But Xue an's response to this is very simple.

A step, Xue an will appear in front of Huo Geng, and then kick out.

Huo Geng, who was trying his best to stimulate his divine power, didn't realize that his ice spirit skill had no effect on xue'an.

Caught off guard, Xue an kicked him to the ground.

Without divine power, the ice crystal will disappear naturally.

As Huo Geng was about to get up, Xue an stepped forward and stepped on his head. He said faintly, "don't move, move again. I'll step on your head again!"

A breathing room.

Huo Geng became Xue an's defeated general.

From the beginning to the end, Xue an even carried his hands behind his back and did not use

the gap in strength made everyone gape.

Huo Geng was more frightened and angry, but soon, he calmed down, and then hoarse voice roared: "Xue an, what do you want to do?"

Xue an light smile, "very simple, I want to find you extremely cold city's winter God general!"

Huo Geng was shocked, "you What are you looking for

"Guess?" Xue an said with a smile.

Huo Geng was a little confused, and then his eyes showed a color of horror, "you Do you want to go to Zhonggong? "

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "yes, but no reward!"

Huo Geng trembled like chaff, and his eyes were full of fear.

Although he had speculated as much as possible about what Xue an wanted to do in Tianzhao Shenyu, he never thought that Xue an's target was the God King in Tianzhao Zhonggong.

"You Why do you have to fight with my Tianzhao people? " Huo Geng couldn't help asking.

Xue an coldly looked at him, "because you have done a lot of wrong things!"

"If you make a mistake, you have to admit it. If you commit a crime, you must pay it back with blood."

Xue an's voice is filled with cold murders.

Huo Geng was stunned for a moment, but finally he could only helplessly lower his head. When he bowed his head, his eyes flashed a cold light.

"Good! In this case, I will lead you to the Lord of God

The extremely cold city covers a very wide area, and this kind of city, located in the middle of the city, is generally the city Lord's house.

But when Xue an entered the city, he had already passed the divinity scanning, and there was no strong one in the city Lord's house.

Moreover, if you want to get to tianzhaozhong palace from here, there must be a transmission array. In that case, the spatial structure will be different.

But the city Lord's house is obviously not in line with these conditions.

Until Huo Geng led the way and left the extremely cold city.

Xue an just suddenly.

It turns out that the old cold God will not live in the city, but live somewhere outside the extremely cold city!


It is a hundred miles away from the extremely cold city, and the earth is covered with thick ice and snow. The extremely cold climate makes here a desolate place, with only a little star shining on the snow, it seems so lonely.

In this environment, and continue to fly forward for a quarter of an hour, in front of a low hill.

These hills form a natural depression, which is protected by layers of array.

Huo Geng stopped, "Xue Lord Xue, ahead is the place where the gods and generals usually live! "

Xue an did not agree, his eyes were as bright as lightning, sweeping across the valley.

Although blocked by layers of array, Xue an can still feel an obscure and powerful atmosphere.

Xue an showed a trace of amusing smile, "good! You've done a good job! "

After that, Xue an fell to the ground from mid air, floated across the snow, and went straight to the depression.

Seeing this scene, Huo Geng looked happy and looked at Xue an's back with ferocious hatred.

Ha ha, Xue an! This is your own death, can not blame others!

At the same time.

Xue an has come to protect the array. He looks up first, then reaches out his hand and presses it down slowly.


With a soft sound, a curtain of ice blue light emerges, trying to fly Xue an's palm.

Xue an cold smile, palm does not retreat, but forward, down suddenly a press.


The ice blue curtain of light broke in less than a second.

But at the same time, more than a dozen array light screens inside were also excited, and a low roar came from it.

As soon as the roar came out, the ice and snow all trembled for it.

Xue an, however, was not moved at all, and directly revealed it with one hand.

Bang bang bang.

After a series of crackles.

All the light screens of the dozen arrays were smashed.

But also at this time, see a brilliant rising, and then a voice full of dignity angry: "who, dare to disturb my sleep?"With the voice, we can see that in the light and fog of the sky, a big man with curly muscles gradually emerges.

As soon as he saw this man, Huo Geng was overjoyed and rushed over, "Lord God, it is this man who coerced me to find you! He also hurt you when he was in the sky shining on the stars

The big man seemed to wake up from his long sleep, and his head was still a little hard to use.

It was not until Huo Geng reminded him that he gradually understood it. Then he was staring at Xue an, who was walking in the snow. His honest and honest face was full of tyranny.

"Yes, you cut off three of my fingers! I can't remember your appearance, but your breath can't deceive me! "

With that, the big man raised his hand, and there were three finger defects on his left hand.

"Jianxiu, your original sword was very vicious. After I came back, I tried to repair the wound several times, but all of them were blocked by the meaning of sword. As a result, it has been delayed until now. I didn't expect that you would dare to come here. Aren't you afraid of death? "

At the last question, the man almost roared out.

And with his anger, within a thousand miles, the sky and earth changed color, and even the air temperature dropped several degrees for it.

The air was too cold to condense ice crystals.

But Xue an's face helplessly took out his ear, and then sighed: "do you guys like to shout? What can't you say? "

The big man was angry. "Sword Xiu, you cut my sword account for the moment, and just destroyed my guard array. What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple. I'll take your way to Zhonggong." Xue an said calmly.

"To the central palace?" The big man was stunned.

Huo Geng said in a hurry: "yes, Lord general, this guy is going to the central palace, and he has killed my two sons. You must take revenge for me!"

The big man heard the speech and gradually revealed a grim smile, "sword cultivation, you have good strength, but you shouldn't be so arrogant, you know..."

Before the words fell, Xue an waved his hand and said impatiently, "OK, you mean you don't want to be!"

"Of course!" said the big man

"Good! Then you will die Xue an said a light, raised his feet to step out, straight into the sky.

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