An Yan Miaoyu circulation, "huh?"

Xue an quickly changed his words, "it's OK to call my brother!"

In the end, the two people finished their discussion. Xue an held his thoughts and an Yan held them to think. They stood at the same place, Xue an said faintly.

"Two, then I'll run together."

Anyan is also serious, after all, gambling is so big, she has to take it seriously.


"One, two..." Before the three words were exported, Xue an rushed out like an arrow from the string.

An Yan a Leng, and then pull out to chase, at the same time angry shout.

"Husband, you're cheating!"

Xue an said with a smile: "who said I cheated, I just said one, two, three, but I didn't say I had to get three to start!"

In the end, the contest ended with Xue an's failure.

Because when approaching this restaurant, an Yan suddenly stopped running, and then thought about it in his arms and said, "think about it, is your father very naughty?"

Think about nodding, "Hmm! My father is a rascal

"What will you do if your father wins?"

"Well Mom, you mean... "

An Yan said with a smile: "when the time comes, you also call your father brother!"

"Good!" Think about it and nod.

Hearing this conversation between mother and daughter, Xue an, who had been very happy, gradually became hesitant and finally stopped.

"No, my husband, why are you running away?" An Yan saw the situation and asked with a smile.

Xue an coughed softly, "er I suddenly feel that winning or losing is not important at all. It's good to make your wife happy! So if we don't, we'll be tied. "

At this time, an Yan has slowly walked to the front, smell speech nodded, "Oh, it's so, it's not impossible to make a tie, it's..."

The voice did not fall, an Yan suddenly a hasty acceleration, first rushed to the restaurant near, and then wantonly laughed, "I do not agree! Hee hee, husband, you lost! "

Think about it also poke out his head, happy smile way: "Dad, you lost Oh!"

I don't even want to hide in this.



"Do you mean to lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot?" Niannian asked with blinking eyes.

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry. She could only pretend to be serious. "Nonsense, Dad deliberately lost to your mother. I call it respect! What do children know? "

Niannian said with a smile, "Oh, it's so!"

Finally, after agreeing to a series of "loss of dignity" requirements, an Yan nodded with satisfaction and temporarily "let go" Xue an.

By this time, they had come to a restaurant.

I saw this restaurant towering, very imposing.

Standing on the street, you can smell the smell of food coming from it.

The saliva of reciting is coming out.

"Dad, let's eat in here."


A family of five then walked into the restaurant. Under the guidance of the waiter, the family went straight through the hall on the first floor and went up to the second floor.

From the top of the mountain, the whole cold city looks like a crystal palace built on the ice and snow world. Especially at the moment when the lights are on, thousands of lights will set off this extremely cold city in all colors and beauties.

"How beautiful An Yan and think about Niannian lying in the window, sincerely exclaimed.

At this time, the restaurant food began to flow.

I have to say that the cuisine of this restaurant is very good, and the food is very strange.

All the animals and treasures were hunted from the snow mountains and frozen lakes outside the city.

These ingredients contain rich aura, coupled with appropriate cooking skills to stimulate, so that these dishes both in taste and aura have reached a more reasonable balance.

At least two little girls will eat very happy.

At this moment, there was a disorderly footstep at the entrance of the stairs, and then a group of people came up.

The leader was a well-dressed young man, followed by a group of fierce slaves.

The bartender and the shopkeeper were waiting on the side with great respect.

Xue an didn't care about this, after all, no matter where, such people are indispensable.

But the young man looked around and saw the xue'an family sitting in front of the window.

Although an Yan in order to avoid those unnecessary gaze, his face with a lot of secret arts.

But just by temperament, it is enough to make many people intoxicated.

As soon as the man's eyes lit up, he swaggered over and looked at Xue an a few times. Seeing that he had never seen a new face, he could not help becoming more arrogant.

"Who's that guy who dares to take my seat? Go awaySaid the man in a cold voice.

Now even the evil slaves who followed him began to clamor.

"Yes, I dare to take master Huo's seat. I'm looking for death!"

"Get out of the way

Xue an slightly frowned, "your special seat?"

The man nodded haughtily, "yes!" Then he rushed to the side of an Yan, he said with a smile: "little lady, don't be afraid. I want him to go away. You can sit here as much as you can."

Anyan is lazy to pay attention to this kind of person, so he doesn't even lift his head.

Xue an is a little bit ironic.

It's really speechless to be able to meet such a conventional plot after a meal.

Xue an is trying to get rid of this guy.

All of a sudden, he seemed to find something, and then he raised his head and looked at the man carefully.

"Oh, what am I doing? Not satisfied? "

Seeing Xue an looking at himself, the man thought that he was provoking himself. He could not help but get angry and hit him.

The wind of the palm is howling. If ordinary people get such a slap, they will be killed on the spot.

From this, we can see how arrogant the man is.

Xue an was smiling brightly, "it's really hard to find a place to get it without any effort! I was just looking for you, but I sent it to my door! "

At this time, the man's palm wind has reached the middle of the way, but when Xue an's voice just fell, a powerful force fell from the sky and directly pressed on the man.


The man can't even resist. He kneels on the ground directly by this huge force. The strength is so great that even the hard floor has been smashed with cracks.

This time, the evil slaves who followed the men were all stupid.

"Young master!"

"Huo Shao!"

In these shouts, the man tried to struggle, but was frightened to find that he could not move a finger.

At this time, Xue an slowly took a drink from his cup, and then said to the evil slaves, "now I'll give you a time to go back and report to his parents. If no one comes after a stick of incense, wait for him to collect his body!"

The language is indifferent, but it contains unquestionable authority.

These evil slaves, even idiots, can see that this man is not an ordinary man. Now Huo Shao kneels on the ground and his life is in the hands of others.

So these guys don't dare to delay.

"You You wait. If you dare to hurt Huo Shao, you will die! "

And go downstairs in panic.

On the second floor, there are only the quiet shopkeeper and the waiter.

Xue an smiles, "don't worry, someone will compensate you later." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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