Xue an is gone.

In the field, only Zhong An'an stood there with a dull face.

Until Xue an's back had disappeared, she shivered, then lowered her head and laughed at herself.

I thought that we could get closer to this new young strong man in this way.

I didn't expect that all his plans had fallen into the void.

In particular, Xue an's last sentence was nothing more than a sword, which made Zhong An laugh bitterly.

What is arrogance? She saw it today.

"But they will never give up. If they really unite together, their strength will be no less than that of the gods. Then Will everything really go as well as you say? "

Zhong An said softly, then shook his head and disappeared into the sky.

With the spread of the gods, these things happened.

The first reaction of countless people who have heard of this is not to believe it.

After all, these facts are too bizarre.

With his own power to destroy a god domain, kill the gods.

How can it sound like an Arabian Night!

But then, Xue an ordered all the rich families to go to the city of curse ten days later, and the news of their submission also came.

The five gods, such as Qi Hao, were destroyed by the five gods.

Under this, the whole world is a sensation.

"What? This Xue an has killed the descendants of several powerful families, and let them submit to him? "

"Yes! What's more, if you don't go after ten days, there's no need to exist! How arrogant is this man? "

All people are shocked, can't help but look at all sides of the Haozu.

At the same time.

But when he saw that there were angry voices among all the rich families, countless people were infuriated by Xue an's words.

Ancient sword Protoss.

Bai Tu, the head of the clan, is extremely gloomy. He is surrounded by sword. He cuts the stone table in front of him and cuts out the traces of Taoism. Obviously, he is extremely angry.


When he heard the news, his eyes flashed cold, a sword light directly cut the stone table in front of him into powder.

Then he stood up and cried angrily, "kill my descendant of the ancient sword God family, and dare to order me to surrender to Xue an It's too much of a bully

"Yes! Even if Chonger is killed, we ancient sword gods will take revenge An elder of the ancient sword Protoss roared ferociously.

"That's right. We'll send troops now, and we must wipe out Xue completely!"

For a moment, the whole ancient sword Protoss was furious and furious.

But there are also sober people.

An old man said in a deep voice, "my Lord, it's said that Xue an killed all the gods of Tianzhao. It can be seen that this man is not ordinary. If you want revenge, you must take a long-term view."

This tip made a lot of people cringe.


It is said that xue'an is extremely overbearing, and Tianzhao is destroyed in his hands.

Although the ancient sword deities are powerful, there is still some gap between them.

"What elder Yida means is..." Bai Tu calmed down at the moment and asked in a deep voice.

"Patriarch, it's not only the descendants of our ancient sword clan, but also the five pass deities of the sky fire god family who died in the city of curse this time, especially the Tianhuo God family, who died because they spent a hundred years of hard work to cultivate the little master of Tianhuo!"

The great elder paused, and then said, "so these big families will never give up. So I think the most important thing now is to unite these families to deal with Xue an together."

"Good!" Baitu nodded, "I'll contact the sky fire Protoss now!"

But just as he was preparing to issue the letter, he saw a ray of fire flying to the ancient sword Protoss with a thunderous momentum.

Bai Tu's face changed slightly. With a move, the flame fell into his palm.

When the fireworks dispersed, there was a letter on it.

There are only eight simple words on the letterhead.

Let's meet the enemy.

Seeing this letter, Bai Tu was stunned and then laughed.

"Very well, it seems that the sky fire Protoss is thinking the same as us!"

With that, he looked around the audience and said in a deep voice, "everybody, let's go!"

After that, as soon as he swung his sleeves, the whole man turned into a sword light and rose up into the sky.

Behind him, all the elders and strong men of the ancient sword God family jumped up one after another, turned into Dao Dao Dao sword light, and followed Bai Tu away.

The general altar of Wutong theology.

When the news of Ji haoqiong's death came, there was a lot of crying and howling in the general altar, and many demon gods who were located behind the shrine of the general altar made their voices and sobs.The leader of the cult, fierce Xiao, raised his head to the sky and roared: "the five gods will destroy this son!"

After that, he would lead the demon gods of Wutong cult to the battle.

At this moment, a flame came to this place.

Fierce Xiao takes a look in the hand, fierce facial features above show a touch of sneer, and then wave.

"Little ones, we are invited to fight against xue'an. In this case, let's go this way!"

After that, he unfolded his robe sleeves, and the whole person instantly turned into a black wind and rushed into the sky.

The demon gods of Wutong cult also followed with a strange smile.

Not only that.

This flame Herald is like a brilliant light, shuttling around the world, informing all the rich families one by one.

For a time, but see four clouds moving, Guanghua Zhentian.

Countless powerful gods are heading in one direction.

This is a red burning land, even the clouds in the sky are in the shape of flame.

The land was deserted, and the dry and hot wind was raging, strangling all possible life.

But it is in this extremely harsh environment, on the edge of a desert, there is an incomparably magnificent capital.

The city is so vast that it is ten times bigger than the curse city.

Even the city walls are forged with precious red crystal.

This also makes the whole city show a very brilliant red color, looking from afar, it is really like a group of flaming flames in general.

This It is known as the first of the four powerful families in the world, and even the Tianzhao divine region has to yield to the location of the three.

But at the moment.

In this city of Skyfire, the atmosphere is somewhat depressing.

Qi Hongbo's death shocked the whole Tianhuo Protoss.

You should know that they have a long history, even in their eyes, the gods are a group of outsiders.

In such a long history, no one dared to show any disrespect to them.

On the one hand, the powerful power is that they still control the sky fire, which is very rare even in the whole divine world.

Therefore, even if it is to suppress the powerful God of a region, when facing them, they have to be courteous.

After all, to get a ray of Skyfire, you have to go through their Skyfire Protoss.

Therefore, over the past ten thousand years, not only has the sky fire god clan accumulated unimaginable wealth, but also made the whole sky fire people become extremely arrogant.

But this time, the death of Qi Hongbo, the little master of Tianhuo, was like a loud slap in the face of everyone in the sky fire family.

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