He raised his hand and gave a blow.

Momentum shakes the world.

All the people in the fire dragon city can't help looking up.

When many people see the back of the dragon, their eyes are full of hatred.

But soon, their eyes darkened again.

The fire dragon god always acted ruthlessly and mercilessly. How many innocent people died in his hands? Countless people wanted to kill him quickly.

But the fire dragon general's strength is too strong, so no one has ever succeeded.

Over time, these people have even become numb.

This time, I guess it's the same!

These people thought in their hearts, and then bowed their heads in recognition.

But it was just then.

There was a shrill howl in the sky.

Howling is not uncommon in the city of fire dragon. Hundreds of innocent bones are carried out from the city Lord's house every day.

But this time, the howling is different, because the person who makes the howl is the Dragon general who always inflicts violence on others.

All of them looked up in disbelief, then froze.

Because the fire dragon, who has always been arrogant and domineering to the extreme, is now running away in fear.

His half of the body has shown the forest white bone, blood crossflow, the Dragon God will be terrified cry out.

"What the hell is this? Why is there such a strong sense of sword between heaven and earth

No one can answer his question.

People watched with astonishment.

Because at this time, the sword in the sky did not let go of the Dragon God, but caught up with him like a raging wave.

"Ah, ah, ah, don't come here! I am the most noble dragon general. Who dares to kill me The Dragon God has been scared mad by all this.

The arrogance and disdain just now disappeared.

At the moment, the only thing he wanted to do was to stay away from him!

However, no matter how fast he dodged and accelerated, he couldn't get rid of these swords, and even the distance between them was gradually shortened.

Looking at the swords that are not in a hurry to catch up with, people suddenly feel that these swords seem to have spirituality. They are using this method to tease the Dragon generals.

At this time, the Dragon God saw no hope of throwing off his sword. He could not help but show a cruel look in his eyes.

Then one stooped down and went straight to the most bustling street in the fire dragon city.

At the moment, the street is full of astonished people. As long as they enter the street and rely on the lives of these Dalits, they can delay these swords for a moment and win precious time for their own escape.

The more he thought about it, the more satisfied he was. He could not help but appear a cruel smile on his face, and his speed suddenly accelerated.

For an instant, he even saw the look of panic and despair on these faces standing on the street.

But without hesitation, he rushed directly into the crowd.

Now, if these swords want to catch up with me, they will have to kill all the Dalits. Even killing pigs will take some time, let alone killing people? Ha ha, I'm so clever!

The dragon will be full of pride.

But unexpectedly, there was no scream behind.


What's going on?

Don't these Dalits like to shout when they are dying?

Why is it so quiet this time?

A little doubt arose in the Fire Dragon God's heart. He could not help but look around, and then he saw a scene that made him stare.

However, after catching up with the crowd, the powerful sword wave skilfully avoided all the people in front of them, and then ran straight to himself.

In the whole process, these swords are harmless to the crowd.

"What the hell is this! Why do these swords avoid the crowd The Dragon God lost his voice and exclaimed.

At this time, the sword had already rushed to the front, and then opened its mouth like a snake python, and it would completely devour the Dragon God.

The Dragon God was so frightened that he could not care about his dignity. He just managed to avoid the attack.

But because the speed of the sword was too fast, the Dragon God just hid a little slower, and one leg was directly cut off and turned into nothingness.

The fire dragon god howled miserably, and was scared to the sky, trying to get rid of the pursuit.

But all the struggle is in vain.

This sword light does not seem to be in a hurry to kill him, on the contrary, he begins to guerrilla with interest.

After a moment, the Fire Dragon God General's whole body then appeared the Dao Dao Dao scar.


The Dragon God's eyes showed a fierce and resolute look, looked up to the sky and roared: "you forced me!"

After that, the body of the dragon god suddenly began to change, and his skin was instantly torn, revealing the ferocious scales below.

In a flash, the Dragon God turned into a huge double headed salamander.And this is the original form of his noumenon.

After the appearance of the body, the fire dragon general said grimly, "I don't know who sent these swords, but I will definitely find out this person and tear it into pieces completely, because you actually let the noble master of fire dragon show the noumenon!"

Speaking of the back, the voice of the Dragon God is full of resentment and hatred.

Because once a strong man like him is transformed into his original form, it means that his vitality will be greatly damaged. Even after decades of deep sleep, he can recover completely.

This naturally made the Dragon angry.

But at this time, only to hear a cold voice, "the so-called God, it is a four legged insect!"

"Who is it? Who dares to speak like that? " The dragon will be furious.

At the same time, a figure was slowly converging on the sea like waves all over the sky.

That's right.

All the figures are made up of swords.

In an instant, a young man with shining sword light appeared in the air.

"Are you the man who makes use of this sword?" The Dragon God roared.

Naturally, the boy was transformed by xue'an's mind, and he nodded after hearing the speech, "that's right!"

"If you are so rampant, don't you fear that the LORD God will punish you?"

"God King?" Xue an shakes her head, and a cold smile appears on her almost transparent cheek.

"There is no king, your king has been killed by me!"

The Dragon God was stunned and then roared: "impossible! The LORD God is... "

"It may not be possible. Don't you know it yourself?" Xue an interrupts the Fire Dragon God General's words, light way.

After hearing the words, the Fire Dragon God was stunned and immediately began to connect the heavenly light God King through the divine thoughts.

It turns out to be nothing.

His huge body began to shake, and a pair of lizard eyes also showed a look of panic.

"You Who the hell are you? Why do you do this? "

Xue an said coldly, "me? My name is Xue an. As for why I do this... "

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