As soon as he said this, everyone turned pale.

We should know that all the people present came from all kinds of rich families, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Even before the reign of emperor Tianzhao, they did not really submit to them.

The young man in white actually uttered such wild words, which naturally made many people feel dissatisfied.

At this time, Xue an looked at the whole audience and said, "I know that many of you are very unconvinced now."

"It's normal, and I don't blame you! But I just want to say that in ten days' time, if there is a rich family who hasn't arrived, there will be no need for him to exist! You Do you understand? "


Xue an's words were like a bomb, which shocked all the audience.

Because they all understand what the so-called "no need to exist" means.

But that's too arrogant.

We should know that the forces behind these people are not weak. If they unite, they will be even more powerful than Tianzhao divine region.

As a result, many people have a deep look in their eyes.

Xue an naturally saw it, but he just gave it a cool smile and then waved, "go! Ten days later, I am here to wait for you

The people looked at each other, and then they all rushed to xue'an, and then rose to the sky, turning into the light of Taoism and scattering.

Xue an looked at the back of these people who had gone far away, and then he laughed coldly, and then he flew down.


There are only Chu Xiaoyun left in the field, and some of the disciples of the curse city.

But there was one person who did not leave. It was Zhong An'an, the Xuannu of the Taiyin deity.

When Xue an's body fell to the ground, Zhong An took a deep breath and stepped forward with great respect.

"Zhong An'an, the Xuannu of Taiyin, has met Lord Xue!"

Xue an glanced at her faintly, then said with a smile: "I remember you! On that day, you were on the banquet of Yucai Pavilion! Is that right? "

Zhong An'an nodded, "what the LORD said is right. I was there that night."

"So, you should be together with Qi Hongbo and others of Tianhuo Protoss. Now What can I do for you? " With that, Xue an raised her eyes and glanced at Zhong An'an.

Zhong An'an only felt a great shock in his mind, and his hair stood up all over his body, which made him more and more frightened.

Just look at oneself casually, then make oneself whole body shudder, this person's strength after all how strong?

But soon, she suppressed the shock in her heart and said in a respectful voice, "my Lord, I am the Xuannu Tianjiao of the Taiyin Shenzu. I can make decisions on many matters! So I decided that from now on, the Taiyin Protoss will submit to the Lord unconditionally

"Oh?" Xue an's eyes were slightly bright, and then looked at Zhong An'an with great interest, "why?"

Zhong An beamed with a smile, "the strongest one in the divine world is respected, and your strength is obvious to all. As the weakest powerful family, it is reasonable for us to submit to you!"

Xue an laughed, but was not flattered by a Xuannu Tianjiao, but said faintly: "and then?"

Zhong An was stunned.

"You haven't gone away. It's not just to tell me about it."

Zhong An'an lowered his head with awe in his eyes.

There are not many powerful people in the divine world, but there are not many strong people like xue'an who are clear headed and are not touched by the honor or disgrace of the outside world.

Especially Xue an looks so young, which is even more terrifying.

In terms of the young strong men that Zhong An has seen, which one is not high spirited and full of blood?

In addition, Zhong An'an is a Xuannu Tianjiao, and often just a casual compliment can make these teenagers dizzy and obedient.

Zhong An'an is also holding the idea of a good relationship with xue'an, so he has not left.

I didn't expect Xue an to be indifferent to his words.

This kind of feeling makes Zhong An'an feel a little lost.

But immediately she bit her teeth, then raised her head and looked at Xue an with a dignified face.

"My Lord is as wise as a torch. Yes, I do have one more thing to tell you! A matter of great importance to your present power and status, even life and death! "

After that, Zhong An'an quietly looked at xue'an, waiting for him to show a startled look.

When they speak, they will get twice the result with half the effort.

It's a pity that she planned well, but the fact was not what she thought.

Xue an's face was pale, even her eyelids didn't blink, "Oh? Let's hear it! "

Zhong An'an was caught off guard by Xue an's attitude.

What's going on?

Is it not clear what you said?

Why didn't he react at all?But soon, Zhong An'an reacted to it, and then with a bite of his teeth, he simply stopped covering it up and said it to the point.

"My Lord, if you have just done so, you will certainly infuriate all the powerful families! These forces are intertwined and have existed for a long time even longer than the Heavenly Kingdom! After all, it is very difficult to twist the relationship between these forces! But this time the situation is very special! "

With that, Zhong An secretly took a look at Xue an, and found that Xue an was still indifferent, as if these things had nothing to do with him.

Zhong An couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, so he said in a deep voice: "Sir, you have killed all the descendants of Tianjiao of the great families, such as Tianhuo, Gujian, Wutong and so on! They will never give up and give up. This time, you have just given them a chance

"At that time, I'm afraid these powerful families will take the opportunity to unite against you!"

After saying that, Zhong An looked at Xue an with a dignified face and wanted to hear how Xue an replied.

But she never thought, after listening to Xue an, there was no surprise at all. Instead, she yawned, and then she said, "that's all you want to say?"

Zhong An'an was a little silly and nodded subconsciously.

"What a big deal I am! If they do not unite, it will be strange! "

Zhong An'an gradually widened his eyes, "but..."

Xue an waved her hand and stopped her from going on. Then she said faintly, "I have already made it very clear before. After ten days, no matter what kind of aristocratic family it is, as long as he doesn't come, there is no need to exist!"

"So whether they unite or not, it will be nothing more than a sword! Why make such a fuss? "

Said, Xue an long stretch, "well, the matter is finally dealt with almost, go back to sleep!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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