"And this time, this is the only chance for us, if we bet right, then we will return to the glory of the past, and even surpass the past!"

"If we lose the bet, we will go all out to fight with these people! In this way, at least I will not feel sorry when I think about it before I die. After all We have struggled and worked hard. If fate is not good, we will recognize it! "

Speaking of this, Zhong An'an looked up at all the people and said, "elders, do you think I'm right?"

Zhong An'an's words made the whole room quiet. All the elders were silent, obviously thinking about Zhong'an's words.

Only xuanhun was indifferent, "gambling? Ha ha, I said that for a long time, you are gambling! But... "

Before she finished her words, a slight sigh came from the back of the mountain.

"Ann is right. Now we That's the only bet

With the voice, a description of a slightly gaunt, but beautiful woman appeared in the scene.

All the elders in the penalty hall were shocked, and then they stood up and said excitedly, "patriarch!"

Zhong An can't help but be stunned, and then knelt down respectfully, "see your master!"

That's right!

It was mu GuQing, the patriarch of the Taiyin Shenzu who had been closed for a long time.

She nodded slightly. "Get up, all of you."

All of them stood up with a look of excitement and joy on their faces.

Only xuanhun's face became extremely ugly.

Mu GuQing did not pay attention to her, just nodded to Zhong An'an, "I heard what you just said, good!"

Zhong An'an looked at mu GuQing, especially noticed the haggard on her face. A look of worry flashed in her eyes, and then bowed his head and said, "thank you, master!"

Mu GuQing turned his head and looked at xuanhun, and his expression became colder and colder. "Elder Xuan, I remember that I said it very clearly when I closed up. All the matters should be handled by An'an. You should cooperate with her fully, but you How did you do it? "

Hearing this, xuanhun flopped and knelt on the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "the patriarch, I..."

Mu GuQing waved his hand and said in a cold voice, "OK! I know you are resentful because I didn't hand over the power to you. From this, you can see that you are still angry. Now go to Houshan for three years! Don't worry about the penalty hall for the time being

When xuanhun heard this, the whole person was in a daze.

Mu Gu Qing slightly raised eyebrows, "what I said, did you hear it?"

"It is Yes Xuanhun looks gray and droops his head.

"Go Mu GuQing shakes his robe sleeve.

Xuanhun left dejectedly.

"You Step back, too Mu Gu said in a deep voice.

Many long old people bowed down one after another at the smell of speech, and then withdrew from the penalty hall.

When they were left in the room, mu GuQing spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became pale instantly.

Zhong An exclaimed, "master!"

The figure appears in front of Mu GuQing.

Mu GuQing wryly smiles and waves his hand, "don't touch me! I had a mistake in my practice and got lost in the devil

Zhong An's body was so strong that she finally understood why her face was so haggard when she saw her master this time, and even her momentum became depressed.

Mu GuQing gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his face gradually returned to normal. Only the haggard color in his eyes became thick.

But she did not worry about this, but asked softly, "An'an, do you really think this new born strong young man can win?"

Zhong An nodded, "master, this time I went to curse city on behalf of the Taiyin Protoss. I witnessed the whole process and had direct contact with Xue an!"

"Oh? What do you think of this man? " Mu GuQing asked softly.

Zhong An was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said seriously, "I can't see him through!"

Mu GuQing's face changed.

As the patriarch of the Taiyin Shenzu and the master of Zhong An'an, she knows her disciple too well.

Since childhood, he has a keen mind and works in an orderly and calm manner.

The point is that there is maturity that doesn't match your age.

Most of the time, she can see through the appearance of things and find the internal problems.

It is for this reason that mu GuQing will give the power to her when she is in seclusion.

It can be said that in her eyes, even the best hidden people will be seen through.

I didn't expect that she couldn't see through Xue an.

At this time, Zhong An showed a wry smile, and then said: "I have seen a lot of strong gods, especially the youth Tianjiao. For example, Qi Hongbo, the little master of Tianhuo, can be regarded as extremely talented."

"But no matter how powerful and noble these people are, they are all flawed in character! For example, the arrogance and lust of the little god of the sky fire are his biggest faults! ""I always firmly believe that no matter the gods or the ordinary people, as long as there is a defect, it means that there is a loophole. No matter how fierce such a person is, they can be dealt with!"

"But Xue an is different..." Speaking of this, Zhong An's eyes flashed a touch of fear.

"I see no defect in him, as if he were a perfect man!"

Hearing this sentence, mu GuQing's face changed greatly, because this evaluation is simply too high.

Zhong An's eyes were a little confused. He seemed to be recalling something. Then he whispered: "the first time I saw him was on the jade food pavilion in the city of curse! At that time, he followed Chu Xiaoyun, who was still very humble at that time! "

"At the beginning, no one noticed him. Even I thought he was just an ordinary boy. There was nothing unusual about him except his good looks."

"But later, he was not humble and arrogant in the face of Qi Hongbo and other people's arrogance, and he dared to do it on the spot! This attracted my attention, but at that time I still thought that this was just a young strong man who didn't know the sky and the earth

"But what happened later It's subverting my imagination! "

"On top of the celebration of the curse goddess, we will wipe out all the arrogance of Qi Hongbo and other powerful families, eradicate the curse goddess and force the throne to Chu Xiaoyun! All these things sound like a fool's dream, but they are so understated in his hands. They are not worth mentioning

"But it's not over. After finishing these things, he said that he would wipe out all the gods of Tianzhao, and then he left with pride! We all thought he was just bragging

"I didn't expect that after three days, Tianzhao's divine realm would be empty, and he was the only one who started it!"

Hearing this, mu GuQing finally turned pale.

As a powerful family in the world, she certainly knows the power of the gods.

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