The heavenly king's face changed, and then he said, "the strong Chinese, don't think I'm afraid of you, and what I did ten thousand years ago is not necessarily wrong."

"Oh? You are right. Is it the Chinese who are wrong? " Xue an said coldly.

"I'm not sure. Who let the Chinese at that time not know how to adapt?" The heavenly king sneered.

Xue an's eyes grew cold and waved, "OK! Needless to say, no matter what you say! Today, it's your day of death

After all, Xue an took a step, and the whole person and the instant appeared in front of the heavenly king, and raising his hand was a blow.

With the power of this fist, several powerful deities with shallow cultivation around him were shaken out directly.

However, the emperor did not face the blow. Instead, he retreated quickly and said with a sneer: "I have given you enough face, the strong man of Chinese nationality, but you don't know what to do with it!"

"Give me face? You deserve it? "

Xue an replied with no politeness, and his fist suddenly accelerated. In a moment, he caught up with the king of Tianzhao who was retreating madly.


After a loud noise, the body of the heavenly king was directly exploded, and the blood fell on the ground.

That's it?

Many people were stunned.

Xue an did not have the slightest relaxed color.

Because he knew that the real war had just begun.

Sure enough.

I heard a man's sigh from the sky.

"It's nothing for a young man to be arrogant, but he is too arrogant, that is to die by himself."

With the words, we can see that the black and white sky suddenly faded, and in the middle of the sky, there was a round of scorching sun.

The glory of this round of sun shines on the whole land, and its prestige is even more oppressive. All the people are crawling on the ground and can't even lift their heads.

In an instant.

On such a large square, only Xue an was left standing proud.

Xue an raised his head to look at this round of scorching sun, ignored the clamor of the heavenly king, just a light way.

"It turns out that it was transformed by ancient Jinwu. No wonder country R dare to claim that it is the country from which R came out. So you should be regarded as the God who came out of the earth at the beginning."

As a matter of fact, Xue anda had doubts about the identity of Tianzhao God King and even the whole Tianzhao gods from the beginning.

Because all kinds of clues show that these gods are inextricably linked with those gods in the myths and legends of r country.

It was not until he saw the scorching sun that Xue an was sure that the so-called celestial gods were not the native gods of the divine world, but were all born in the earth like Odin, the original Nordic God King.

Before the union, Xue an found the information in the tomb where the ancient God fell, and all the clues became clear.

The gods in the divine world are likely to be divided into two camps, one is the native gods of the divine world, and the other is the gods ascending from all walks of life.

At the beginning, the Chinese gods may be one of the strongest.

The Tianzhao gods were the ancient gods of R state, and then they also entered the divine world.

Because they were all born on earth and were not far away, the Chinese gods accepted these celestial gods into their own camp.

But they never thought, but their kindness buried a huge hidden danger.

When the catastrophe before Wanzai came, the gods of Tianzhao were the first to fight back, which directly dealt a heavy blow to the Chinese gods and eventually led to their complete defeat.

Then they were willing to be pawns and killed directly back to earth.

These clues are connected in Xue an's mind, and a complete story line gradually takes shape.

After the last piece of ice, Xue an's heart is boiling.

At the same time, Xue an's words also made the king of Tianzhao a little stunned, and then he roared in a very shocked tone: "can you see through my body? You are not an ordinary strong Chinese. Who are you? "

Xue an sneered, "don't you think it's too late to ask this question now?"

Having said that, Xue an rose to the sky and ran straight to the sun in the middle of the sky.

"Hum! Chinese strong, before I still want to save your life, but you can see through my body and origin, then you can not stay! Go to hell


But in this round of scorching sun, there was a golden crow with one foot.

As soon as the golden crow appeared, the temperature around the world soared a thousand times.

The temperature is so high that even the air is baked.

Xue an's figure did not show any hesitation, but went directly through the layers of light and fog and rushed to the scorching sun.


Xue an's hair and hair began to curl slightly because of the extreme heat, but Xue an didn't hesitate at all, and he hit out again.Bang!

Fight like a dragon, straight to Jinwu.

But all of this could not shake the emperor Tianzhao. He just laughed and said, "it's useless. I can't hurt me unless you are a strong man of Daluo."

"But you, as long as you take a few more breaths, your body will collapse completely because it can't bear the high temperature!" Tianzhao, the God King, was full of pride.

But Xue an was not moved at all, but his eyes were bright, and then his body showed layers of swords.

"Why? Are you still a swordsman? " Tianzhao God King slightly a Leng, then disdain a smile.

"It's no use. I'm an ancient beast. I'm just a sword. What can I do?"

The voice has just dropped.

In front of xue'an's body, there were countless bright swords, and then they smashed at the heavenly king like a river of sword spirit.

Bang bang.

In the sound of a loud noise, this strong Jue sword will be the king of heaven back a hundred meters away.

But that's all.

When the sword is gone, the sun is still shining, and there is not even a trace of gloom.

Tianzhao, the king of God, laughed wildly, "the strong man of Chinese nationality, accept your life! You can't hurt me a hair! I can give you a good time! Don't want to avenge the Chinese people! "

"Before Wanzai, you Chinese were slaughtered, and after ten thousand years, you also fell. This is the fate of your Chinese people! Ha ha ha ha ha

In the sound of laughter, Xue an raised his head arrogantly, just like those ancestors who would rather die than surrender ten thousand years ago, and then said in a tone of indifference.

"Fate? The fate of the Chinese people has always been in their own hands! It's our life if we don't recognize our life! "

"Ha ha! It's nice to say, but what can you do to me? " The heavenly king sneered.

At this time, Xue an smiles, full of rebellious smile.

"Yan'er, lend me your armor!"

With that, Xue an put his back hand into his chest and directly put it into the Fu Bao building. Then he took out the puppet armor which was captured from Sui Han General and given to an Yan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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