"I think we have been standing here for thousands of years, and no one dares to provoke me! The identity of the little Lord is incomparable, but he is killed by a boy who doesn't know where to jump out! This is a disgrace that has never been seen before! " In the middle of the sky fire City, an elder roared in anger.

Other people in Xuan can't help but nod one after another.

"Yes, I must get rid of this son, or it will damage the prestige of our family for thousands of years!"

"Swear to kill it!"

There was a lot of noise in the sky fire god Pavilion.

At this time, I heard a calm voice.

"All right

Tian Huo Shen Xuan in the moment quiet down.

But in the middle of the seat, a figure slowly emerged.

He ran is a middle-aged man who is not angry and self-confident, and there is a flame mark in the middle of his forehead, which is even more majestic and makes people dare not look directly at him.

At the sight of the man, everyone bowed down to salute.

"Yes, my Lord!"

That's right!

This man is the leader of Tianhuo Protoss, the four elephants of Qi.

Qi Hongbo, who was killed by Xue an, is also his legitimate son.

Seeing the four elephant gods' eyes like electricity, he glanced at the whole audience and said, "of course, Xue an should be removed. But since this son dares to be so arrogant, he must also have some extraordinary skills. The gods of Tianzhao are examples, so we should not rush this matter too quickly."

"Yes They all said in unison.

Then Qi Si Xiang's eyes moved and looked at a young man who stood in front of the crowd and bowed his head.

"Xuanfeng, I order you to inform all the big families in the world. Can you inform them?"

Hearing this, the young man stepped forward and said, "father, I have already informed you of all the things you have said."

Qi Si Xiang nodded slightly, "very good, how did each rich clan reply?"

"The ancient sword God family has sent back the spirit sword. They are already on their way. The Wutong theology also sent a message to tell them when they will arrive. All the other elite clans have basically responded, but..."

"Just what?"

Qi Xuanfeng hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "only the Taiyin Shenzu has not received any reply yet."

"Taiyin Protoss?" Hearing the name, Qi Si Xiang raised his eyebrows slightly, and his face showed a touch of fun.

The atmosphere in the sky fire god Xuan also became a little strange.

"Hehe, how dare the Taiyin gods disobey our meaning? I'm afraid these women have not lived too comfortably for nearly a thousand years, have they? " There is elder Yin voice sneer way.

"I think it's the same, or we should take this opportunity to swallow up the Taiyin gods! After all Although the power of the Taiyin Shenzu is not good, those little maids are very tight! " There is also a face wretched elder Jie Jie strange smile way.

His words made a lot of people in the field show a strange smile, and many people think that the proposal is very good.

And the reason why the people of the sky fire god clan will be so disdainful to the Taiyin Protoss, and even covet it, we should start from the origin and resentment between the two factions.

In fact, it can be seen from the literal meaning that the Tianhuo clan and the Taiyin clan are two opposite sects.

The sky fire Protoss has controlled the sky fire abyss for thousands of years. Its power and connections are unpredictable.

Moreover, the strong people in the family emerge in large numbers, and their strength is extremely strong, which makes them become the real number one clan in the four corners of the world.

On the contrary, if the sky fire Protoss is a flaming flame, then the Taiyin Protoss is the eternal ice.

The sky fire Protoss is built on the sky fire desert, while the Taiyin clan's territory is located near the Taiyin pool.

They are not only antagonistic to each other in the attribute of their skills, but also in their style of conduct.

According to the legend of ancient times, the power of the original Taiyin Protoss was extremely strong, even no inferior to that of the sky fire god family, and even there was a legend that the sky fire and the Taiyin were the first aristocrats.

But later for various reasons, the Taiyin Protoss began to decline rapidly.

Up to now, it has been reduced to a very humble aristocrat among the four corners of the world. Even if Zhong An, a Xuannu Tianjiao, had not been produced in the recent 100 years, he might have been kicked out of the family and become an ordinary force.

As a result, the sky fire Protoss in the mention of the Taiyin Protoss, a lot of words disdain.

In addition, the Taiyin Shenzu is a pure sect of female practitioners, and all of its disciples are women with mysterious Yin Qi. For those who practice the secret of Tianhuo, these women of the Taiyin Shenzu are simply tonics for walking.

It is because of this kind of reason, so they will hear Qi Xuanfeng's words, so covetous.

There was also a chill in Qi's eyes.

In the past, Qi Sixiang didn't want to do too much for fear of fame, but now suddenly there is a young strong man who dares to challenge all powerful families.

If Qi Si Xiang wants to unite with all powerful families, he must erase all the discordant voices.But let's do it now.

Qi Si Xiang's mind is uncertain.

Qi Xuanfeng seemed to see his father's hesitation. His eyes lit up slightly, and then he said respectfully, "father, I'd better go to the Taiyin Shenzu in person. If they obey our orders, they will send troops to destroy them. What do you think?"

Qi Sixiang took a deep look at his second son.

Before his own legitimate eldest son Qi Hongbo was still there, all the light of Qi Xuanfeng was covered up by his brother.

and as like as two peas in the imagination, Qi Qi's performance is just like that of all the rich men's sons.

For a long time, in the eyes of many people, this Qi Xuanfeng was almost worthless except for being the second young master of Tianhuo Shenzu.

Even Qi Sixiang felt that his little son had been abandoned.

But unexpectedly, after Qi Hongbo's body fell, Qi Xuanfeng suddenly changed his temperament.

For example, when we say these words now, we have very strong grounds for advancing and retreating, and we have a lot of strategies.

Not only the four images of Qi, but other people in the sky fire god Pavilion also looked at Qi Xuanfeng with astonished and inexplicable eyes.

Under the gaze of his father and others, Qi Xuanfeng bowed his head, his face was hidden in the shadow, and he could not see the slightest sadness and joy.

It was not until a long time later that Qi Sixiang nodded, "well, you can go there."

"Yes, father!" Qi Xuanfeng said in a respectful voice, but in the depth of his eyes there flashed a touch of pride that was not easy to be detected, and then he bowed out of the sky fire Shenxuan.

When he left, there was a little silence in the sky fire god Pavilion for a moment. Then an elder said with a compliment smile: "although the little master has died, it seems that the second young master is not a thing in the pool either!"

For a moment, the sky fire god Xuan in the respectful voice four.

Qi Sixiang laughed, and his face was full of satisfaction.

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