At the thought of this, Qi Xuanfeng was even more angry and said, "well, you bitch, I will let you know the power of the sky fire god clan today! Go on

At an order.

The evil slaves behind Qi Xuanfeng rushed forward.

For them, although Zhong An'an is also known as the pride of the noble family, she is nothing but a more powerful woman.

With so many people on my side, I'm sure I can win this woman.

Moreover, Zhong An'an is still so beautiful that he can take advantage of the opportunity to fight.

All of them laughed at the thought.

But before the smile on their faces completely bloomed, their bodies solidified one by one.

When the cold was over, An'an immediately turned the cold into evil.


There are cracks on the ice sculptures, and then they turn into powder.

With just one blow, all the evil slaves were killed on the spot.

Now, it's Qi Xuanfeng's turn.

He stupidly looked at the powder on the ground, then raised his head and looked at Zhong An'an fiercely.

"Bitch, you really dare to kill the people of Tianhuo Protoss. It seems that you are tired of living! I'll teach you a lesson today. "

With that, Qi Xuanfeng raised his hand and made a record.

But the wind and the heat wave were raging.

A wind of the palm is coming.

But Zhong An'an didn't even move. As soon as the palm wind reached the middle of the way, he was bound by the cold air in the void and finally eliminated it.

"This This Qi Xuanfeng's eyes instantly widened, and he looked at the scene with some disbelief.

Zhong An gave a cold smile, "it's hard for you to use the fire in my Taiyin pool! Don't say it's you. Even if your father comes here, his strength will be reduced by half! "

Qi Xuanfeng was shocked and finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that within the scope of Taiyin pool, except for the spiritual power of water system, all other spiritual powers have been suppressed, especially the spiritual power of fire system has been weakened to the extreme.

Even if he has the ability to connect with the heaven, it is difficult to display it.

But soon, he regained his consciousness, and then gave a cold smile to Zhong An'an.

"Very good, you Taiyin Protoss do well! I'll tell my father when I go back. I hope you don't regret it. "

Then he turned and left.

"Hold on!" Zhong An suddenly said something and stopped him.

"Well?" Qi Xuanfeng turned around and looked at her coldly, "what? Do you think you Taiyin people want to kill me

Zhong An shook his head. "Of course I won't kill you! But you have just said something about insulting my Taiyin Protoss, you must account for it! "

"Account? That's a joke. What do you want Qi Xuanfeng sneered scornfully.

But it was just then.

When Zhong An'an suddenly rushed to Qi Xuanfeng, he slapped his hand in the face.

Pa Pa!

After the fan, Qi Xuanfeng's face was swollen.

The audience was shocked.

Qi Xuanfeng looked at Zhong An in disbelief.

"You Do you dare to hit me? "

"It's you! I've been annoyed by you dandies for a long time Zhong An gave a cold smile and then said.

"Go back and tell your father that it is not up to you to intervene in the affairs of my Taiyin Protoss! Do you understand? "

Qi Xuanfeng wanted to be tough, but when he saw Zhong An lift his hand again, he couldn't help shivering and nodding in a hurry.

"Go away!"

Qi Xuanfeng turned and ran.

Until they had left the Taiyin pool, he turned around and roared bitterly: "Zhong, you wait, this is not the end of this matter, we will make you pay the price!"

At this time, Zhong An raised his hand again and saw a cold light rushing straight to Qi Xuanfeng.

Qi Xuanfeng screamed with fright, turned and left in a hurry.

When his figure disappeared completely, Zhong An'an withdrew his eyes.

At the same time, there were bursts of applause in the reception hall.

These female disciples clapped their hands from the bottom of their hearts and looked adored.

Zhong An'an smiles at these people.

But at this time, I heard an old woman's voice full of anger from behind the island.

"Zhong An'an, come here for me!"

The voice made the faces of all the female disciples white.

For it is the mysterious soul elder who is in charge of punishment among the Taiyin gods.

She is eccentric and irritable, and all her disciples are afraid of her.

And she and Zhong An'an have always had some problems.

It is estimated that there will be no good thing if she is called to the past openly this time.In the worried eyes of all the disciples, Zhong An had a cool smile on his face, and then went straight to the back mountain.

The Taiyin Protoss is divided into the front mountain and the back mountain. The front mountain is the place for the disciples to practice, and the back mountain is the place where the elders live.

The penalty hall is located in the back mountain.

When Zhong An'an walked into the penalty hall, all the elders of the Taiyin Protoss were present and were talking.

When I saw Zhong An'an, these comments stopped.

Zhong An'an did not squint. He wanted to see all the elders

The field is quiet.

Many elders look at Zhong An'an with complicated eyes.

For the most outstanding disciples of the Taiyin Protoss, these elders are naturally full of love.

But this time She did go a little too far.

Sure enough.

The xuanhun elder, sitting in the middle of the table, suddenly patted the table and said angrily, "Zhong An'an, don't talk nonsense. I ask you, what did you do just now?"

Zhong An raised his head slowly and said with clear eyes: "xuanhun elder, what do you mean?"

Xuanhun was so old-fashioned that he said, "don't you pretend to be stupid here, but the man who just came to Tianhuo Protoss?"


"How did you deal with it?"

Zhong An was silent for a moment, and then said faintly, "he was so rude that I beat him away!"

This made all the elders in a commotion.

Xuanhun was even more angry and said, "have you run away? Do you know what you're doing? "

Zhong An'an nodded, "I know!"

"Disciple? Do you know you are a disciple? Although the patriarch said that you could be in charge of the affairs of the clan, you would be too reckless to do it! "

Speaking of this, xuanhun's face showed a cold look, "do you know that your kind of behavior will make my Taiyin immortal?"

"So Do you know the sin? "

There was silence.

Although many elders feel sorry for Zhong An'an, this xuanhun is right.

So offending the sky fire Protoss, it is likely that the Taiyin Protoss, which is already at a disadvantage, will be destroyed.

But at this time, in the face of xuanhun's question, Zhong An shook his head, "the disciple felt that he was innocent!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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