Everyone was stunned. Then Dong Yingjie was overjoyed and yelled: "let's go together. This lady is relying on the burning spirit to show her curse eyes. She can't hold on now!"

Just as Dong Yingjie said, Chu Xiaoyun just reluctantly used the curse eye by relying on the burning spirit.

Because her time in succession to the throne was too short for her to take full control of this power.

But in order to be able to repel these people, she also went out of her way.

But sometimes things are like this. If you can't, you can't do it, even if you're going to die.

Because of the concussion of the cultivation caused by the burning divinity, Chu Xiaoyun was seriously injured in an instant.

Spit out this blood is just a beginning, her whole person's momentum also immediately falls down.

At the same time, the people who besieged her were all shocked and killed.

Especially Dong Yingjie, he said with a grim smile: "Stinky ladies, I'm so scared that I'll send you to get together with that Xue!"

With that, he pushed both hands together, and the Yu Qi flying dragon was urged to the extreme. Dozens of ferocious dragons transformed by aura rushed to chuxiaoyun.

In the face of the coming of the sky, Chu Xiaoyun wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his face was calm.

Anyway, my family's Revenge has been avenged! Since the Lord is dead, I will go with him!

It's just that before they die, none of them want to run.

Thinking in the heart, Chu Xiaoyun began to excite the magic power crazily, and her skin also showed an abnormal red color.

"Stop her! She's going to blow herself up Someone saw this and exclaimed.

East Yingjie is more startled and angry, "Stinky women, dying also want to pull us to do cushion back?"

With these words, several flying dragons of Qi control speed up suddenly. In an instant, they come to the top of chuxiaoyun's head. Then they open their mouths and swallow them down.

Chu Xiaoyun is completely desperate.

My Lord, here I am!

There was a cry in her heart, and then she closed her eyes slowly.

But it was just at this time that the flying dragon was about to reach his body. Even Zhong An'an in the crowd turned his head and couldn't bear to look again, believing that Chu Xiaoyun would surely die.

A white light flashed by, and Dong Yingjie, who was proud of himself, seemed to have been hit by a mammoth head-on, and flew backward.

And in mid air began to spit blood.

At the same time, I heard a cold voice.

"Who told you I'm dead? "

With the words, the void in front of Chu Xiaoyun rippled, and then a young man in white appeared.

When the young man in white appeared, the dozens of flying dragons also rushed to the front.

But the boy didn't even blink his eyes, just a light voice.

"Go away!"

At an order, a gust of wind suddenly blew in front of the young man. These Qi controlling flying dragons could not even struggle, so they were directly blown away by the vigorous wind.

In a word, it is as powerful as it is.

All was quiet.

Everyone seemed to be in the magic like, standing there staring at.

Chu Xiaoyun, who has given up all hope and is ready to embrace death, opens his eyes after hearing the voice, and then he is stunned.

Until after a breath of time, she just like a dream to wake up, incomparably excited called out, "adult!"

That's right!

It was Xue an who came.

He nodded slightly, then stood with his hands on his back, and looked around the audience coldly.

As far as we can see, all of us can't help but step back subconsciously.

Especially those who besieged Chu Xiaoyun, their faces became pale in an instant.

"I hear you all think I'm dead?" Xue an said lightly.

No one dares to speak, the audience can only hear Dong Yingjie's painful breathing voice.

He was blown out by Xue an, and now he can't stand up. He has to rest on the wall.

Xue an stepped forward and slowly approached him.

Looking at Xue Yingjie, he said in a panic My Lord, please... "

Xue an waved his hand and stopped him from going on. Then he said faintly, "do you know why I hit you?"

Dong Yingjie shook his head in fear, and immediately remembered something. He quickly nodded, "I know. It's because I'm so obsessed that I dare to fight against the goddess! I deserve to die. I'm not a human being... "

Xue an laughed, "you are not a human being! Don't you always claim to be noble gods? "

This sentence made Dong Yingjie one of the stiff, and then he also flattered and laughed, "the adult said is, I really am not a person!"

Xue an didn't pay any attention to his words, but said faintly: "what you said is only one aspect. If that's all, I won't be able to start, but how do you explain this thing?"With that, Xue an spread out his hand, and there was a floating mind in his palm.

At the sight of this thing, Dong Yingjie's face changed greatly.

But Xue an said coldly: "it's understandable to break through the blockade by means of divination and secret arts to transmit the news here. But the problem is that you actually want to harvest in this way. How do you solve this problem?"

This divine idea was intercepted by Xue an on the way to the city of curse. The content is very simple, which tells the situation in the city of curse.

In fact, this is nothing. Xue an is too lazy to take care of such a small matter.

But the key is that the last additional message of this divinity makes people shiver.

Dong Yingjie wants his men to take advantage of the emptiness of the curse city to lead people to harvest resources.

As for what this resource is.

Just look at the countries that were under control before the curse goddess.

For these high-ranking gods, the people who can provide the power of faith are a kind of resource.

The word "harvest" can be read out literally, which contains blood and cruelty.

That's why Xue an started to do it directly when she arrived.

When he saw that the matter was revealed, Dong Yingjie turned pale, because he knew he was dead.

But immediately, he seemed to think of something. He raised his head and roared ferociously: "Xue, don't think you are very powerful. Even if you kill me now, I'm still unconvinced!"

"Oh? Not convinced? "

"Yes Dong Yingjie sneered, "didn't you say you wanted to kill all the adults in Tianzhao divine region before? But what about what you did? You must have gone somewhere to hide in these three days

By this time, Dong Yingjie has thrown everything out and laughed wildly.

Many people can't help but nod in secret.


Maybe as Dong Yingjie said, Xue an hid in some places for three days!

Even Chu Xiaoyun doesn't think Xue an can really do it.

After all, that's incredible!

But in the East Yingjie's laughter, Xue an stood aloof and said in a flat tone: "what I said has been fulfilled! The gods are dead! There is no such thing as heaven and earth! "

As soon as this is said.

Dong Yingjie's laughter stopped suddenly, and the audience was dead.

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