In Beijiang, you may have different opinions about which is the best hotel.

But if we talk about the place where food, drink and play are integrated, the facilities are complete and the grade is still high, it is the place where people from the provinces and cities often come to spend money.

At the moment, luxury cars gather in front of the Dragon Emperor platform, and guests are like clouds.

A Maybach drove slowly to the door.

This extended special edition of Maybach is full of boldness and has attracted a lot of attention.

The doorman rushed up and opened the door respectfully.

The first to jump out of the car, but it is two pink jade carving general girls.

the little girl as like as two peas at four or five years old, looks like she came out of the comic book.

Soft and cute.

A lot of girls look at the two eyes of light, want to rush to steal one now.

Then get off is a temperament elegant, such as empty valley orchid like woman, the woman wearing a simple dress, beautiful.

Such a picture, let a lot of people have some look silly.

And not far away a few girls are surprised to cover the mouth.

"Isn't that Tang xuan'er from our class?"

"Yes! That's her! Isn't she unmarried? Why do you have all the children? "

"Hum, I've been pretending to be very noble all day, but I'm still a junior for the rich?" A woman with several freckles on her face sneered.

"There are not many Beijiang people who can afford to drive such a car! Who would this be? "

A lot of people have this idea in mind, and at this time, Xue an also got out of the car.

His appearance made these girls even more agitated.

"It's Xue an!"

"Isn't he missing? Why did you come back all of a sudden? "

"He really dares to come, but Hong Shao has long threatened to clean him up!"

"Look at the shabby clothes, it doesn't look like a rich one. Maybe it's a rented car with a big face and fat face." The girl with freckles sneered.

This girl is called song Jing. She is mean and snobbish. With Zhang Yan and Du Juan, she is also called the three cheapskates in her class.

"Hey hey, Hong Shao is going to pick up fan Da Xing. It's estimated that there will be a good show in a while." The girls whispered, gloating.

"Baba, it's so big and beautiful here!" Xue wants to look East and West and say.

"Big? Not bad! After that, Baba will take you to see what the real luxury is

Xue an really didn't feel much.

Although the Dragon Palace is said to have cost 500 million yuan for decoration, there is even a gold dragon cast in real gold, which is three meters long.

The Dragon Palace is also named for it.

Such luxury can really make ordinary people look at it.

But for a immortal who has seen countless scenes, it's really Poor.

Once upon a time in the fairyland, thousands of dragons were slaughtered at an ordinary banquet.

At that time, the real Celestial Master had a banquet for Xue an, but he killed ten ancient dragons and put them on a plate made of Phoenix bones.

It's hard for ordinary people to imagine such scenes.

So the so-called golden dragon carved out by Xue an is no different from a pig.

However, his words attracted the sidelights of the people nearby.

After hearing Xue an's words, a man with colorful hair and a coquettish woman in his arms could not help laughing.

"Where are you from? What a big voice

Xue an did not speak, Xue Nian suddenly chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Xue wants to cross his waist with his small hands and take out the posture of being a sister.

"This uncle's hair looks like a chicken coop."

Xue wanted to listen, looked at it carefully and couldn't help laughing.

"It's like that."

The words of two little girls also made many people cover their mouths and smile.

Because It's a bit like a chicken coop.

The man's face was so red that he glared at Xue an with hatred and turned to leave.

Xue an has a faint smile. For this kind of ant like guy, he doesn't care to pay attention to him. But if he dare to challenge again just now, Xue an doesn't mind making his head a chicken coop.

"Xuaner, here! Here it is Song Jing shouts, at the moment her face is full of smile, the slightest can not see just acerbic thin.

Tang xuan'er hesitated a little, then walked over, "Song Jing, long time no see!"

"Tut, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you had children! How lovely the two little girls are! Are they twins? " Song Jing said with a smile.

Tang xuan'er shook her head, "this is not my child! The two of them are Xue an's daughters

Does Xue an have children?

Song Jing and others look at Xue an not far away, and their eyes are full of scorn.

Dressed in such a down and out look, and bringing the kids to the party.I'm sure I didn't mix well!

"Go! Let's go to tianzi-1 and wait! Hong Shao has taken his male classmates to pick up big star fan. He should be back soon! " Song Jing takes Tang xuan'er away.

"What about xue'an?"

"He? If he wants to come, let's follow. But now there are girls in the box. "

At this time, Xue wants to pull Xue an's clothes secretly.

"What's the matter?" Asked Xue an, leaning down.

"Baba, I want to go to the toilet!" Xue Xiang said with a red face.

"I want to, too, I want to!" Xue Nian also said.

"Er Good

Xue an followed him to the box.

Tianzi No.1 is the most luxurious and expensive private room in longhuangtai. Naturally, there is a bathroom attached.

However, as soon as he entered the door, he found that YingYing and Yanyan in the box were all girls.

He didn't recognize most of them, and some, even though they had some impressions, couldn't name them.

"Isn't that Xue an of our class?"

"It's him! Why didn't he pick up fan Mengxue? "

"Shh, don't ask. Hong Shao will come back soon."

In these whispers, xue'an looks as usual, but says to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian: "can I go by myself?"


Two little girls went into the bathroom.

Xue an is waiting at the door.

Tang xuan'er tried to come over several times, but song Jing stopped her for various reasons.

At this time, the eyes of all the women in the room were focused on him.

But Xue an didn't care.


In Xue an's eyes, these people are not even mediocre and vulgar. How can they care about their eyes?

In particular, Xue an's state of mind is like a rock, so just standing there indifferently will have a proud bearing.

Although the clothes she was wearing did not fit her well, she could not hide the sharp momentum of xue'an.


A lot of girls are talking less.

At school, Xue an is the school grass, many girls have secretly liked him.

Although Xue an is dressed in general now, his appearance and bearing are better than before. I can't help feeling strange.

Xue an was naturally aware of this, but only laughed it off.

When he was in the fairyland of Qingqiu, he abducted Nine Tailed saints by one meeting, which made the fox demon family pour out to seek revenge on him.

Even the nine tail saints are outstanding women in the universe, not to mention these mediocre people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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