Everyone was stunned by Xue an's words.

The gods are dead, the gods are gone!

That sounds like a fable to me!

At least a lot of people look incredulous.

Dong Yingjie was stunned for a moment and then laughed wildly again, "Xue, I really admire your imagination! The gods are dead! Why don't you say you're the king? I'm really laughing, ha ha ha

The laughter reverberated over the whole fairyland, but Xue an didn't get angry. She just looked up at the blocked space and said, "it's really Insects talk about ice, and land people talk about the sea

"Well?" East Yingjie a Leng, laughter also then stopped, "what do you mean?"

Xue an showed his white teeth and laughed at him. "Nothing, I just think It's terrible to have no culture

After that, Xue an stepped forward and said coldly, "this place is too stuffy. Open it up and breathe in."

With the words, a wisp of sword emerged out of thin air, and then Xue an waved it with a sword.


After a crisp sound, the shackles of this piece of Sendai will be broken layer by layer.

But it's not over.

When the blockade was broken, cracks appeared in the space.

These cracks are very subtle at the beginning, but they begin to expand rapidly in an instant.

But a few breathing scenes, the space will be cut into pieces.

When the crack has expanded to the limit, there is only a loud noise, this temporary Xiantai secret place It's broken!

When the space debris with a little luster dissipates like a sea of stars, the starry sky which is already at night becomes more and more illusory.

All the people are staring at this picture.

No one spoke, and no one dared.

It's not just Xue an's amazing sword.

What's more, all of us feel the strange atmosphere of the outside world.

At the beginning, the heaven shines on the divine realm, and the breath from the gods is strong and domineering, which is full of the whole heaven and earth.

It's like a bonfire burning in the wilderness, even if it's very far away.

But now, within the range of the minds of all, the wilderness is silent and quiet.

"This What's going on? " Dong Yingjie murmured to himself, his face full of horror.

At this time, Zhong An'an in the crowd suddenly said in a trembling voice: "everybody Look at the sky

They all looked up.

Next to the moonlight in the night sky, a scorching sun is emerging.

Under the sunshine, the land that had been at night gradually brightened up.

"The sun and the moon shine together, this It's only when the king comes out that there are gods Zhong An whispered to himself.

At this time, Xue an walked slowly to the sky.

His speed seems slow, but in fact it is extremely fast!

In an instant, Xue an was in the void.

But when his figure appeared in the night sky, the sun and moon gradually dimmed, and the stars stopped flashing.

It seemed as if he was bowing to Xue an's arrival.

Everyone's eyes gradually widened.

Zhong An trembled all over, and his teeth chattered: "the sun and the moon bow down, this This is the gift of the king

At the same time.

Xue an, who stood on the sky with his hands on his head, looked down at the people and said, "I said, the gods are dead! Now, are you trustworthy? "


There was a dead silence in the crowd, and then a violent commotion.

"This How could that be possible? " Some people were shocked.

"My God, one man killed the gods of Tianzhao. What is his origin?" Some people wonder.

"If I had known now, I shouldn't have been against the curse goddess." Some people regret.

But no matter shock or regret.

In the end, all of them bowed down to xue'an, showing the greatest awe to xue'an.

Zhong An peeked, but saw that there was no light in the void and all living beings on the earth bowed.

The whole world seems to have become silent, and Xue an is the only one in heaven and earth.

His white clothes were made by the wind hunting sound, as if all the light gathered on him at the moment, it was almost impossible to look directly at him.

Zhong An was shocked both physically and mentally.

As the Xuannu Tianjiao of the rich family, she has seen countless young Tianjiao, and has also met countless powerful deities with a long life span.

But no matter how noble and powerful the God was, she was not shocked by xue'an.

The boy Who the hell is he? Why is it so strong?

These questions hover in Zhong An'an's mind.

Now.Xue an's sight swept past Dong Yingjie, who had fallen into the state of petrifaction, and said faintly: "you are now Is it still ridiculous? "

Dong Yingjie's brain is blank. What happened in front of him is beyond his understanding.

It was not until Xue an asked that he gradually regained consciousness.

Then he did something unexpected to everyone.

He clapped his hand on his forehead.

After a dull bang, the brain splashed and the corpse fell.

People are kind of stupid.

Dong Yingjie is also the owner of Feilong dock. He is also a powerful man.

As a result, after meeting Xue an, he didn't even dare to fight against him, so he decided to do it himself.

Xue an looked at the corpse of Dong Yingjie on the ground, and said with an inexplicable smile, "it's funny. It's a pity that you can only play some smart tricks!"

After that, Xue an flicked his finger and flew straight into the sky.

After a breath, I heard a shrill howl from the distant sky.

The howl was short, and then everything was silent again.

All the people were shocked by it, and many of them showed a look of extreme fear.

Because the howl was obviously the voice of Dong Yingjie.

In other words, Dong Yingjie, who just made his own decision, should not really die. Instead, he tried to deceive Xue an through secret method and then ran away.

Unfortunately, all his wishful thinking was buried in Xue an's fingers.

This kind of understatement will make a strong side of the means of death, naturally make this group of people's heart palpitation.

At this time, only listen to Xue an faint smile, "don't be afraid, I didn't intend to kill you!"

Many people with ulterior motives could not help but feel relieved when they heard the words.

"I'm not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately," Xue continued! Although you may not be innocent at all! But I decided to give you a chance! "


What opportunities?

Although they didn't understand what Xue an was going to do, they all felt nervous.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "you are all from the rich families of all sides. Then I will give you ten days! Now, ten days later, I want to see all your forces come here, and

Xue Ansen cold smile, "surrender to me!"

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