When Qi Xuanfeng withdrew from Tianhuo Shenxuan, some dog legs attached to him came up.

"Second young master!"

"Master Xuanfeng!"

Surrounded by the crowd, Qi Xuanfeng, who had bowed down, gradually straightened up. Looking at him at the moment, the humility and respect on his face had already disappeared. Instead, he was full of arrogance and complacency.

"Two little, how about it? What did the patriarch and the elders say? "

Qi Xuanfeng nodded his head and then said haughtily, "my father agreed on the spot when I spoke."

Said, he looked at his gang of men, light way: "clean up, we now set out to the Taiyin Shenzu!"

The evil slaves were all in a state of spirits when they heard the words, "yes!"

For them, being able to go to the Taiyin Protoss is just like playing. Maybe they can even make a beautiful Nun among them!

So one by one like a wolf, can't wait to sort out everything, and then follow Qi Xuanfeng set out.

Compared with other aristocrats, the land of the Taiyin Protoss is not too far away from the Tianhuo desert.

In addition, Qi Xuanfeng led a group of evil slaves to sail a flying boat, so within half a day, he had arrived at the Taiyin pool.

The scenery here is quite different from the sky fire desert.

But see the foot is a vast expanse of water, along the way, from time to time to see islands dotted among them.

Moreover, the whole world is full of soft water spiritual power, which makes this vast lake as wide as the ocean gives birth to vitality.

There are at least trillions of them.

Qi Xuanfeng and others were stunned by such a sight.

For them who are used to the barren desert, the scenery here is simply too beautiful.

"It's no wonder that the women of the Taiyin Shenzu are extremely beautiful. I didn't believe it before. Now it seems that it's not empty words. After all, if you can live in such a place, even if you stay for a long time, you have to be beautiful." Qi Xuanfeng sighed.

On hearing this, an evil slave under him said with a smile: "Er Shao, you've come here with the order of a grown-up man. If these little girls know each other, they won't treat you like gods? At that time, it will not be a word from you, er Shao? "

"That's right. This time, er Shao is going to have a good time!" There's a voice nearby.

Qi Xuanfeng said, "nonsense! I'm here for business

The slaves were so frightened that they all shut their mouths.

But immediately, Qi Xuanfeng licked his lips and said with righteous words: "of course, after the business is done, do you have to relax?"

These evil slaves were stunned at first, and then they all laughed and said, "Er Shao is talking about the extreme!"

Just as the topic between them is getting worse and worse.

The flying boat that controls suddenly a meal, then listen to the light drink from the front.

"Stop coming, the front is the land of my Taiyin God family!"

With the voice, but see a soft water curtain will firmly block the boat.

Qi Xuanfeng stood up and saw two figures standing in the air through the porthole.

At the sight of the two men, there was a whistling sound in the boat.

"Tut Tut, it's no wonder that there are so many beautiful women in the Taiyin Shenzu. It's true that even the one who looks at the gate is such a unique beauty!"

"Haha, we are lucky to follow Ershao!"

The reason why these evil slaves were so excited was that the two women in the way were very beautiful.

Although I look younger than last year, the more so, the more delicate and charming.

At this time, one of the leading female disciples murmured: "who are you? Why do you want to come to my Taiyin Shenzu?"

Hearing this cry, Qi Xuanfeng smiles and flashes. Then he goes out of the boat and comes to the outside world.

"Qi Xuanfeng, the second young master of Tianhuo Shenzu, is here to worship the mountain!" Qi Xuanfeng said haughtily.

On hearing this, the two women turned pale.

Naturally, they know exactly what it means.

What's more, he is the second young master of the sky fire god family. This identity can't be ignored.

So both of them looked awe inspiring, and then said with their hands folded, "it turns out that it's the second young man in the sky. Please wait here for a moment, and we'll go back to report the news."

Qi Xuanfeng gazed greedily at the two women, especially the mysterious Yin Qi emanating from them, which made Qi Xuanfeng feel very comfortable. So after hearing the words, he nodded with a smile.

"No problem!"

But when the two women were ready to go back to report the news, they heard a cold girl's voice across the boundless water and spread to everyone's ears.

"You don't have to report the letter. Since it's master Xuanfeng, please come in!"

The voice shocked the two women, and then nodded to Qi Xuanfeng, "Qi Er Shao, the speaker is my elder martial sister, please follow me!"Say, two people show long halberd in the hand, to behind a row, an invisible water curtain will be lifted.

"Come in, please."

Qi Xuanfeng's face was slightly ugly.

Can be called the first elder martial sister by the female disciple who is the gatekeeper. Then the identity of the female voice is just about to come out.

It is known as the first talent of the Taiyin Protoss for thousands of years, and even known as the most outstanding woman in the world for thousands of years.

The Xuannu Tianjiao of the Taiyin Protoss, Zhong An'an.

But because of this, Qi Xuanfeng felt very uncomfortable.

Because she actually just came by voice, but she didn't greet her in person.

In his opinion, if his brother Qi Hongbo came here, Zhong An'an would certainly greet him personally.

But when it's your turn, it becomes a simple voice.

This naturally made the Qi Xuanfeng feel uncomfortable, so he snorted a little coldly and walked into it.

The water system inside is more energetic, and the lake under the foot is also more and more deep, and even sends out layers of cold air.

This is the foundation of the existence of the Taiyin Protoss, Taiyin pool!

In the middle of Taiyin pool, it is a Grand Island.

There are countless beautiful buildings on the island, which looks very shocking.

However, it can be seen that many of these buildings have been in disrepair for a long time and have lost their former glory.

From this, we can see the plight of the Taiyin Protoss.

When Qi Xuanfeng came to the island, he saw the road shining in the island.

It was the Xuannu Tianjiao Zhong An'an.

I saw Zhong An's eyes light moving, and then he arched his hand to Qi Xuanfeng, "I've seen master Xuanfeng!"

Qi Xuanfeng snorted coldly from his nostrils, but his eyes could not help being attracted by Zhong An'an.

Nothing else.

Because this Zhong An'an is so beautiful.

For him who is good at sex, Zhong An's beauty makes him even a little obsessed.

Therefore, the eyes also become a little unscrupulous up.

In this regard, Zhong An'an just drooped his eyes and laughed, "master Xuanfeng, please come in!"

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