well, you have succeeded in angering me! Young man, you are the first person who dares to treat me like this. I will make you into a specimen and let you enjoy the eternal torture

This voice makes many people look happy.

"Master! Your master is not dead! " Ruan Jingxiu exclaimed in surprise.

As soon as she finished speaking, Pu Yan slapped her hand and yelled: "nonsense, master, you are the Supreme God. Of course, you will not die!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ruan Jingxiu covered his face and nodded in a hurry.

At this time, there are wisps of light in the deep hole, and then there are countless gray smoke.

These smog make people avoid it.

Only Xue an stands quietly in the field, looking at coldly.

With the crazy emission of gray smoke, Sendai began to tremble.


The ground shakes violently, and then you can see the brilliance in the deep hole.

The smoke then gathered and gradually condensed into a human form.

This condensation speed is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, a woman's figure will be condensed.

When the eyes of the woman opened slowly.

The pressure is so powerful.

Even the void of the whole Sendai is condensed, and the aura can not be turbulent.

Pu Yan fell down on her knees and kowtowed with great excitement. Her mouth murmured: "welcome the goddess to her place!"

Pu yanru's kneeling down played a leading role, hula, the whole audience almost all knelt down.In fact, some people do not want to kneel down, but under the strong pressure of the curse goddess, they have to kneel down. Even the head was suppressed and couldn't be lifted.

And Pu yanru's words of greeting and returning to the Throne made many people pale.

Because only those who are as strong as the ancient gods are qualified to be described as returning.

Is it possible that. Many people are shocked.

Sure enough.

See curse goddess sneer, "originally thought to wait for the right opportunity to break through again, but since you are so anxious, don't blame me for being rude!"

As she said that, her power like a storm surged forward. In an instant, she almost covered the whole scene, making even her breath shudder.

"Ancient gods! The goddess has finally broken through to be the strong one of daruo! " Pu yanru's face was full of tears.

And this sentence is also like a stone, so that almost all people are respectfully prostrate on the ground, no longer dare to have the slightest disrespect.

Because the ancient god level represents the highest strength of the existing gods.

Once promoted, it means that he will never die and become the strong one in the command side.

Now, needless to say, many people have already sentenced Xue an to death in their hearts.

Because no one will be an opponent of the ancient gods.

What's more, this ancient god level strongman is still a good at cursing.

Such a huge contrast of strength, in the eyes of all, has destroyed Xue an's hope of surviving.

But it is in this case that Xue an still stands there quietly, but the light in his eyes gradually becomes chilly.

At this time, the curse goddess said in an ethereal and majestic voice: "your body skills are good, and your moves are also very wonderful, but do you really think that you can defeat a God by this?"

"You know, you just hit me, but you are my incarnation! And this is my true body

Xue an sneered, "Oh? So what? Is it impossible for your body to fight if you fight with your avatar? "

A sneer appeared on the holy and unblemished face of the goddess of curse. "To tell you the truth, I'm really curious how brave you are, how arrogant you are at this time!"

"How big is it? You can try it!" Xue an is indifferent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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