In a moment, Xue an's body looks like a streamer, has already rushed to the front.

The old cold God will be cold hum a, raise hand then blow out a palm.

I saw the clouds all over the sky gathered together and turned into a palm with the size of Li Xu. It was like a cloud dragon reaching for Xue an.

Because the temperature is too low, even the air is frozen and exploded.

In the face of such a powerful attack, Xue an did not avoid it, and even his speed did not slow down at all. Instead, he rushed straight up like a sword.


After a muffled sound, the cold fog aroused by the two blows immediately diffused and enveloped the sky.

The annual cold was also shaken back half a step, and then slightly shocked to see the sky full of cold fog.

Are you dead?

Huo Geng can not help but emerge this doubt.

At this time, the cold fog suddenly stirred, and then rushed out of the body as fast as lightning.

It's Xue an.

At the moment, his body was surrounded by sword Qi, and his momentum was like a rainbow.

The old cold God can't help but snort, "sure enough, there are two sons, but still have to die! Extremely cold field


At an order.

We can see that the temperature of the heaven and earth within a hundred miles around the center of annual cold suddenly drops to the extreme.

The extreme cold even froze the air, forming a large vacuum.

At this temperature, no life can survive, because even the movement of the atoms that make up the most basic substance is forced to stop.

Xue'an, who was originally very fast, slowed down gradually under the coverage of this field, and finally came to a standstill.

When Xue an's body stopped, a layer of ice and snow covered Xue an's body completely.

In an instant, Xue an was transformed into an ice sculpture.

Sui Han looked up to the sky with pride and laughed, "sword, although you are tough, you forget that this is my home court! Because in the ice and snow, I am king

Huo Geng also had a good laugh and said, "the God general is really magnificent. This son is extremely arrogant. Now he has finally eaten the evil fruit by himself. It's really a great pleasure."

Both of them are happy and relaxed at the moment.

Because after being hit by the extremely cold area, the extreme cold will directly destroy your structure at the atomic level,

no one can survive unless you are a strong one.

So they thought that Xue an must have died and could not die any more.

"Lord general, this man first broke our big business, and then killed my two sons. I will blow them to pieces, and then I can dispel my hatred in my heart." The Huo Geng face is full of hate.

Sui Han nodded, "yes! Do it

Huo Geng looked at Xue an's "statue" and sneered, "Xue's name is Xue. I'll take you on the road now."

Then he smashed a piece of chess into Xue Lingan's Square.

Huo Geng himself is good at chess. This time, the attack is extremely fierce. It is not a matter of smashing into pieces. Obviously, he wants to crush Xue an into powder.

But just as the chess piece was about to reach his body, a very subtle, but very clear, broken sound reached Huo Geng's ears.

Then I heard someone sigh a little: "this skill, it's a pity not to make a refrigerator!"

With the sound of the speech, the dense crackling sound like firecrackers came one after another. The ice crystals that had covered Xue an's body cracked and then flew away in all directions with great prestige.

Bang bang bang.

In the sound of loud noise, the chess pieces in the sky are completely smashed by these ice crystals.

Then we can see Xue an standing in the void, looking at Huo Geng and Sui Han two people calmly.

"God My Lord Huo Geng's voice trembled and exclaimed.

The old cold God was also surprised, and then he said in a grim voice: "you can break my extremely cold field. You have a treasure that can resist the cold attack!"

Say, the eye of year cold showed a touch of greedy color.

To know the high value of a treasure, even if you are the first general of Tianzhao God, he does not have one. If Xue an really has one, he will snatch it back at all costs.

From the beginning to the end, he did not think that Xue an was directly broken by the physical strength of this extremely cold field.

Because for him, it's impossible.

Xue an didn't pay attention to his question. Instead, he looked down at the depression surrounded by the hills and gave a smile.

"If I guess correctly, the real access to Tianzhao Zhonggong is in this mountain depression. The so-called extremely cold city is just a cover, isn't it?"

Hearing Xue an's words, Sui Han's face changed slightly, and then coldly said, "how is it?"

"They are called gods, but they are so secretive, as if they dare not see the sun. What are you hiding in your mind?"Before Sui Han spoke, Huo Geng jumped out first, "Xue, you..."

Before the words fell, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, and a bright sword suddenly appeared in front of Huo Geng, and cut across.


The head fell to the ground, blood splashed.

Huo Geng's corpse fell from the air.

Xue an said coldly: "in the face of the strong, we should keep our respect. This Isn't it the most important rule for your gods to abide by? "

Sui Han was shocked by Xue an's ruthlessness.

At the same time.

After that, he was scared to see the corpse.

"Lord God, you have to decide for me!" Huo Geng called out.

The old man's face was also gradually gloomy. "Don't worry, if this son is not removed, it will become a great trouble to the king of God. Today, I will kill it!"

Say, see this year cold to the sky long howl, the body shape also then soars.

In an instant, it becomes a thousand feet.

"Heaven and earth? Are you here to be funny? " Xue an said coldly.

FA Tian Xiang Di refers to the technique of increasing one's body shape and then using it to fight.

But this kind of technique is used to bluff people or crush the opponent whose strength is far lower than his own.

When you come to xue'an's realm and use this technique to fight against the enemy, you are just looking for death.

Year cold Jie Jie strange smile, "don't worry, this just started! Get up


There was a huge roar below the ground, and then the low hills that formed the depressions began to vibrate violently. When the snow and ice covered on them fell, they suddenly revealed huge limbs with cold luster.

These limbs are high, and then fly to the cold side of the year, and he instantly melt into one.

In a flash, the annual cold has become very high, and the limbs are emitting a cold biting luster.

Sui Han Ao ran with a smile, "the surname Xue, can let me use this form, you can be proud of yourself! Go to hell

With that, Sui Han is a slap down.

This palm is like the peak of the sky toppling, and it hits Xue an.

Xue an looked up at the huge hand that was getting closer and closer, the light in his eyes was bright, and a cold smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that you have come to make fun of me by using puppet skills in front of me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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