Fan Mengxue out of the studio, just sat in the car, her agent Han Yao will call over.

Fan Mengxue gets through the phone.

The top gold medal agent in the entertainment industry was furious on the phone.

"Fan Mengxue, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know!" Fan Mengxue said lightly.

"You know? I don't think you know anything! Do you know how much your comments have affected the company? "

Fan Mengxue said nothing.

"I tell you, just now my phone was almost burst. If I hadn't pressed you down, what would you be in now? The boss and the board have to eat you! "

After venting, Han Yao's tone softened down, "Meng Xue, you are at the height of the sun, how much capital is waving money, just for your popularity and popularity now! But if you show up on TV, how many fans will you lose? "

Fan Mengxue said coldly: "sister Han, I understand all these, but he is back!"

Han Yao lost her voice and after a long time said, "what are you going to do?"

"I'm going back to Beijiang to meet him!"

"No way!" Han Yao flatly refused.

"Tomorrow you will fly to Europe, where there is a famous international director, ready to let you be the heroine of the next play!"

"I'm sorry, I'm on the bus to Beijiang now!" Fan Mengxue said, hang up the phone, and then shut down.

"Sister Xue, where are we going The driver asked carefully.

"To Beijiang!"

Fan Mengxue looks at the flying scenery outside the window, holding the mobile phone with both hands.

Even the knuckles turned white with excessive force.

The next day.

Tang xuan'er came early.

A door to see Xue an is clumsy to Xue want and Xue Nian braid.

It has to be said that men do not have talent in this matter.

Whether you are immortal or ordinary people, it's the same.

Either the braid is crooked or the hair is disordered.

But the two girls seem to enjoy it all.

I've been giggling.

Seeing this, Tang xuan'er could only shake her head helplessly, and then replaced xue'an. She tied up her hair for the two girls.

"Are you going to wear this?" Tang xuan'er asked.

"Yes? What's the problem? " Xue an Dao.

Xue an is now wearing the clothes of four years ago, although not very shabby, but the style and so on has long been out of date.

Tang xuan'er was eager to speak but stopped.

After finishing cleaning up finally, two people led to think and read out of the community.

While waiting for the bus, a brand-new BMW 530 stopped by the side of the road.

Then the window came down, and a dressed up man with a greasy face was smiling at Tang xuan'er.

"Xuaner, I'm going to pick you up! Come on, get in the car! Mingge has arranged a party in longhuangtai hotel

Tang xuan'er frowned.

The co driver's woman also pointed out her head, "Tang xuan'er, it's so cold to wait for the bus. Let's let my husband take you! See, the new car we just bought! It's over 400000! "

The woman who spoke had a pair of triangular eyes and said triumphantly.

Tang xuan'er is a little hesitant, and at this time, this triangle eye woman also noticed Xue an.

"Oh, isn't that Xue an?"

The man also saw Xue an at this time, and after a careful look, his face showed disdain and arrogance.

"I didn't expect Xue Da CAI to go to the party too!"

Tang xuan'er whispered, "this is Meng Wei and Zhang Yan from our class."

Xue an thought for a long time before he had some impression.

At the beginning of school, Meng Wei was a dogleg in his class. He played with anyone who had money.

As for Zhang Yan.

Is extremely snobbish.

The two men are a perfect match.

Xue an's mouth appeared a faint smile.

At this time, Xue Xiang saw a street stall selling small jewelry.

"Baba, those small jewelry are so beautiful!" Xue thought his eyes were shining.

No matter how small a woman is, she is a woman.

Nature has no resistance to these bright things.

Xue an a smile, "like it?"

"Mm-hmm! Like it Xue wants to speak with Xue Nian.

"Then choose, I'll buy it for you!"

Two little girls cheered and began to choose small jewelry around the stall.

Xue an didn't take a look at Meng Wei and Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan skimmed her lips and said with disdain: "what garlic is loaded? It's all mixed up like this. It's still so lofty!""Don't say that. At least people can afford a few dollars worth of small jewelry." Meng Wei sneered.

At this time, the two girls selected a lot of small jewelry. Xue an paid for it. When she took it in her hand, she moved her heart and poured some aura into it.

These originally worthless things, immediately began to undergo subtle transformation.

"I've chosen one for you, too!" Xue an said lightly and handed Tang xuan'er a pair of earrings.

Tang xuan'er is very happy to take the earrings.

"Well, it must be worth at least five yuan! It's shiny. It's not plastic! Don't take it with you, xuan'er. You'll rot your skin! " Zhang Yan said sarcastically.

Tang Xuaner's expression becomes a little embarrassed.

Xue an frowned. This woman is really noisy.

"I'm sorry, xue'an, we can only pull four people in this car. After pulling xuan'er, you can only sit in the trunk. Otherwise, you can take the bus to go there later." Meng Wei said with a smile.

Tang xuan'er frowned. "You go first. We'll take a taxi later."

What else does Meng Wei want to say.

Xue wants to suddenly say: "Baba, this car is not as big as the one we took yesterday."

"Yes, Baba. When aunt yu'er sent us back yesterday, she drove a big car!" Xue Nian also said.

"It's a big car. Hehe, is it a van?" Meng Wei sneered.

Zhang Yan is very proud to say: "see, my husband just bought a new car yesterday, BMW five series, have you sat?"

Xue an seems to be watching two clowns performing, and her expression has been very indifferent.

Just then, an extended version of Maybach came slowly.

After driving to Xue an's side, the driver got off the bus, and then respectfully walked to Xue an.

"Mr. Xue, our eldest lady has told us that we will drive you wherever you want to go. Please let me know if you have any need."

This scene makes Meng Wei and Zhang Yan dumbfounded. Their mouths can be stuffed into a duck's egg.

The appearance of this Maybach was like a loud slap in the face. Zhang Yan, who had just boasted of her new car, saw stars in her eyes.

Compared with such a car, the BMW that Zhang Yan has been boasting about can't even buy a wheel.

Xue an was a little surprised, but Qin Yu was very careful.

Then he nodded, "good! Go to the dragon palace


Xue Xiang said to Meng Wei with a dull face: "uncle, aunt yu'er drove us back in such a car yesterday."

Xue an couldn't help laughing. Her two only four-year-old daughters seemed to be It's very dark! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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