"This is..." The emperor was stunned at first, and then said in fury: "this is the alchemy armor of Sui Han!"

Xue an nodded, "yes! But now, he's mine

Xue an held the blue and gold seal in his hand and said faintly, "are you not called nobody under the great Luo? Today, I'll let you die

After that, Xue an suddenly pressed.

The blue and gold seal was like living, suddenly stretched out countless gears, and then began to rotate wildly.

In an instant, the alchemy armor turned into a semicircle, weird and exaggerated, but also exuded cold luster.

Everyone was confused because they didn't see what it was.

Tianzhao God King was stunned, and then sneered, "it's so lively that I get a firecracker! Yes? Are you trying to stab me to death with this? "

Then there was another burst of laughter.

Xue an was not moved at all, but suddenly took a deep breath.

But see clouds moving in all directions and wind on all sides.

The air of the whole heaven and earth seemed to be sucked up by Xue an, and then countless swords appeared on the sky.

The light of the sword covers the sky and blocks the sun. The power of the sword makes the earth tremble.

Tianzhao God King also can't help but be stunned, but still did not take too seriously.

Because as an ancient beast, he can be immune to all attacks under Dara as long as he shows himself.

Such terrifying qualities also made him shine in the great war ten thousand years ago.

There were countless Chinese gods and monks who died in his hands.

If it had not been for a thousand years ago, the old man who could spy out the secrets of heaven warned him that there would be a great disaster in 1000 years, and strong Chinese would come to revenge.

He may not even be able to hide, because he has never put these things in mind, even very proud.

"Hehe, it's a good sword! But as I said, these things don't work for me at all! So I advise you to save your energy The heavenly king said lazily.

But at this time, all over the sky swords began to converge, and then formed a huge vortex, the end of the vortex pointed to Xue an.

The target is Xue an's weird weapon.

However, when seeing the brilliance and agitation, the wisps of swords, like threads, madly infiltrate into this weapon.

The two ends of this semicircular weapon began to show a little light, and then it grew crazy, and finally connected together.

At the moment of connection, a powerful power emerged from the weapon.

And all those who have witnessed this scene have been stunned.

"This This is a crossbow Someone cried out.

That's right!

Now in Xue an's hands, it is a bow and crossbow with exaggerated and strange shape, but powerful and powerful.

When he saw the crossbow, the old God was there and didn't take it seriously. It was as if he saw something very terrible and subconsciously stepped back several miles.

Then his voice trembled and roared, "you What do you want to do? "

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "what do I want to do? Of course Kill you

After that, Xue an raised his hand and drank softly: "arrow


At the command, the whirlpool of sword Qi began to condense madly.

In an instant, the boundless sword, which originally covered the sky and the sun, turned into a silver arrow, which was no more than ten feet long but extremely bright.

When the arrow flew into xue'an's hand, the heavenly king couldn't stop screaming. It seemed that some extremely terrible memories were recalled by this scene.

Xue an didn't pay any attention to it. At the moment, he had only one idea, that is to kill the God King in front of him.

So he set up his bow and arrow, and the arrow pointed at the golden crow.

The air machine is locked and the world is silent.

The king of heaven gave out a terrible howl of fear, "it's impossible How could you possibly have such a smell? "

Said, this round originally hangs the sky the scorching sun to be like the frightened bow bird starts to flee!

Seeing this scene, all the surviving gods were dumbfounded.

In their eyes, the omnipotent Lord God was scared away by a small crossbow?

It's just incredible!

Xue an's mouth gradually raised, emerged a cold smile.

"After so many years, it seems that you Jinwu people still can't change their fear of bows and crossbows!"

"But no matter how you run, you'll die today!"

"Look at me, an arrow shoots at the sun!"

With that, Xue an released his hand.

Just listen to a very dull noise, and then the silver arrow will fly out quietly, and in an instant pierce the void, directly through the crazy escape of Tianzhao God behind.Feeling the breath of chasing after him, the heavenly king was scared to death.


But everything was not changed by his will. With his howl, the silver arrow crossed with the supreme power.


After a dull sound.

The sun, which had been shining on the sky and earth, dimmed in an instant, and then completely extinguished after a few flashes.

At the same time.

I saw a figure emerge in the sky, and then one faltered and fell down.

At this time, people can see clearly that this figure is a pale and cunning middle-aged man.

"Lord God!" There was a cry from the surviving gods.

At this time, the heavenly king was obviously injured, and his body was falling madly.

Xue an didn't intend to let him go at all. He stepped forward and appeared in front of him.

"I asked for the arrow just now for the powerful Chinese who died in your hands!"

"Now this blow is for the innocent who died in your hands!"

Say, Xue an light drink, "close!"

And then a punch.

The six ways of killing God are combined into one, which is powerful enough to make the world turn pale.

The king of Tianzhao screamed, "Rao..."

Before the word of life was said, Xue an's fist had already come.


The emperor was blown out directly and then exploded in the air.

The golden blood splashed across the sky and dyed the sky red.

But that's still not enough.

Because of the powerful vitality of Jinwu, although it was smashed by Xue an's fist, in a moment, the remains were combined and then reborn.

Xue an had expected this. When the heavenly king had just been reborn, his body would arrive again, and then he would raise his fist and blast out.

"It's for the Chinese gods!"


The king of heaven blew it up again. And then again.

"It's for the ordinary Chinese who have been slaughtered by you!"

Bang bang bang.

In a succession of muffled noises.

On that day, the king of God was like a sandbag of human flesh, which was repeatedly blasted into powder by Xue an.

Miserable, look at everyone!

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