Many people shudder and shout, "patriarch!"


Zhong An'an knelt down on the ground, sobbing: "master, I..."

Mu GuQing waved his hand, "An'an, don't say it again! I have made up my mind and can't be changed! After that, you will be the patriarch of the Taiyin gods

Zhong An burst into tears and kowtowed deeply, "yes!"

Then mu GuQing looked around the audience and said softly, "can you hear me?"

"Yes Everyone said in unison, many of them have already burst into tears.

"See the new patriarch." Mu GuQing's tone is more and more weak.

Everyone turned around and kowtowed again to Zhong An'an.

"Yes, my Lord!"

This sound, all people all shout sincere.

It is not only because of Zhong An'an's popularity, but also because mu GuQing has been in charge of the Taiyin Protoss for hundreds of years. Now she is obviously on her deathbed.

Nature makes everyone sad and happy.

Zhong An wiped away the tears on his cheek and nodded to everyone, "everyone, please rise!"

At this moment, Zhong An was finally honored and became the youngest patriarch among all the noble families in the world.

At this time, mu GuQing said softly, "An'an, now that you are the patriarch, you should take all the people out of here and go to the curse city!"

This makes everyone one of Zheng, Zhong An An is a Leng, and then understand what, sobbing shake his head: "master..."

Mu GuQing glared, "as a clan leader, how can you cry?"

Zhong An'an, hearing the speech, resisted the sadness of his heart, but he still begged: "master, let's go together!"

Mu GuQing shook his head and chuckled: "silly child, can't you see the current situation of being a teacher? I'm barely dead in this Taiyin pool. How can I go? "

Zhong An choked because she knew what mu GuQing said was true.

Now mu GuQing is just like the candle that is about to be extinguished. Maybe a wisp of breeze will blow her away.

Mu Gu Qing lowered his eyes and said in a soft voice, "An'an, explain it to everyone!"

Zhong An'an nodded, "yes!"

Then he turned his head and told mu GuQing what he had said before.

After hearing this, they were all silent and bowed down together.

"Disciple, please follow the patriarch!"

Looking at all the people bowing in unison, Zhong An tried to endure the tears.

But mu GuQing nodded with satisfaction, "very good! Now, you go! "

Zhong An'an was still a little difficult to control and said in a trembling voice, "master..."

Mu GuQing shook his head, "silly disciple, I understand what you think, but the Taiyin Shenzu has been standing here for thousands of years. Now it has been robbed. If it is true that all of them have gone, would it not be a failure to live up to the protection of Taiyin pool over the past ten thousand years?"

"So Go on, I'm here to end the rest for you

Hearing mu GuQing's words, Zhong An'an and all of them were sad, and then knelt down again.



He waved his hand gently! Remember, although we are women, we can't be underestimated by all the powerful families! Do you understand? "

"Yes Everyone kowtowed respectfully, then stood up and left without looking back under the leadership of Zhong An'an.

Not do not want to look back, but dare not!

Don't be forever!

And if you look back, you may not be able to go!

And mu GuQing's words are also very clear, although for women, but can not let all parties underestimate.

So at the moment, they can only dry their tears and set foot on the journey to the curse city for the continuation of the Taiyin Protoss.

As for hatred and regret, they can only be washed away with the blood of the enemy.

But even so, when they really came out of the mountain protection battle, all of them could not help crying, and then cried out in unison.


Mu GuQing looked at all the people disappeared in the mountain after the light curtain, pale as paper face can not help but show a touch of light smile.

But when she heard the voice of people's cry, her eyes could not help but shed tears, and then choked.

"Ann, ladies and gentlemen, I'm really happy to meet you in my life!"

Mu GuQing, the name with three lonely women, at this moment is also full of tears!

But soon, she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and then she stood up and slowly walked to the main hall in the middle of the island.

She gently stroked the green and gold wall, almost greedily looking at everything around her.

Here carries her memories of thousands of years, happy and sad, but the hall, which witnessed all this, is silent.Mu GuQing walked to the spring in the middle of the hall and said with a soft smile: "old man, you've been working hard for so many years!"

Spring silent, just continue to chug Chuo out of the cold.

Mu GuQing at the moment of the body has been more and more staggering, but she still support the wall to the main hall of the main seat, and then sit down cross knee.

At this time, there is a sword light rising from the spring eye, and after turning around mu GuQing for several times, he is shaking and floating in front of Mu GuQing.

Mu GuQing smiles, and then gently caresses the sword with cold light.

"After all these years, it's hard for you to remember me!"

The handle of the sword trembled slightly, as if in response to Mu GuQing's touch.

"I know you've been lonely under the spring for too long, so you're craving blood, right?"

The sword moved, as if nodding.

Mu GuQing's smile gradually became chilly, "good! Then you will accompany me to wait here to see if we can cut off the enemy's head! "

After that, the sword converges and falls on mu GuQing's knee.

A sword is across the knee.

Sitting alone in the mountains.

Mu GuQing slowly closed his eyes and seemed to be ready to meet everything.

At the same time.

After spending more than a dozen empty runes, Qi Xuanfeng returned to the Tianhuo Shenzu's residence like a bereaved dog.


The city of Tianhuo has become lively.

Most of the rich families of all sides have arrived in the Qi Dynasty. A large banquet is arranged in the Tianhuo Shenxuan to entertain the strong people from all over the country.

Of course, the most striking is the position of the ancient sword deity and the five powerful sects.

We can see that the patriarchs or religious leaders of these great clans are chatting and laughing with Qi Sixiang, the patriarch of Tianhuo Shenzu, and they seem to have a good relationship.

Shenxuan is a lively scene.

Therefore, when Qi Xuanfeng rushed in in in panic, it caused an uproar in the Shenxuan.

"Master Xuanfeng, what's the matter?"

"Yes, the second young master's face is full of panic."

When they were in doubt, they saw that Qi Xuanfeng took a few steps and knelt down on the ground. He said in a trembling voice, "father, Lord!"

Qi Si Xiang saw his little son like this, can't help but eyebrow a pick, and then put down the glass.

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