The flame gradually dispersed, and the goddess of curse was no longer seen on the ground. Only a bright crystal floated in the air.

Xue an took it in his hand, and the brilliance on the crystal gradually disappeared.

All the people were staring at me, no one dared to speak.

Only a few people saw this secretly swallow mouth water, full of tremor.

Because they all recognized what it was.

When a deity dies, its divinity has a chance to turn into a crystal.

What's more, the crystal often contains all the divine power in his life, which is extremely precious.

And the higher the gods are, the more crystal clear they will be.

Look at the crystal transformed by the goddess of curse. It is extremely clear and exquisite, and obviously of high quality.

It can be said that if this crystal appears in other places, it will definitely lead to the crazy plunder of various forces. At that time, a torrent of blood will be inevitable.

But now no one dares to be greedy.

So at the moment, this crystal is being held by xue'an.

All of us have seen what happened in the celebration of God's birthday.

It's an hour since xue'an entered the arena. As a result, Tianjiao of several great families died and the temple of power was destroyed.

In the end, even the curse goddess, who had just been promoted to the ancient god level, was killed on the spot.

Such strength, how can we not make all people shocked.

In fact, if this Sendai space was not blocked now, many people would have fled.

I don't know how this young man who doesn't know where will deal with this crystal?

And what is he going to do next?

A lot of people think about it.

Just at this time, see Xue an weigh the God crystal in the hand, smile slightly, "this thing pour is good! Even the divinity is perfectly inherited! "

With that, Xue an looked up at Chu Xiaoyun, who was still in a muddled state.

"It's useless for me to keep it. I'll give it to you."

Xue an throws it out.

Chu Xiaoyun subconsciously catch, and then understand what just happened, can't help but look at Xue an in horror.

"My Lord, I can't take it!"


"Because..." Chu Xiaoyun bit his lip, "it's too expensive!"

Said, chuxiaoyun Yingying next worship, "you help me revenge, I have been grateful, how can you again this gift."

Speaking of this, Chu Xiaoyun's tears have burst into her eyes.

I don't know whether it is because of the curse chains which disappeared with the death of the curse goddess, or because the great revenge has been revenged.

Chu Xiaoyun felt as if he had taken off the heavy burden, and the whole person was extremely relaxed. Therefore, he was extremely grateful to Xue an.

Xue an smiles. "You may think it's precious, but to me, it's almost like a waste. And now the goddess of curse is dead, leaving such a big mess to be finished by someone."

Then Xue an stepped forward and said coldly, "you Would you like to inherit this vacant throne


There was a slight commotion in the crowd.

Countless people's envious eyes are red.

Because it's a great thing.

Chu Xiaoyun is also a Leng, and then shook his lips, heavily nodded, "adults, I wish!"

Xue an nodded, "well, I'll give you a hand!"

Said, Chu Xiaoyun in the hands of the God crystal will slowly float in front of her.

Xue an casually pointed to this crystal, and then it broke into powder and turned into a long river of divine light. It began to gather in the eyebrows of Xiaoyun in Chu.

As the divine light gradually flourished, Chu Xiaoyun was shocked all over, and his momentum began to grow stronger and stronger, and his cultivation was also the beginning of a breakthrough.

In an instant.

Seeing the light fade away, Chu Xiaoyun's eyebrows show a small God crystal red seal, and the momentum on his body is as vast and powerful as the sea.

He ran is already a semi ancient god level strong man.

And this is just the beginning. When she absorbs all the power contained in the curse crystal, even if she can't break through daruo, her strength will be greatly enhanced.

What's more, Chu Xiaoyun inherits not only the divine power left by the curse goddess, but also all kinds of mysterious magic and incantation seals.

All of these made Chu Xiaoyun become a powerful man in the world.

Chu Xiaoyun slowly opened his eyes, and the momentum of the crowd retreated.

Xue an stood in front of her with a negative hand. "This divine power is temporarily lent to you. If you act like the curse goddess before, the end will be even worse than her, understand?"

"Yes, my Lord!" Chu smile cloud matchless solemn nod answer way.

"Get up!"Chu Xiaoyun got up slowly and stood beside Xue an.

Xue an looks around.

As far as the eye can see, all of them were silent and lowered their heads.

And when Xue an's eyes sweep past Pu yanru and Ruan Jingxiu, who are already shaking together.

The two men trembled and collapsed to the ground.

Xue an lowered his eyes and said faintly: "these two people should be your apprentices now, so they will be handed over to you to deal with it. How can you do it yourself?"

Chuxiaoyun also glanced at PU yanru and Ruan Jingxiu, then nodded gently, "yes!"

"As for the others..."

Sheehan's voice lengthened.

Under this situation, many people were scared into a double battle and said in a hurry.

"My Lord, we are all innocent!"

"Yes, the curse goddess is so powerful that we have to come and congratulate her in order to survive."

"Please forgive me, my Lord!"

These shouts come and go.

Xue an naturally didn't bother to argue with these ants, because no matter when and where, this kind of wall grass is very common.

So Xue an just a faint smile, "OK! I didn't say I was going to kill you! So what are you nervous about? It makes me look like I'm a killer! "

People do not dare to speak at all, but murmured in their hearts.

Isn't that killing?

"All right! I'll leave the rest to you! I'll go first With that, Xue an stepped forward.

Chu Xiaoyun was stunned and asked in a hurry, "where are you going, my lord?"

Xue an said faintly: "have you forgotten what I said before? Nature is going to kill other gods in the sky

Everyone is stupid!

Because people thought that Xue an was just talking.

Does he really want to kill all the gods?

But how could that be possible?

Even if the other gods are not Xue an's opponent, but there is a heavenly king above!

Even Chu Xiaoyun was dumbfounded, "big My lord I think it's better to think about it in the long run! "

"In the long run?" Xue an laughs and shakes his head. "I don't like procrastination, especially revenge. It's never overnight. It's usually done on the spot."

"What's more, this feud has been shelved for thousands of years! It's time to end it! "

After that, Xue an stepped out and went straight to the sky.

"Wait here, I'll be back when I go!"

As a result, Xue an's figure has disappeared into the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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