"Husband, where are we going next?" An Yan asked.

Xue an pinched her ruddy face and said with a smile, "go back to the curse city first!"

"Well? Are we not going to leave Hentian? " An Yan is a little strange.

"Li Hentian certainly wants to go, but not now! After you've dealt with everything here, you can start again! "

"Oh An Yan nodded, silently came forward, from behind around Xue an's waist, buried his head on his back.

"Husband!" An Yan said in a sullen voice.


"Hard work for you!"

Xue an was slightly stunned and then said with a smile, "why did you say that all of a sudden?"

An Yan was Xue an's words make him cry and laugh, light anger thin anger of the twist Xue an for a moment, "the wife loves her husband, what else does he need?"

"No need, no need! Pain, pain, pain! Yan'er, let go Xue an grinned.

Anyan some speechless, "do not use so exaggerated ah, I did not force good!"

"Yan'er, I'm afraid I hurt your hand!"

"Bah! It'll be fun An Yan spat, but he laughed.

Just after a moment's smile, an Yan leaned back on Xue an's back and whispered, "husband, so many things are pressing on your shoulders! I really love you

"And this time you fight so many gods alone. Although you are very powerful, you are only one person after all."

Speaking of this, an Yan's voice has brought a trace of choking.

Xue an was silent for a while, but there was a warm current in his heart.

He fought alone with the gods in the sky, and blooded one side of the divine realm. Everyone saw his boundless scenery.

Only this woman is distressed by the pressure she is under.

Anyway, Xue an thinks it's enough to have such a woman by his side!

Xue an turns around and puts an Yan in his arms and caresses her long hair.

"All right! Your husband, I do everything is measured, since I dare to do so, it shows that I have the assurance of winning, don't think nonsense! Do you hear me? "

"Mm-hmm!" Anyan gently nodded, but after a moment, she said in a low voice.

"But I'm really worried about you! In Fubao building, I can see what happened outside, but I can't help anything! It's a hard feeling! "

Speaking of this, an Yan raised his head and looked at Xue an with a pleading face. "Husband, I have been studying those skills you gave me all day in Fubao building. Now my strength is very good! So when this happens next time, don't lock me in the Fubao building and let me come out to fight with you, OK? "

When he said this, an Yan's face was full of sincerity.

Xue an looks at quietly, two people look at each other, after a moment, Xue an smiles and nods.

"Good! I promise you

"Really?" An Yan eyes a bright, then cheered up, "that is really good!"

Then she quickly calmed down and said: "husband, don't worry! I will never drag you down, I will be your most solid backing

"Mm-hmm! I trust you! Yan'er is the best in the world, and can do it! " Xue an's infinite doting caresses an Yan's hair and whispers.

Xue an and an Yan are selling dog food crazily.

In the city of curse, which was opened up in Sendai, the atmosphere has stagnated to the extreme.

This Sendai has become a world of its own, and Chu Xiaoyun ordered the blockade, so it has been completely disconnected from the outside world.

In other words, what happened to the outside world is unknown here.

But how long time has passed, people have a good idea.

Three days have passed since xue'an left.

At the beginning, people drink and chat, and the atmosphere is relatively relaxed.

But as time goes on, everyone gradually becomes silent and the atmosphere becomes more and more dignified.

Especially Chu Xiaoyun, the complexion is a little bit pale.


The crowd gathered quietly in the corner of Sendai and began to talk quietly.

"It's been three days, and Xue an hasn't come back yet. I think he's really choking." Someone said with a worried face.

"Ha ha, I told you this was a joke at the beginning. I killed the gods of Tianzhao with my own power. It's not reliable to listen to it!" Someone sneered.

"That's right. Xue'an estimates that the corpse capital is cold now! He won't come back any time! "

"Yes! There's no point in waiting like this! But the key is that the newly promoted goddess has blocked the whole space, and we can't think of it! "

"I don't believe she can keep this blockade going? Our respective families are not vegetarians. Now we haven't heard back for several days. As time goes by, people will come to us! I'll see how she ends up then Someone said angrily."I'm afraid that the goddess has been completely free!" Someone said suddenly.

"You mean All the jade and stone are burned Someone was shocked and asked in dismay.


Under this, everybody's complexion becomes ugly.

"Damn it, I don't want to die with this madwoman! Why should I wait here? " A strong man got up and went forward.

"The goddess!" Cried the strong man.

With his hands on his forehead and leaning on the armrest of the chair, Chu Xiaoyun closed his eyes and opened his eyes slowly.

"Well? What can I do for you

The strong man who is talking is the owner of Feilong dock. His name is Dong Yingjie. He is also a powerful man.

Dong Yingjie took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "goddess, I just want to ask you that you have been waiting here with you for three days. If Mr. Xue really doesn't come back, are we waiting so long?"

His words also attracted many echoing voices.

"Yes! Goddess, we have been waiting here for three days. If there is nothing wrong, we should leave, so you'd better remove the blockade! " "Yes! If you want to wait, just wait here! We all have something else to do! "

When someone took the lead, the crowd began to clamor.

But in the face of so many people's questions, Chu Xiaoyun's face was as cold as frost, and suddenly patted the table, "all shut up!"

The whole scene was quiet.

Then Chu Xiaoyun looked around the audience and said coldly, "I tell you, if Mr. Xue doesn't come back, none of you will want to leave!"

"What if he doesn't come back?" East Yingjie strong from suppress the anger in the heart, cold voice asked.

"Then keep waiting!"

"East Yingjie angry extremely counter smile," that if this Mr. Xue died, will never come back? "

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