The sword falls like rain.

But the rain brings vitality, but the sword brings death.

The first to bear the brunt is the surviving gods above the qingtianfeng square.

They didn't want to run, but when the sword rain blocked the heaven and earth, running away had become a luxury for them.


Those gods who were weak in cultivation could not even resist, so they were broken open by the sword rain, and then sent out a terrible howl.

But this howl is so short that it often stops suddenly in a breath.

Because the person who screams has been cut into nothingness by the sword rain.

The rest of the gods were terrified. Some tyrannical people opened up the defensive array and rose to the sky, trying to rely on their own strong cultivation to fight against the falling sword rain.

But all the struggle is in vain.

As soon as the gods are in the middle of the journey, the speed will gradually slow down, and the protective light curtain covering the whole body will also flash rapidly, and finally break up soundlessly.

The body gradually melted, and even the wax like a withered leaf melted away.

That's right. It's the melting of nothingness.

In the end, the entire bodies of these gods became transparent and disappeared.

A few breathing rooms.

The gods in qingtianfeng square were almost killed and injured, but only two or three newly promoted gods were not hurt at all.

The gods stood in the corner trembling all over, staring round their eyes and looking at all this in horror.

When the killing is far away, the huge Qingtian peak is silent, and the sky over the square is full of only these new gods standing there.

They don't understand why.

Every God who died is much more powerful than them.

But the sword rain seems to have deliberately avoided the corner where these gods stood.

"Knot Is it over? " A new God said, trembling.

Another looked up at the sky and shook his head solemnly, "it's not over, it's beginning!"

Sure enough.

See the sky above the sword does not reduce, but increase, and then spread with the speed of terror.

In an instant, it has been connected to the sky.

If we say that the sword just covered the sky around Qingtian peak, the coverage now is more than ten thousand times larger than before.

These new gods are all stupid.

After a long time, one of them had a hard time swallowing, "this Does this adult really want to blood wash the whole heaven light God domain? "

The others were silent.

Although it sounds like a dream, from the current situation, everything is true.

"I see!" Another new God whispered.

"What do you understand?"

"The Lord's men still have feelings. The dead are gods with innocent blood on their hands, and we are all newly promoted gods. Our hands are clean, so we can survive!"

Speaking of this, the man gave a wry smile. "Speaking of it, we should also thank ourselves for our kindness."

Everyone was silent.

In the past, goodness was not a commendatory term, but full of irony.

Once said that, it means that the person is very timid.

But I didn't expect that, in the end, it was this "timid" quality that saved these people!

"One word will determine the world. This is the real God!" Someone looked up at the ethereal sky summit and whispered.

As these people guess, the sword rain is spreading at a terrible speed.

The sky shines in the middle palace, and the surrounding sky is.

However, in the light of a cup of tea, the sky full of swords has already covered the whole sky.

The sky turned red.

Such a spectacle naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

"What is that?" Someone asked curiously.

What a powerful sword Some people have a dignified face.

"It seems that it covers a vast area. What can we do?" Someone asked in shock.

But no matter who it is, all the people who witnessed this scene, there is a question in their hearts. What is this person doing?

Of course, there are many powerful gods who do not care about it.

For example, in the fire dragon city, which is opposite to the extremely cold city, the fire dragon general, who is second only to the general of Sui Han, sneers scornfully when he sees this behind the scenes.

"Mystery! It's ridiculous that someone is trying to cover the whole heaven with his own power

Said, this Fire Dragon God will be old God in the chair of the city Lord's house, light way."What's going on in the mine?"

One side of the housekeeper quickly said: "come back to God, the mining in the mining area is good, every day there will be high-quality dragon crystal is excavated out, just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just because the environment in Huolong mine is too bad. Most of the slaves who were put into the mine have been killed and injured, and there is a serious shortage of manpower. Therefore, the progress of mining is getting slower and slower."

After hearing the speech, the dragon god suddenly slapped the table, "bastard, you can't even do such a small thing! When the slaves are gone, go and catch them! "

"Yes, yes, but the surrounding heaven has been swept away, you see..."

"If there is no divine world, then try to find a way to catch it in the nearby star regions. I remember that before that, there was another star that developed into the religious place of the gods in the sky? Send a bodyguard to come over, capture all the aborigines and throw them into the Huolong mine to dig. It's considered that they have contributed to the gods they serve! "

Such a vicious proposal made the housekeeper pale, but he did not dare to disobey it. So he nodded, "yes, yes, I will arrange it right away."

"Hum! A bunch of rubbish The Dragon God general said arrogantly.

But when the housekeeper stood up obediently, he saw that the sky over the city of fire dragon had been covered by endless swords, especially in the sky above the city Lord's house, there was a huge whirlpool.

"Lord general, this The housekeeper said with some worry.

The Dragon God looked up at the sky with disdain, "how can a boy come here dare to play with me? Get out of here

With that, he rose to the sky.

The fire dragon general's position is inferior to that of Sui Han in extremely cold city.

But when it comes to strength, in fact, Sui Han is not his opponent.

And this person is extremely arrogant, and the method is brutal, has the name of cannibalism fire dragon.

When he saw that someone had the courage to cover his own dragon city with secret methods, he could not help but be angry, so he rose to the sky and wanted to break the sword.

I saw him as fast as lightning, in an instant rushed to the sky, and then said with a grim smile: "get out of here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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