The reception hall of the Taiyin Protoss is not luxurious, but it is elegant and exquisite.

It was not until someone offered the tea that Qi Xuanfeng gradually regained consciousness.

At this time, Zhong An said softly, "but I don't know if master Xuanfeng is coming to my Taiyin Shenzu. What can I do for you?"

Qi Xuanfeng's eyes gradually calmed down, then leaned back on the chair and drank tea.

The hall became quiet.

Many disciples of the Taiyin Shenzu stood silent behind Zhong An'an, watching Qi Xuanfeng drink tea.

After a long time, Qi Xuanfeng sighed contentedly, "good tea! I didn't expect you to have such good tea

With a faint smile, Zhong An said, "this tea is a wild tea grown naturally in the Taiyin pool. It is really quite delicious. If master Xuanfeng likes it, I can send you some before leaving! "

Qi Xuanfeng said with a noncommittal smile, "if so, I'm sorry!"

Zhong An laughed. "It's just some tea. Why should young master Xuanfeng be so polite?"

As soon as his voice fell, Qi Xuanfeng, who had a soft smile on his face, suddenly patted the table and said coldly, "miss An'an, do you know the guilt?"

This makes the audience turn pale, but Zhong An'an is not moved at all. He still looks at Qi Xuanfeng calmly.

"Master Xuanfeng, what does it mean that we can know the guilt?"

"Ha ha!" Qi Xuanfeng leaned on the chair and looked at Zhong An'an coldly. "Miss An'an, we are all smart people, so don't talk in circles! Have you received the order of divine fire sent by the sky fire Protoss before

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

People's eyes are focused on Zhong An'an.

Zhong An's eyes drooped. After a moment, he nodded gently, "I got it."

Qi Xuanfeng's face was cold, and then sneered, "since I received it, why hasn't the Taiyin Shenzu responded?"

Zhong An was silent.

Qi Xuanfeng continued: "you can see that my father is a man of great talent. He has already issued a hundred thousand orders of divine fire and summoned all the powerful families from all over the world to fight against xue'an, the son of Lao Shi! Gujian Protoss, Wutong theology and four big religions have all responded, but you Taiyin Protoss has been silent and silent, not making any statement! What does that mean? I think Miss Zhong can give me an explanation! "

"Yes! The second young master came to worship the mountain in person, but we didn't even go out of the mountain gate. This attitude has been extremely neglected! It can be seen that you Taiyin Shenzu doesn't pay attention to our second young master at all Said the evil slave.

At the moment, the faces of many disciples of the Taiyin protoss have become a little ugly.

In particular, the silence of elder martial sister Zhong An'an has made many people pale.

However, in the eyes of Qi Xuanfeng, Zhong An showed his soft in disguise.

Therefore, he gradually showed a satisfied look in his eyes, and then said in a cold tone: "Miss Zhong, you know that my father was so angry that he even had to send someone to punish you. It was I who begged for mercy that my father was temporarily relieved! But if you want to cover it up, then

Qi Xuanfeng looked at the room and licked his lips greedily. "You'll have to pay a price. I'll make a good job after I go back, don't you?"

"Oh? Price, what price? " Zhong An asked suddenly.

Qi Xuanfeng's mind was quite certain, and he thought that his previous conjectures were all right. Zhong An was obviously afraid, so he said in a playful tone.

"I've been waiting for a long time. I'm very tired. If a lady from your sect can take a rest, I think there's room for discussion on this matter."

As soon as this is said.

Many women of the Taiyin cult changed their color, and then they all focused on Zhong An'an.

Qi Xuanfeng sneered and said, "miss An'an, what do you think?"

Just at this time, Zhong An'an raised his head and looked at Qi Xuanfeng coldly. He said in a cold voice: "first of all, I want to tell you that my Taiyin Shenzu is not your subordinate or disciple of Tianhuo Protoss, so you can't come to the door to ask for guilt!"

"Secondly, I did receive your divine fire order, but I don't think your alliance can succeed this time, so we Taiyin Protoss are not ready to participate!"

"Finally..." Zhong An looked up and down at Qi Xuanfeng, and his face showed a look of disgust and disdain. "With your virtue, you are also worthy of coveting the women of my Taiyin Shenzu? I don't know what the sky is like

As soon as Zhong An said this, the whole audience became quiet. Qi Xuanfeng was shocked at the scene. He didn't recover until a moment later. Then he said angrily, "what do you say? Do you have the ability to say it again? "

Zhong An looked at him coldly, "I have made it very clear that we, the Taiyin Shenzu, can't wait for you to tell me what to do!"

"You..." Qi Xuanfeng couldn't believe his ears.

He thought that this trip to the Taiyin Protoss would be a relaxed and pleasant journey, even full of sexual encounters.And the reason why he wanted to invite him to come here is also because he wanted to set up his own authority through the Taiyin Protoss.

After all, his brother Qi Hongbo is dead, and now he is the number one successor in the sky fire family.

That's why he changed his previous hiding his talent and began to try to stand out.

But I didn't expect that my first attempt hit the wall.

In particular, Zhong An's words simply took him back without mercy. If he could not fight back now, he would be the second young master of the sky fire god family.

Thinking of this, his face gradually dignified, Yin compassion said: "Miss Zhong, I hope you can understand what you are talking about!"

Zhong An took a deep breath, "of course I know! In fact, I've been holding these words in my heart for a long time, and I've wanted to talk to you guys who think they're arrogant! "

Now, not only Qi Xuanfeng was shocked.

Even the people of the Taiyin Protoss are all stupid.

Usually the Taiyin Protoss in the face of the sky fire Protoss, always repeatedly yield to forbearance.

Even if Zhong An is a Xuannu Tianjiao, when she meets Qi Hongbo, the little master of Tianhuo, she has to take the initiative to step aside and never dare to be slighted.

But what happened to the elder martial sister today?

How suddenly so fierce, even the second young master of the God of fire dare to face hard?

But in any case, many disciples of the Taiyin Shenzu were greatly inspired by this, and even looked at Zhong An'an with adoration on their faces.

Qi Xuanfeng was about to explode.

In his opinion, the reason why Zhong An'an has such an attitude must be that he is the second young master of Tianhuo.

You know, when she faced her brother before, she never dared to have such an attitude. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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