The shopkeeper almost cried when he heard the speech.


With the person kneeling on the ground now, if his restaurant is not demolished later, it will be good, and dare to hope for compensation?

That's a lot of famous dandies in the extremely cold city, which ordinary people can't afford.

And who is this teenager? How could you be so overbearing? The shopkeeper was puzzled.

In the heart of the same doubt is the Huo Shao kneeling on the ground.

He was staring at xue'an with pity and anger: "boy, do you know what you are doing? If you let me go now, I may spare you, or... "

After the words have not been said, Xue an eyes slightly narrowed.

Huo Shao felt a huge force coming, and his whole body was completely imprisoned in an instant.

Now don't talk, even blink of an eye has become extravagant hope, can only stay kneeling like wood sculpture.

Xue an does not move to continue to drink, an Yan is some surprised to come over and ask in a low voice: "husband, do you know this guy?"

Xue an smiles, "I don't know!"

"Then why did you make him kneel there? Such a man, teach him at will, and send him away An Yan has some doubts.

"I don't know him, but his parents should know me! Yan'er, I have my own discretion when you eat your food! "

An Yan smell speech to nod, then also no longer ask.

So a very strange scene appeared in the room on the second floor.

Xue an's family sat around eating and drinking.

On the other side, there was a man kneeling motionlessly on the ground.

At this time, I heard a roar full of anger in the distance, "who is it? How dare you bully my brother? "

The sound shook all over the country, and in an instant rushed to the restaurant above.

The innkeeper and others trembled at the words, and their faces were frightened.

At this time, the top of the restaurant was directly lifted, bricks and tiles flying, there was a person straight down.

This person is not old, and describes the appearance and Huo Shao very similar.

At the sight of this man, everyone in the restaurant turned pale.

Because it was Huo Shao's brother who was kneeling on the ground. He had a bad temper and strong power. He was more difficult to be provoked than Huo Shao.

When he comes, it will be even worse.

Sure enough.

On seeing his brother kneeling on the ground motionless, and opposite him, Xue an, who was sitting on the chair calmly, could not help but scream with anger.

"How dare you humiliate my Huo family and die for me With that, he rushed with anger and directly killed him.

When Xue an saw that the comer was actually a teenager, not the one he was waiting for, he frowned slightly, but he didn't even look at him in the eye, just a cold smile.


Before rushing to the front, the man felt as if a mountain had fallen from the sky and landed directly on his shoulder.

In terms of strength, he is indeed much better than his brother, in this huge force, he even tried to resist.

But Xue an slowly raised his eyes and looked at him coldly.

As far as his eyes could see, the man felt that his power had increased by a hundredfold. He could not help but scream, plop and kneel on the ground.

And because the strength is too big, the whole leg is broken by Sheng Sheng.

But even so, he didn't scream.

It's not because he's tough enough, but because after he kneels down, his whole body is locked up and he can't do anything but breathe.

In an instant.

The two brothers knelt side by side in the same posture and technique.

Under this, all who witnessed this scene can't help but take a breath of cold air.

Because of the huge momentum, it naturally attracted many people on the street.

People were talking in silence.

"Who is this man? They are so domineering that they all kneel down! "

"Whoosh, who knows! But it seems that he is an outsider. I don't know the situation in the city at all! "

"It seems that he should be a teenager, but he seems to be covered by the secret method. He can't see his face and cultivation."

"Well, young people are still too impulsive to do things. They are so domineering in places unfamiliar with their places of life. It's hard to be good at this."

"Who said no, the Huo family will never let him go! Wait and see

People were talking, but Xue an seemed not to hear the same, just looked up to see the lifted roof.

Stars like diamonds, the air is too good.

Xue an light way: "wait for me to finish drinking this cup of wine in hand, if no one comes out, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The voice was flat, but it was all over the room.

All of them were stunned when they heard the speech, and then there was a rush of agitation.This shows clearly is in public with the Huo family's person to challenge!

Although this practice makes a lot of people in the heart secretly praise a good young man.

But more people still shake their heads in secret, because it is too dangerous to do so.

The Huo family It's not easy to be provoked!

The atmosphere gradually became stagnant.

Originally on the second floor of the restaurant shopkeeper and bartender, do not know when has quietly retreated.

The crowd gradually became silent.

Under everyone's gaze, Xue an slowly drinks the wine in the cup.

The wine is made from the bottom of the ice lake which has not been melted for thousands of years and brewed with the blood of monsters.

The average person may be drunk for three days after a sip.

But Xue an has drunk most of the pot, but the more he drinks, the brighter his eyes are.


The wine in the cup is already at the bottom. Xue an raises a cold smile at the corner of his mouth. Then he holds the cup in his hand, looks up and drinks it.

"Since I'm not here yet! Then you two brothers, go on the road together Xue an said coldly, and then he started.

At this moment.

A sharp voice of breaking the sky came from the sky, and then I heard someone roar with great anger: "who is coming? How dare you fight against my Huo family?"

There was a great commotion in the crowd at the sound.


"Master Huo is here!"

"Tut Tut, this can be lively!"

And Xue an after hearing this voice, but gradually smile, but eyes are full of cold.

At the same time.

See a streamer from the top of all heads, in an instant appeared on the restaurant.

When he shows his figure, he is a strong and dignified middle-aged man.

As soon as the man appeared, the whole street was shaken by the prestige he brought.

He ran is a strong man with true immortal cultivation and city Lord level.

"Master Huo!"

"I've met master Huo!"

There are people close to say hello.

At this time, the evil slaves all arrived, "the master of the house forced the young master to kneel down!"

In the disorderly voice, the Huo family master looked at his two sons kneeling on the ground, their faces getting colder and colder, and then he asked in a deep voice.

"Who are you? Are you tired of living against my Huo family?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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