"Looking for death!" The curse goddess was infuriated by Xue an's obvious ambiguity.

Her eyes flashed.

A dark gray glow of ominous significance came down like rain.

It seems that even the space has been corroded out of a big hole.

Xue an's body was flashing, so he wanted to avoid the blow.

But the curse goddess sneers and grabs it out.

See the Taoist chain emerged out of thin air, will Xue an week all retreat all blocked.

Xue an's body can't avoid, and is directly covered by the curse light like rain.

"My Lord!" The half kneeling Chu Xiaoyun, who was oppressed by his majesty, gave a sad cry. Then he urged his whole body to stand up and play with his life.

She had no scruples now, though she knew that she could not do anything to curse the goddess.

But even if it is to die like this, it is better to suffer endless torture afterwards.

Can curse goddess but sneer, also did not see her to have any action, a kind of invisible pressure will directly fall on Chu Xiaoyun.


Chu Xiaoyun is pressed by the Shengsheng kneels on the ground, the knees of both legs burst open.

Then the curse goddess said coldly: "want to die? It's not that easy. If this guy dies, you'll have to bear endless punishment for him! Even your natural blood will become my collection! And now I can tell you that the destruction of your Chu family was due to my proposal to the LORD God! "

Hearing this, Chu Xiaoyun's eyes are bloody red, and she stares at the curse goddess bitterly. But now she can't move a finger, and even can't even want to explode herself.

Because the curse goddess has directly imprisoned her completely.


The light of the curse faded away.

There was nothing in the auditorium, except a large pit which had been eroded out of the ground.

Chu Xiaoyun sees that the heart is dripping blood.

The whole audience was relieved.

In fact, everyone takes this result for granted.

After all, now the curse goddess has become a strong one at the Da Luo level. She can easily wipe out her opponent by herself.

Pu yanru and Ruan Jingxiu all laughed very brightly.

The crowd began to talk with ease.

"Tut Tut, I dare to fight against the goddess in arrogance. Now, the spirits are all gone!"

"Who said it was not? He wanted to kill all the adults in Tianzhao divine region. As a result, even the goddess couldn't break through. What a joke!"

"Do you think he's really dead? Then why don't you see the body? "

"Ha ha, didn't you see that the ground has eroded out a big pit? In this case, don't mention the corpse. It's estimated that there will be no bones left! "

In these comments.

Zhong An'an stood behind the crowd in silence, and his eyes were a little gloomy.

As expected, he is still dead!

It's a pity that such a brilliant young man.

If not too arrogant, led to this outcome.

Zhong An'an really wants to get to know Xue an.

At this time, the curse goddess swept the audience, the noise gradually disappeared.

"As you can see, this It's the end of fighting against me Curse goddess light way.

"Goddess, we all saw it! This guy is responsible for all this. He can't blame anyone else! "

"That's right. We'll take it as a warning in the future."


And so on and on, let the curse goddess's face show color, then slowly turn around, ready to leave.

Just then, a faint sigh came from behind her.

"The strength is not bad, but the concise Da Luo is also complete enough. Unfortunately Poor qualifications, limited future! "

Hearing this sound, the curse goddess who was ready to leave with a smile was startled.

Although this pair of God body is not a physical body, there is no hair and other things, but the curse goddess still felt a bone chilling.

But her reaction is also fast enough, big Luowei pressure roared out, instantly blocked all the space around her body.

In this way, even if someone wants to sneak in, it's impossible!

But this time, she had the wrong idea.

In the void sealed by layers, a palm slowly pokes out, and then with an almost impossible angle, one holds the curse goddess's neck.

"As I said just now, in my eyes, no matter it's the incarnation or the divine body, I can't miss it!"

Said, this hand pinches the curse goddess's neck, is a burst fall.


The body of the curse goddess is like a shell, which is heavily fallen down, and then smashes the fragmented Sendai into pieces.

Everyone looked up and looked at it stupidly. I couldn't believe what I saw.Because Xue an, who had just been thought to be doomed to death by all people, is now gradually floating in the void and standing aloof.

"This It's impossible! " Pu Yan screamed out of her voice.

But whether she believes it or not, Xue an is standing in the void and overlooking everything below.


The goddess of curse, who had been hit by the explosion, burst out of the ground without any flaw. There was already a tiny crack on her clean body.

But this is not what curse goddess cares about. She stares at xue'an, "why can you be immune to my curse light?"

Xue an smiles, "no why, it's just that you are too weak!"

The curse goddess took a deep breath. "You are more and more surprising to me, but I don't care who you are and what your origin is! Today, I will let you die! "

With the exit of the last dead word, the curse goddess's face was solemn and pointed in the air.

"The original curse seal!"

A nearly transparent glow burst out and pointed at Xue an.

This curse is specially prepared by the goddess of curse to deal with the most powerful. It does not curse ordinary weak life and death, but directly points to the source of strength and directly obliterates it.

This kind of technique, needs the extremely vast divine power, therefore the curse goddess usually seldom uses.

But today, in order to obliterate Xue an, she made a bold move.

In a flash, Xue an's body seemed to be sealed by layers of shackles, and his breath began to weaken rapidly.

In an instant, even in the air posture can not maintain, straight down.

The curse goddess finally let out a breath.

In any case, his curse finally came into effect.

As long as his accomplishments are consumed, there is only death waiting for xue'an.

But at the moment when Xue an's body was about to land, everything stopped.

Then Xue an stood steadily in the air, smiling at the curse goddess.

"It's like you'll break through!"

With the words, we can see that the shackles of xue'an are broken one after another.

And a strong momentum to the sky, so that the wind and cloud are changed for it.

The power of true immortality begins to appear!

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