But how terrifying is his strength when he can exterminate it by himself?

Zhong An took a deep breath. "If that's all, it's all right. The key is that from the beginning to the end, I haven't figured out his personality clearly."

"You say that he is arrogant and murderous, but he is just fighting because of an irrelevant person. You say he is cold and inhuman, but sometimes he acts like a child!"

"Later, I approached him specially, and wanted to talk to him for a few words, and to get closer to him. As a result, I found that he didn't eat it at all. All my compliments were like air in front of him. Even under his gaze, I felt like a clown, and all my thoughts were seen through by him!"

Speaking of this, Zhong An's whole body trembled slightly, and his face was a little frightened. Obviously, he remembered Xue an's eyes at that time.

Mu GuQing is silent.

Zhong An'an took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and said in a deep voice: "master, this time the sky fire god clan and other powerful families are united together. It seems that they have great potential. However, because of the complicated relationship between them and the huge interests they are facing, it is impossible for them to cooperate sincerely. In this way, they will hinder each other!"

"So I have a hunch that Xue an will win this time! The only way for us to rise is to seize this opportunity

Mu GuQing didn't have the slightest hesitation. He nodded directly and said, "good! What are we going to do next? "

Zhong An'an said: "master, we have completely torn our face with the sky fire god clan. Qi Xuanfeng has no other skills, but he can still tell lies. So when he goes back, the sky fire god clan will send someone over! So I think it's better to rush to the city of curse now

Mu GuQing frowned slightly, "you mean Give up the Taiyin pool for the time being? "

Zhong An'an nodded, "yes, only in this way can we preserve our strength."

"But would it be too desperate to do so? With the protection of Taiyin pool, we may not be able to survive ten days! " The more mu GuQing said, the lower the voice, because she suddenly understood the meaning of Zhong An'an.

Zhong An drooped his eyes and said, "master, although I am a woman, I also know that I can't go from end to end, otherwise I will suffer from it! If we really want to seize this opportunity, we must put all our eggs in one basket. Only in this way Can Xue an see our sincerity! "

Mu GuQing quietly looked at her favorite disciple. After a moment, she nodded, "well said! Ann, it seems that you are mature enough after years of tempering! In this way, I will be relieved! "

Zhong An was stunned, "master, what do you say?"

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly heard someone cry out, "xuanhun elder, the mountain gate has not been opened. What are you going to do?"

Then came a few screams.

Hearing this sound, Zhong An ran into color.

And mu GuQing is much more calm, eyes flash, and then a from the table to grab a hidden extremely exquisite eavesdropping Rune Stone.

Zhong an immediately understood, "master..."

Mu GuQing's face was as cold as ice. "An'an, you're right. This mysterious soul is really not a good kind. It's a pity that I didn't listen to you at the beginning, so I should directly abolish her cultivation and drive out of the mountain gate!"

With the words, mu GuQing master and apprentice have rushed outside.

Just at this moment, the bodies of several disciples who were responsible for watching the guard mountain array fell from the air.

The mountain protecting array has just broken a big hole. When xuanhun sees mu GuQing, they rush out and can't help laughing.

"Patriarch, I'm really sorry. You want to take refuge in the city of curse, but I don't want to die! Goodbye

With that, she would run away through the mountain protection battle.

At this time, all the elders were startled and came here one after another.

But if you want to rely on them to stop, the time is obviously too late.

At this time, mu GuQing swung the sleeves of his robe, flew up, and rushed to xuanhun's body with a thunderous momentum, and then gave a fierce drink.

"Evil obstacles dare you!"

Say, Mu Gu Qing clap out.

But the mysterious soul didn't dodge in the slightest. Instead, he laughed grimly and clapped.


The palms are facing each other.

Xuanhun's body was shocked and his face turned white, but the whole person flew out of the body protection array with the help of this palm.

Then her proud voice came in through the array, "Mu GuQing, I've seen that your cultivation has gone wrong and you're possessed. You can't help me with this palm, but you must be seriously injured! Ha ha ha... "

The voice has not fallen, mu GuQing looks indifferent, but also a palm.

A very cold Yin Qi blows out through the mountain protection array.

Xuanhun screamed, and then roared in a very resentful tone: "Mu GuQing, you dare to attack me secretly. You wait, wait for the Lords of the sky fire god clan to come here, and none of you can run away!"

The voice of the mysterious soul gradually faded away and disappeared in an instant.At this time, all the elders and disciples of the Taiyin Protoss had already rushed over.

Just as the crowd looked up.

Mu GuQing, standing in the middle of the sky, vomited a large mouthful of blood, and then fell straight down.

Everyone was surprised.

"Master!" Zhong An'an was even more startled. After a flash, he appeared in the air and held his master in his arms.

After slowly landing, all the elders and disciples wake up from the shock, and then gather around in great anxiety.



Shouts came and went.

Mu GuQing leans on Zhong An'an's shoulder, his face as white as paper, and his momentum has been withered to the extreme.

But even so, she waved to the crowd, and then laughed.

"Don't come here, I'm fine!"

The crowd stopped, but their eyes were full of worry.

Mu GuQing turned his head and looked at Zhong An'an, then said with a light smile: "An'an, help me to sit down there! I have something to say! "

Zhong An's eyes were tearful, clenched his teeth and nodded.

When Zhong An'an helped mu GuQing sit on the high platform of the square, mu GuQing looked around all the elders and disciples present, and then said faintly, "all kneel down!"

At an order.

Without any hesitation, the crowd fell to their knees.

Mu GuQing said in a low voice: "now I'll say a few things. First, xuanhun defected and died in the Shenzu of Taiyin. You should regard it as the enemy of life and death and eliminate it!"

"Here it is The crowd bowed.

"Second..." Mu GuQing looks around the audience and gently grabs Zhong An's hand.

"I have been seriously injured and can't afford to be the head of the clan. Since then, the position of patriarch has been passed on to Zhong An'an!"


All the people in the audience were shocked by this remark.

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