Finally, after repeated rebirth.

The figure and momentum of the Heavenly King became extremely weak.

When Xue an was ready to fight again, the extremely weak king of Tianzhao howled.


Xue an's fist stops above his nose end, light way: "what is enough?"

The heavenly king took a deep breath, and then said miserably, "I give up! Please don't fight again! If you hit me again, I will die! "

All the gods gradually widened their eyes.

Is the man who is about to cry out in the sky really the Lord of God who has been in charge of the heaven and the light for thousands of years?

This picture, how to look at it, seems so strange and disobedient.

Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "Oh? Want to live? "

"As long as the Lord can let me off this horse, you can do anything you want me to do!"

Xue an is silent for a moment and slowly retracts his fist.

The heavenly king was a little relieved.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "it's not impossible to live..."

Tianzhao, the king of heaven, was so happy in his heart that he exclaimed, "my Lord, you can do whatever you want! I... "

Xue an waved his hand, and then his eyes were bright and said, "tell me, who is the murderer of the Chinese people! As long as you tell me the problem, I can let you go now! "

Hearing this question, the heavenly king, who was full of joy, turned pale as paper.

"Big My Lord, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't know at all! " The king of heaven said in fear.

Xue an's face gradually became cold, "don't you know? Then why do you suddenly turn against the Chinese at all costs? "

The question made the king of Tianzhao shake like chaff, and then he said in a trembling voice: "big My Lord, I

"Or do you not want to say it at all, but just want to give me a perfunctory excuse?" Xue an said in a cold voice, then slowly raised his fist.

"My lord If you have something to say, don't do it Tianzhao, the king of God, called out in a hurry.

Xue an stopped and said, "now Tell me what's going on! "

The king of Tianzhao sighed, then lowered his head and said in a dejected way: "my Lord, who is the murderer behind you? I really don't know!"

"Well?" Xue an raised her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, my Lord. These things are really beyond my reach! Even if I go to the earth, I can't see those who kill the Chinese! As for the reason why we have to turn back suddenly... "

The heavenly king hesitated for a moment, then raised his head and said, "it's because Lihen Tianjun promised that as long as I betray the Chinese camp, he will give me a divine realm and make me a real king of gods."

"From hating the emperor?" Xue an's face was getting colder.

Because he thought that it was the people who hated the emperor that made him enter the reincarnation world with great seal technique.

It was also the son of Li hen who went to the earth to kill the Chinese again.

Xue an didn't forget all these things. Even after he had finished dealing with Tianzhao, he would try to find a way to go to Lihen heaven and find the old man Li hen to settle accounts.

But now listen to this Tianzhao God King said, this from hate the emperor is actually the original war of the main emissary.

This naturally makes Xue an's killing intention more and more bitter.

The king of heaven looked at his words and expressions, and naturally saw what Xue an was thinking. He could not help but feel relieved.

Then he went on to say: "my Lord, the level of interference in the catastrophe ten thousand years ago was too wide, and I can't touch it at all. But Li hen Tian Jun obviously knows something. If you want to trace the real truth, you'd better find him!"

Xue an was silent.

At the moment, the heavenly king, who had been weak, was gradually solidifying.

Because at the beginning of the conversation, he had been quietly accumulating strength.

Now he's full of fear for xue'an.

Because this young man in white, who seems to be a weak crown, has endless means.

He can not only see through his own origin at a glance, but also use Hou Yi's skill to almost completely annihilate himself with one arrow.

All this made the king of Tianzhao full of fear for xue'an.

So he has been quietly accumulating strength, ready to find a chance to escape.

No matter what, when I get out of my life, someone will take care of you!

The king of heaven was cruel in his heart.

But just at the beginning of his idea, Xue an, who had bowed his head and didn't speak a word, suddenly put out his hand and seized the neck of the emperor Tianzhao.

Originally, he was planning how to deal with Xue an's Tianzhao after he escaped from Shengtian. He was shocked and wanted to struggle, but he was shocked to find that he could not move at all."You What are you up to? I've told you everything I know! You said you would let me go! Don't you Chinese pay attention to credibility? You can't break your word! " The king of heaven called out in fear.

"Credibility?" Xue an gave a cold smile, then slowly raised his eyes and gazed at the heavenly king.

"You, too, deserve credit?"

"And what did you do to me after you tried to escape?"

Xue an's words made Tianzhao God's face pale, and then roared: "I tell you, if you dare to kill me, strong people like Li hen Tian Jun will soon know! Then, you will be hunted down endlessly

Xue an's eyes were cold, "chase?"

Then he shook his head.

"Don't worry. I'll have to kill you if they don't come after me!"

Maybe he was shocked by the coldness in xue'an's words. The heavenly king didn't know what to say for a while.

Xue an pinched his neck and looked down at all the gods on the square.

"Remember to go down and apologize to my Chinese ancestors!"

With that, Xue an shook his hand.

The powerful and incomparable power makes the emperor of Tianzhao angry, and his face turns purple.

At this time, he already knew that he would not be spared. He could only stare at xue'an with hatred and resentment.

"I I'll be waiting for you down here! Because you don't know what terrible existence you are going to face! From hate the emperor, but also just a lackey of them! Ha ha ha ha ha, be afraid

Tianzhao God King laughed wildly.

In the laughter, Xue an had no fear, even his eyes did not change, but said faintly: "thank you for your reminding, but no matter who they are, I will make them regret coming to this world!"

The heavenly king was shocked by the bearing of Xue an's words.

At this time, Xue an said coldly: "goodbye!"

After that, the emperor's body was shocked and his eyes were darkened rapidly.

In this regard, the king of God, who has survived for thousands of years, has lost his body and soul! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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