Chu Xiaoyun's eyes were full of cold light and said in a sharp voice: "Mr. Xue will never be in trouble! And anyway, as long as he doesn't come back, none of you will want to leave! "

The remark caused a stir in the audience.

Dong Yingjie is more angry, but now Chu Xiaoyun inherits the throne and power of the curse goddess, and the strength can not be underestimated.

So he did not dare to say too cruel, had to hate the stare of Chu Xiaoyun, glum and go.

But after such a scene, the atmosphere became more and more strange.

Many people are not good looking at Chu Xiaoyun, eyes from time to time flashed cruel color.

Chu Xiaoyun is also aware of this, but she has been determined to make up her mind.

If Xue an really has an accident and can't come back Then these people will never go out, all of them will be buried here!

Chu Xiaoyun did this to block the news here.

After all, Xue an killed all the arrogance of several big families at that time. If the news spread, these big families would never give up and they would certainly come to set up a teacher to investigate the crime.

When the time comes, there will be a heavenly light in front of xue'an, and then there will be various big families. Isn't that just that you are under attack?

With this idea, Chu Xiaoyun will be so determined to embrace the faith of burning jade and stone.

Naturally, she also knows that people's hearts are floating, and many people are dissatisfied.

But Chu Xiaoyun just sneered at this.

Anyway, she has completely blocked the space here. Unless she opens it voluntarily, if she wants to go out, she can only be killed!

Thinking of this, Chu Xiaoyun again slowly closed his eyes.

This kind of speechless attitude of her made the whole audience a burst of commotion.

"Damn it, this girl must be crazy! 90% of Xue an is dead. Do you think we are going to wait here and bury him at last

"That's right. It seems that this girl is holding this idea!"

"I think we should unite, control this madwoman, and find a way out!"


The more deliberative these people are, the worse they look.

Among the crowd, only the Xuannu Tianjiao of the Taiyin Shenzu was Tianjiao. Zhong An was silent all the time.

In fact, her heart is also slightly sigh at the moment.

She understood Chu Xiaoyun's idea very well, but she also felt that the matter was a bit in suspense. After all, Xue an had been gone for three days, but had not heard from him all the time. It was very likely that he was really in danger.

But Zhong An was very clever and did not speak. Instead, he kept a neutral attitude.

At this time, the group of people quietly discussed the end, and then did not move to disperse.

But these people are obviously very organized. They all aim at Chu Xiaoyun sitting on the chair, and gradually form a encirclement trend.

Chu Xiaoyun seems to have no sense, still leaning on the chair closed eyes.

Dong Yingjie looks at all the people around him and nods.

Dong Yingjie gave a cold smile and then took the lead in rushing up.

Feilongwu is known as a powerful family. As the owner of the Feilong dock, Dong Yingjie has an extraordinary strength.

Although he is only a real immortal, he can control the Qi flying dragon with one hand, which can be called terrible.

In order to get rid of Yingjie as soon as possible.

However, he saw the spirit turning into more than ten flying dragons, attacking chuxiaoyun with a strong and horizontal posture.

Not only that.

Dong Yingjie's hand is like a signal, and all the people around him also moved their hands.

You can see the splendor and power.

Although these people are not so powerful, they all have great strength, especially when they join hands to attack.

But under this kind of siege, Chu Xiaoyun, which was covered by the sky, snorted coldly and then opened his eyes.

What kind of eyes are they.

There was no emotion in the eyes, even the pupil disappeared, turned into a piece of pure ash.

Not only that, with the eyes together, is from Chu Xiaoyun body suddenly from the sky.

Dong Yingjie was shocked, and then his face showed a look of horror.

Because at this moment, the Chu Xiaoyun slowly turned his head and looked at himself.

As far as he could see, there seemed to be two big holes burning out of the space. Then Dong Yingjie felt that his spirit began to boil, his vitality was also rapidly fading, and the whole person began to age rapidly!

These changes made Dong Yingjie scared to death. He did not care to fight with Chu Xiaoyun. He dodged in a hurry, and then cried out: "it's the eye of curse! This woman has opened the eyes of the curse

People were all shocked at the news.

You should know that the curse goddess was famous for its unique skill. Once the curse eye is opened, even the strong Dara will have to be afraid.Because the power of the curse is not the same as the general skills, it directly acts on the blood and even on the life grid, which is extremely difficult to entangle, so the original curse goddess will have a great reputation.

However, Dong Yingjie and others did not expect that Chu Xiaoyun could use such powerful magic skills after just inheriting the strength and cultivation of her predecessor's curse goddess.

For a moment, there was chaos.

Dong Yingjie, relying on his strong cultivation, managed to evade the pursuit of the curse eye.

But other people are not so lucky.

In particular, Dong Yingjie was afraid that he would be cursed again. He simply seized a monk beside him and took it as his shield.

This monk is a god level strong man who is above the golden immortals and is not full of true immortals.

It's not too strong, but it's good.

But in the East Yingjie's hand actually did not have the slightest strength to fight back.

At this time, Chu Xiaoyun's vision has swept over.

The God level strong man was shocked all over, and then he sent out a terrible howl.

With the sound of howling, he began to decline rapidly.

In an instant, he changed from a majestic strong man to a dying old man.

Then the man's skin cracked, and finally the spirit collapsed and died.

This scene made all the besieged scalp numb.

Dong Yingjie, in particular, was terrified.

He thought that Chu Xiaoyun had just inherited the throne of curse goddess, and should not have much strength. Before that, he was frightened by Xue an's existence, so he didn't dare to make a mistake.

Now it seems that Xue an must be dead, and he began to think.

I didn't expect that my abacus was wrong.

If you had known this, you could not do anything you said!

Dong Yingjie's heart cries bitterly, and then his body flashes, thinking of avoiding Chu Xiaoyun's pursuit.

But it was just then.

Chu Xiaoyun, who had the momentum like a rainbow, suddenly turned white, and then opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

With the gushing of the blood, her strong eyes also darkened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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