"Why How could it be? "

The curse goddess was like seeing a ghost, and then hissed: "it's just a real immortal. Why is it so powerful?"

Xue'an showed his white teeth and laughed, "you guessed right, but there are rewards!"

With that, Xue an tore off all the shackles of the curse. His eyes were bright, and his whole body was thoroughly condensed from the inside out.

In the great earthquake.

Xue an finally broke through the half step of the true immortal and stepped into the realm of the true immortal.

I saw a rainbow of heavenly laws, lingering around xue'an.

Powerful power, even the curse of the goddess of the power of the great Luo are forced back.

The audience was shocked.

Xue an raised his hand and said, "now, tell me your answer!"

The spirit of the curse goddess was trembling, and a look of panic flashed through her eyes.

But soon, she gradually calmed down, "no matter how powerful it is, how can it be? It's just a real immortal. I really think I'm afraid of you

With the words, the long hair behind the curse goddess's head began to grow wildly, and turned into countless evil vines in an instant, swimming and twisting like living creatures.

In an instant.

Most of Sendai is occupied by the evil vine of the curse goddess.

All the people were panicked to hide in the corner, terrified to look at all this.

Pu yanru's face was dignified, "goddess, completely angry!"

Sure enough.

Under the snow-white skin of the goddess of curse, there are wisps of bloodstains, and then they are twisted together, which makes the scalp numb,

while the lips of the curse goddess turn from red to black, and one of her eyes gradually turns gray, full of evil and weird beauty.

Such a change has stunned everyone.

Only Xue an held his shoulder and looked at it with a smile.

At this time, the curse goddess slowly said with a cold and empty voice: "you can force me to show this pair of shape, enough can be proud of yourself!"

"Today, I will let you understand what is the power of the gods."


With the voice of the curse goddess, she was wandering around, as if the evil vine in the sky, which was looking for prey, rushed to xue'an at a very fast speed.

Where we passed, the space collapsed, like the end of the day.

Xue an's face also showed a trace of dignified color.

The curse goddess is now exerting all her powers, and directly shows the strongest ultimate form.

In fact, the strength of the force is several times stronger than just now.

But the more like this, Xue an's fighting spirit is more boiling.

In those days, Xue an was able to achieve the supreme immortal in a short time of a thousand years because he had never been afraid to fight no matter how strong he faced.

No matter the level of cultivation and strength, if you want to convince people, you have to fight with your fist.

Therefore, Xue an fought against heaven and earth at the beginning, and he was born on his own strength and ascended to the top.

Now, Xue an is more like an iron heart and a furnace.

This is the so-called cultivator.

Do not go against the sky, do not conquer everything, how to cross the ages, in charge of heaven and earth.


The evil rattan in the sky has arrived. The number is like a huge gray wave. It seems that xue'an will be completely swallowed up in the next second.

Xue an's eyes were as bright as iron, and he said slowly: "at the beginning, I created the six ways to kill gods. Countless strong people died under my fist, but you are the first one to kill the real butcher God!"

"So today, I want you to understand, what is invincible!"

"Kill God six moves, close!"

After that, Xue an shook his hands and made a fist, and then he stepped out.


A thrilling flash of light broke through.

At this moment, many people even have an illusion, just like a round of light in Xue an's hands, which makes people dare not look directly.

The fists went forward without hesitation and attacked the evil vine all over the sky.


The evil vine, which had been dancing like snakes, stopped suddenly. Then, with Xue an's fist as the center, a shock wave suddenly spread.

Where he passed by, the evil vine turned into nothingness.

The curse goddess howled miserably, and the skin on her face began to crack, showing the creeping vines below.

At the moment, she no longer has a human figure, showing her true colors.

But the more so, the more violent she was.

"Jie Jie, a very strong punch, but I am a God, so I will not die! It's no use! " The curse goddess said with a strange smile, and the gray fog diffused, and the evil vine just destroyed just now revived again, and then completely covered xue'an's body.

The whole scene is quiet, only can hear the friction sound of the evil vine.

The curse goddess's mouth just showed a smile.

The next second.

These evil vines disintegrated, and then Xue an came out slowly, surrounded by sword Qi.Curse the goddess.

In this moment, Xue an stepped forward and flew directly to the curse goddess.

The evil vine wants to stop it, but Xue an's sword is invincible, breaking all obstacles on the way forward.

In an instant.

Xue an flew to the curse goddess, and before she could react, she raised her fist and blew it out. One blow would blow half of her face to pieces.

Next is Xue an's performance time.

The goddess of curse was beaten to the ground by Xue an, and each blow tore up a part of her body.

In the end, the curse goddess only left a little gray light, the previous arrogance all dissipated.

Then Xue an stepped on it and said faintly, "I said, no matter what form it is, I can't miss it!"

The audience was in awe.

No one expected that the situation would develop in this direction. In sum, this was the third time that the goddess of curse was beaten.

Whether it was the incarnation, the God body, or the ultimate body, Xue an was beaten into human flesh sandbags.

At this time, at Xue an's feet, the virtual image of the curse goddess gradually emerged, and then Jie Jie laughed strangely.

"You are powerful, but what about that? Do you have the ability to kill me? "

Xue Anmo kept silent and stepped down with one foot.


The brilliance was broken, but in a moment, it came together again.

"No use! You can't kill me The curse goddess sneered.

Xue an's eyes slightly narrowed, a sword straight cut down.

But it still doesn't help.

Although cut in two directly, but the next moment, the curse goddess will be re connected together.

The curse goddess cried out triumphantly.

"It's no use. After becoming a big Luo, I'm really immortal. Although you can surpass me, you can't obliterate me, and I will pursue and kill you forever, even curse all the people around you! The eternal one

The cruelty and hatred in the words are chilling.

"Oh, is it?" Xue an's eyes grew cold, and then he raised his hand and saw a flame of red and white on his fingertips.

"I don't know. Can I kill you?"

The curse goddess didn't care, but when she saw the flame, she was shocked and exclaimed: "impossible, why do you have such a flame?"

"The answer is for you to guess below." With that, Xue an waved coldly.

The flame shrouded the curse goddess in an instant.

"No way. I'm the God who was ordered by heaven. How could I die in the hands of mortals like you! I don't accept it! "

Covered by the flame, the curse goddess still refused to admit defeat, struggling madly.

All her curses, her burning fire, and her burning fire.

In the scream, the curse goddess falls!

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