Looking at the empty sky, Chu Xiaoyun's face gradually became solemn, and then took back his eyes and looked at the people.

No one dares to look at her, they all bow their heads in fear.

When Chu Xiaoyun's eyes swept over the disciples of the curse City, they all knelt down with a shout.

"Yes, my Lord!"

"Yes, my lord goddess!"

Hearing these shouts, Chu Xiaoyun couldn't help but be in a trance.

Once upon a time, I was kneeling on the ground, even the most marginalized one.

But I didn't expect that in a few days' time, his fate would have been greatly reversed.

Once looked down on their own people, all kneeling on the ground in fear of calling their adults.

This strong contrast, let Chu Xiaoyun really have a kind of feeling as if separated from the world.

But soon, she regained consciousness, and then took a deep breath, and slowly walked to the kneeling group.

The sound of footsteps was clear and pleasant to the ear, but it seemed like a curse to these people, and each time made their faces pale.

When Chu Xiaoyun stopped, the two men kneeling in front of him were almost prostrate on the ground.

That's right.

It was Pu yanru and Ruan Jingxiu.

The two of them heard the footsteps stop in front of them. They were so frightened that they did not dare to look up. They could only cry out in a trembling voice.

"Big My Lord

Chu Xiaoyun looked at it quietly. After a while, she said faintly: "look up!"

Pu yanru and Ruan Jingxiu shudder all over and dare not disobey Chu Xiaoyun's order, so they have to raise their heads slowly.

Both of them were pale, but full of flattery.

Chu Xiaoyun dropped his eyes, "now, what do you want to say?"

Panic flashed in their eyes, and then Pu Yan stammered, "Chu Goddess, I I was nice to you before. You forgot... "

"Enough!" Chu Xiaoyun's eyes showed a chill, "do you think I inherited only her cultivation? Her memory, I also inherited! Do you want to quibble? "

Pu Yan's whole body was shocked, and her heart slipped into the abyss of despair.

Ruan Jingxiu, however, seemed to see the straw, pointing to Pu yanru with indignation and saying, "yes, you are such a heartless man that you want to murder the goddess. Fortunately, the goddess and the lucky man have their own natural features, which did not let you succeed. Now, do you still want to quibble?"

This series of questions made Pu yanru a little silly.

And Ruan Jingxiu was busy nodding and smiling at chuxiaoyun, "goddess, you see..."

Chu Xiaoyun is not moved at all, "finished?"

"With that, go on the road."

"No!" Pu yanru and Ruan Jingxiu exclaimed.

Pu yanru, in particular, still wants to escape.

But in the case of Chu Xiaoyun, who inherited all the inheritance of the goddess of curse, all this struggle is tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg.

She waved.

See two people's head exploded, and then the corpse is unwilling to fall to the ground.

Seeing this scene, all the disciples of the curse City trembled like chaff, for fear that Chu Xiaoyun would kill himself again.

But Chu Xiaoyun just took a cold look at the crowd, and then turned around and returned to the throne on the high platform. After taking her seat slowly, she said, "I'm sorry, now this Sendai needs to be sealed off for a period of time. No one can leave without my command, so you can only be here for a few days!"

"Well Then when can we go back? " Zhong An'an in the crowd suddenly asked.

Chu Xiaoyun looked at her, then looked up at the sky outside the window, and said faintly: "until the adults come back!"

Zhong An Leng Leng Leng, and then with a bitter smile nodded, "since this, that also had to be so!"

Zhong An understood that Chu Xiaoyun did this to block the news.

She should be afraid that these guests would hinder Xue an's plan if they spread out what happened here.

Can Xue an really kill herself with the power of heaven?

No matter how you think about it, it sounds like Arabian Nights!

Zhong An's mind calculated.

But Chu Xiaoyun's face was as cold as ice. She had already thought that if Xue an could not come back, then all the people present would follow all the funerals.

At the same time.

Over the vast sky, Xue an was flying at an astonishing speed.

As he flew, Xue an looked at everything under his feet.

It has to be said that the heaven shines on the divine realm.

Because after Xue an was promoted to be a real immortal, his speed increased by more than ten times, and even could span thousands of miles in a moment.

But it was at this speed that Xue an had been flying for an hour, but the mountains were still at his feet.And the mountains here are similar, flying for a long time, it is almost impossible to find the location.

If there is no map of this area, it is estimated that even the direction can not be found, directly lost in the vast mountains.

Xue an was not worried at all, because when he was refining the curse goddess, he had extracted the memory of the curse goddess.

However, after searching carefully, Xue an was a little disappointed at that time.

He had hoped to find some clues to the war ten thousand years ago through these memories.

Unfortunately, the goddess of curse is a new God who has risen for nearly a thousand years. I don't know what happened ten thousand years ago.

But it's not that there is no harvest at all.

At least Xue an got a detailed map of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Xue an now knows that if you look down on the sky, it will be like a big cake.

The king of Tianzhao is located in the central palace of Tianzhao.

Around Tianzhao Zhonggong are several large cities arranged in a circular structure.

These cities, like bodyguards, firmly protect the king of Tianzhao.

The city of curse is located in the northwest corner of Tianzhao God region. To enter Tianzhao Zhonggong, you must pass through a city named extremely cold city.

And guarding this extremely cold city is the most favored God General under the throne of Tianzhao God, Sui Han!

From the memory of the curse goddess.

This year cold God will become famous very early, and has been following the emperor of Tianzhao.

As a matter of fact, its strength has the reputation of being the first divine general.

There is even a rumor that he is already a strong man.

The goddess of curse has seen several aspects of this year's cold, but she is only a general friend, and has no idea of the real strength of this cold year.

Just know that this person can't be underestimated.

But Xue an has no hesitation.

Because Xue an thought clearly, no matter who is, as long as they dare to block their own way, they will die!

Finally, after three hours of flying.

The surrounding environment of heaven and earth changed, the ground showed a thick white snow, the temperature dropped suddenly.

And slowly, a huge ice city appeared.

Cold city, here we are!

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