Xue an looked down at the angry and Dead Fire Dragon City, as well as the distant Fire Dragon Mining Area, and said coldly.

"Because This is your retribution

With the voice, Xue an's body again scattered for the sword, and then the sword like a sea, surging forward.

The Dragon God will send out a thunderous roar, trying to urge the divine power to resist, but at this time, he is frightened to find out.

I can't move myself.

Before, the sword was just deliberately teasing him. When he really wanted to do it, he couldn't even move under the lock of the air machine. He could only watch himself devoured by the sword.

The howling and begging for mercy lasted only a short time, and after a few breaths, everything was calm.

But in the void, there is no longer the figure of the dragon.

This ruthless and ruthless fire dragon general disappeared.

Everyone in the city witnessed this, but it was far from over.

The sword fell like rain, and all the sins began to be washed away.

When all is over, there is no one left in the fire dragon city, and the city Lord's house is slaughtered.

People stare at the empty fire dragon city.

Everything became so quiet.

Suddenly, someone began to sob.

At first, the voice was very low, but slowly, all the people who survived began to cry.


The whole fire dragon city was filled with cries.

But this time the cry, full of sadness and joy, no resentment.

At the same time.

Similar scenes are being performed all over the sky.

But seeing the sword falling like rain, a feast of killing began slowly.

Those who are bullish and arrogant have learned to be in awe at this moment.

Hands covered with innocent blood, with their own blood to pay.

The spirit and spirit of the Betrayer are all destroyed, and the bones of the cruel are gone.

The whole land of decay is full of borers.

But when Xue an reconstructs heaven and earth with supreme divine power, it is like throwing the rotten wood into a raging fire.

The gods finally understood what despair is and what fear is.

And Xue an's figure is also shown everywhere with the sword.

Xue an was enraged by what he saw and heard, so he was merciless.

But there are also many rebellious gods who curse or curse xue'an before they die, and some even shout questions.

"Where is your noumenon hiding? What do you want to do

Xue an's answer to this is just a cold smile, and then a light way: "I'm everywhere, as for what I want to do I incarnated into thousands of people and came here only for the purpose of killing and felling. "


The whole Heavenly Kingdom has been swept by the sword of seeking evil.

Where we have passed, we have killed countless people.

The sky shines on the gods, and there is no one in ten.

Those who survived, however, were mixed with grief and joy and kept silent.

Sad and happy, because anyway, they are alive.

The reason why Xue an was so quiet was that everyone was in awe of Xue an's way to communicate with heaven.

The name of xue'an also shocked the whole heaven, and became the existence that no one dared to look up.

And this event was also written into the history of Tianzhao Shenyu.

For thousands of years to come, people will refer to it with great respect.

God's punishment!

When the sword dissipates and the mind returns, Xue an, who controls the hub, slowly opens her eyes.

Then there was a faint, tired look on his face.

After all, Xue an also felt a little tired because of his own direct confrontation with the whole Heavenly Kingdom.

Especially the others are just real immortal cultivation.

If someone else knew that Xue an, who had cut down the king of gods and punished God, was just a real immortal, he would probably stare out his eyes.

Because it sounds so weird.

After crossing a great realm, he slaughtered the emperor of Tianzhao, who was the founder of Dalao Xiuwei, and then sent down the punishment of heaven to wipe out the whole Tianzhao divine realm.

What a terrible strength and talent.

But Xue an also knew that the reason why he was able to wipe out Tianzhao God King so easily was largely due to the alchemy armor that he got by chance.

If it had not turned into a bow and crossbow, it would have taken more trouble for Xue an to destroy the king of Tianzhao with one arrow.

But in any case, the war has come to an end.

At this time, an Yan from Fubao small building out, see Xue an some tired, can not help but heartache to come forward, gently knead his shoulder.

"Husband, are you ok?"Xue an grabbed Anyan's catkin and gently kneaded it. "It's OK. Who am I, your husband? How can I get this little scene? Tut Tut, but Yan'er's hands are more and more slender and beautiful. Look at the nail cover, they are all in the shape of love you

An Yan face a red, but did not take back their own hands, just some shy white Xue an eye, "bah, hooligan! When people tell you serious things, you start talking nonsense again

"Hey, Yan'er, tell me what's serious and what's not serious?" Xue an said with a smile.

"Honest people are called serious, and those who take advantage of me are called dishonest!" An Yan Yi said with righteous words.

Xue an ha ha smile, and then an Yan embrace into the arms, "guard such a beautiful wife, if I really honest, you should worry about whether I am sick or not!"

An Yan fluttered in Xue an's arms, but finally she hugged Xue an's waist obediently, and then asked in doubt, "are you sick? What disease? "

Xue an bad smile together to an Yan's ear, whispered what.

An Yan's face Teng red to the root of the neck, and then ferociously white Xue an one eye, "hooligan, do you think about these all day long in your head? Thank you for being an immortal! "

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry, "what's wrong with xianzun? Xianzun also has to have human rights! You know, I'm a man, though I'm good at it! Shouldn't the legitimate rights and interests of men be respected and protected? "

At the end, Xue an looked sad.

Anyan was stunned, especially when she saw the pain on xue'an's face, she suddenly regretted her attitude and thought she really made xue'an sad.

Can't help but bite teeth, and then stand on tiptoe to attach to Xue an's ear, soft language Wen Yang way: "husband, don't be angry!"

"Don't you get angry? No real indication? " Xue an asked deliberately with a straight face.

An Yan blushed like blood, then slowly closed his eyes and stammered: "I I... "

I spent a long time, but I didn't say why.

Xue an laughs, just like carrying sandbags, carrying an Yan on his shoulder.

An Yan exclaimed, "husband, what are you doing? Let me down

With a smile and a wave of his hand, Xue an's mind completely covered the place.

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