The heavenly king is dead.

There was a dead silence.

Many of the surviving gods were unable to stand, almost paralyzed on the ground.

For them, the heavenly king is the supreme king.

It's the immortal existence!

But now, the supreme king, in front of all the people, was destroyed.

Naturally, they were terrified.

At this time, Xue an slowly opened his eyes.

On that day, Zhao Shenwang was a strong man at the ancient god level. In addition, he was transformed by the ancient Jinwu, and his strength was quite strong. Although Xue an broke the gold body with an alchemy bow and crossbow.

But it's hard to get rid of him completely.

So Xue an simply swallowed up the spirit of the heavenly king with his vast mind.

This made the king of Tianzhao die immediately.

But the spirit of Tianzhao God King is very strong, and even after being swallowed up by Xue an, he still wants to make waves.

However, xue'an's divinity has gone beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Therefore, in a few breaths, Xue an completely crushed the spirit of the heavenly king and absorbed all his memories.

Just now Xue an was looking up these memories of the heavenly king.

As a result, Xue an found that the heavenly king did not lie.

Ten thousand years ago, he was just a humble wild God, and he could not reach the top.

Therefore, there is no valuable information found in the memory of the heavenly king.

However, Xue an had been prepared for this. He also knew that it was impossible to find out what had happened through a heavenly king.

Xue an smiles when he sees a star map in the memory of the heavenly king.

This is what he's looking for!

This star map is the road map leading to Li Hentian.

As long as there is it, Xue an can follow the plan and go to Li Hentian.

Now only the body of the heavenly king is left.

Xue an wanted to burn it directly, but it was just then.

The body of Tianzhao God King began to change, and finally showed the original shape of Jinwu.

Xue an moved in his heart and put the corpse into the Fu Bao building.

The body of ancient Jinwu is also a good treasure. It may be useful to keep it!

It's done.

Xue an looked down at the frightened gods on the square.

As far as the eye could see, everyone looked down.

Xue an didn't start to kill them. He just snorted a little coldly and then flew straight to the top of Qingtian peak.

It is surrounded by clouds all the year round, and there are layers of terrible prohibitions inside, let alone ordinary people, even the gods who have followed the heavenly king for many years are not allowed to enter.

But this is nothing to Xue an.

Nothing can't be solved by one sword. If there is, then two swords!

When the forbidden light curtain rises, the light in Xue an's eyes flickers, and a sword is cut straight out.

After a burst of continuous breaking sound, the forbidden light curtain in front of him was swept away, even the clouds and fog were chopped to pieces, revealing the bare peak and the house full of emblems on the summit.

"Here it is!" Xue an cold smile, a flash will come to the house near.

It's a house. In fact, it doesn't even have doors and windows. It looks like a huge cube, floating on the top of the mountain and rotating slowly.

Xue an stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on it.


Taking Xue an's palm as the center, a bright light suddenly emerged, and then began to flow along these runes.

In an instant, all the runes on the whole cube were covered with a light golden light.

Then I heard a slight click inside, as if a gear was turning.


After a light sound, a door emerged.

Xue an smiles and steps into it.

From the outside, the cube is not big, it's just like a small house.

But when you walk in, the space inside is very wide.

At the foot is the lapis lazuli floor, and the dome above is engraved with countless dense and mysterious patterns.

On the dome formed by this pattern, there is a little star light interspersed among them.

But the most striking is two rounds of brilliance.

The two rounds of brilliance, one brilliant and the other white, are slowly turning on the dome.

It looks like Just like the sun and the moon.

Xue an stood in the middle, looking up at the magnificent dome, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"The talisman pattern is the heaven, which binds the sun and the moon. Here is the hub that controls the whole Heavenly Kingdom."

Xue an was very clear that such a control hub would exist in a world which was not formed naturally but was opened up artificially.The sun, the moon and the stars move above.

This is the core of the whole Heavenly Kingdom.

With this, you can really control the whole divine realm.

But Xue an obviously has no interest in controlling here. He came here just for the sake of it.

Blood wash the world!

Xue an's eyes grew cold, and suddenly stamped his feet, and countless swords appeared around him.

"Cause and effect!"


These swords, as one of the shocks, were accompanied by a strong force of cause and effect.

But this is not over. In Xue an's eyes, the flame rises, and the flames of the red lotus industry emerge, which dye these swords red.

Cause and effect, the red lotus industry fire double additional, let these swords have a strong and incomparable lethality.

Xue an raised his head and looked at the dome. Then he raised his hand and said, "go, look for the sword of evil!"

At a command, the boundless swords that originally surrounded Xue an's body quickly gathered, and then, following Xue an's direction, the sword spirit was like a dragon and went straight to the dome.


The runes on the dome were rippled by the sword.

The stars are dim, the sun and the moon are dim.

Then you can see the vast dome above the countless sword.

Xue an lowered his eyes and said, "the dust returns to the dust. Today This is the time of retribution

At the same time.

On the square of Qingtian peak, these surviving gods look at each other.

"What did this young man do?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"Who knows! But it seems that this adult should be too lazy to pay attention to us! " There is a spirit of relief said.

All of them nodded with joy.

Anyway, his life seems to have been saved.

As for the death of the king of God, it was nothing more than a change of master for them. It was nothing at all!

But at this time, I heard someone's voice trembling and shouting: "you Look at the sky

Everyone looked up.

But seeing the sky above, suddenly appeared innumerable dark red sword awns, the number was so large that even the blue sky was dyed as bright red as blood.

Although they were far apart, all the gods felt the power of the sword.

"This What's going on? " Someone exclaimed.

But an old man suddenly understood something and said with great horror: "it's the control hub. Just that young man went to the control hub!"

Speaking of this, the old man's face was already miserable, and his whole body was shaking like chaff. He roared in despair: "he He wants to wash the whole world with blood! "

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the sword falling all over the sky like rain.

The killing is about to start! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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