The questioning silenced the audience.

Xue an gradually smile, while laughing, while quietly sighing: "no wonder in the past as a chess slave dare to be so arrogant, it is the nature of ah!"

This words let this Huo family master a Leng, "what do you mean? Who the hell are you? "

"Who am I?"

Xue an removes the secret art of covering up the breath, and then smiles at the Huo family master who looks crazy.

"Huo Geng, long time no see!"

That's right.

The master of Huo's family came to seize Tianzhao's chess master as a chess slave in Tianzhao Xingyu before. He committed a Heinous Sin and was beaten up by Xue an with his chess skills and exposed his true colors.

But Huo Geng got away with it.


When Huo Geng saw Xue an, who had removed his secret arts disguise, he could not believe his eyes. He was shocked and said: "you You... "

This sudden change also shocked all the onlookers.

"What's the matter? Why did the Huo family master's look suddenly changed? "

"Who knows, but they seem to know each other!"

At this time, Xue an leaned back on the chair and said in a playful tone: "before, I thought you were just a chess slave who backed the master, but now it seems that I am guessing wrong! Your identity is very unusual! "

"So, the death of Tianzhao chess master and the subsequent events are under your control in the dark?"

But when he heard the words, he was shocked and surprised.

"To tell you the truth, I'm really surprised that you dare to come to the Holy Land! And you're smart enough to react so quickly! That's right. We are the one who is in charge of the affairs in the sky and the stars! "

Xue an nodded. "Good. I'm glad you're so honest."

At this time, kneeling on the ground, the Huo brothers felt that the confinement was loose and could already speak, so they roared.

"Father save me!"

"Father, help me!"

Huo Geng looked at the Huo brothers kneeling on the ground and turned to look at Xue an coldly.

"What do you mean?"

Xue an smile, "nothing, I just happened to pass by here, and then happened to find that the man's blood was very similar to you, so I happened to play a game with them."

"Am I right?"

Xue anchong said with a smile.

The man who knelt down first resented: "boy, you're finished. Now my father has arrived. No matter who you are, you can't leave!"

"Oh? Is it Xue an said with a smile.

"Of course! In this extremely cold city, it is the dragon that has to be coiled and the tiger must lie down. You dare to fight against my Huo family. You are waiting to die! And even the woman around you can't live. I will... "

This man is full of silver evil and is just about to go on. Xue an's eyes flash with cold, and he directly sends the three people who have already had enough to eat back to Fubao building.

At the same time, a strong mind surged out, and the man's head and body exploded like firecrackers.

Not only that, but also his spirit was destroyed.

The audience was shocked.

Who did not expect, this looks very delicate youth, the hand actually can be so cruel.

He also dares to kill people directly in front of Huo Geng, the head of the Huo family.

Huo Geng was also stunned, and then he woke up and roared in great anger: "Xue, do you dare to kill my son? I... "

"What happened to your son? Do you think I only kill one? "

Xue an smiles and points to another Huo's son kneeling beside him.

The man was shocked and exclaimed, "father, help..."

I haven't uttered the word yet, and my head and body are all blown to pieces.

Between the pools of blood.

Huo Geng's hands and feet were cold, and he stayed where he was.

Xue an stood up slowly and said, "I'm sorry, your two sons are dead now!"

There was a dead silence.

Two young Huo family members, who had no one to provoke in the extremely cold city, were extremely arrogant and committed numerous heinous crimes.

Countless people are very quick in their hearts, but on the surface they dare not show it.

To everyone's surprise, Huo Geng, who should have been furious, suddenly became extremely calm.

He looked at xue'an coldly, and suddenly said, "now my son you have killed, I will not pursue it any more. Even if this matter is uncovered, what do you think?"


This sentence is no less than a bomb, everyone's heart is shocked.

In the extremely cold city, the master of the Huo family, who was extremely vicious and said that he would not be investigated after his two sons were killed.It sounds like a dream.

In the eyes of many people, Xue an's image becomes extremely mysterious.

Who the hell is he?

How could they have such a powerful deterrent that the Huo family owners were so afraid?

But when everyone thought that Xue an would meet well, they would stop.

But Xue an laughed, "I killed them because they had already died for their sins! What does it have to do with you? "

"And you don't pursue it any more, you think Do you deserve it? "

Many people were frightened by the words and dare not look at Huo Geng's expression.

Because this is no longer a slap in the face, but a direct kick in the face with the feet.

Sure enough.

Huo Geng's face was so blue that he could see the human figure. He said angrily, "xue'an, don't deceive people too much. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"It's too easy for you to talk about the weak and the weak."

At this point, Huo Geng has already retired.

In fact, at the beginning, he was not afraid of xue'an's arrival except surprise.

Because before in the sky shine star domain, although Xue an demonstrated the extremely strong strength, but at that time he was only a separate body, lost is not strange.

And now it's a very cold city, and it's their home court, so Huo Geng thinks that Xue an's door is purely to die.

But later, when Xue an killed his two sons directly, he did not dare to think so.

In particular, Huo Geng was terrified by Xue an's strong spirit, so he changed his attitude. He wanted to calm things down and cover up the incident first, and then find the scene later.

But now Xue an is so aggressive that he can't go back any more. If he retreats, the Huo family will not mix in the extremely cold city.

If you want to die like this

With that, Huo Geng showed countless ice crystals around his body.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"


The ice crystal sweeps in front of you, and all the people who see it retreat in horror.

The temperature dropped to extremely low and even the air was frozen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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