With that, Qi Xuanfeng urged his divine power and rushed directly to the past.

If he is killed under normal circumstances, he does not dare to fight with mu GuQing, a strong man in charge of the clan.

But now even a fool can see that this mu GuQing has obviously run out of oil and the lamp is dry.

In this way, he must be the first to get the limelight and to be safe and cheap.

But as soon as he was in the middle of his body, he saw a bright sword light suddenly flying out, and cut it straight at his head.

The speed of sword light makes many people have no time to react.

Xuanhun was scared to fly. If Qi Xuanfeng died here, she would be buried with her.

So she rushed forward and pushed Qi Xuanfeng aside.


After cutting off one arm of xuanhun, the sword turned back to Mu GuQing's body.

Qi Xuanfeng was safe and sound, and he was not hurt by anything except a cold sweat.

But the more he was like this, the more frightened he felt. He could not help but say, "you Aren't you seriously injured? "

Seeing a sword failed, mu GuQing's already pale face became more and more gray, and finally became almost transparent with white paper.

She sighed, "what a pity! What a pity

Then he raised his head and watched an arm cut off, and his head was covered with sweat. "In order to betray our ethnic group, even at such a price, do you really think it's worth it? Don't you know that no matter what you do, you are just a dog in their eyes? "

Xuanhun's whole body trembled slightly, but his face growled bitterly: "don't preach to me here, mu GuQing, you're dead today!"

But she did not dare to step forward.

After all, that sword just now was really terrible. Who knows if she has any cards?

Qi Xuanfeng also stepped back a few steps timidly, and then said in a cold voice, "let's go together. I want to see how long this girl can last!"

"Qi Shao. Wait a minute

With that, Bai Chi of the ancient sword God family came forward. He first looked at the sword around mu GuQing with great enthusiasm, and then narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

"Good sword! I didn't expect that the world-famous Mu clan chief still has such a strong sword skill! "

Mu GuQing did not speak, just quietly listening, after a moment, she just light way: "who are you?"

"Ancient sword Protoss, baichi! I've met Mr. Mu! " Bai Chi slightly arched his hand and said with a smile.

"Ancient sword Protoss Ha ha Mu GuQing chuckled, but soon frowned slightly, as if in what huge pain.

Qi Xuanfeng and others looked at each other and saw the color of joy in each other's eyes.

This mu GuQing obviously can't hold on.

Bai Chi gave a sigh of sympathy, "Mu clan chief, how are you? How are you? I really feel sorry for you

Mu GuQing is silent.

Baichi greedily looked at the sword, and then said faintly: "in fact, it's a miracle that you can hold on to now. Why don't you give me this sword, and I promise to give you the treatment that a strong man should have, and not let you die from any torture! What do you think? "

In fact, after coming in, Bai Chi took a fancy to the sword in front of Mu GuQing's knee.

As a descendant of the ancient sword God clan, although his accomplishments are not comparable to the dead Bai Chong, his vision is still there.

He could see at a glance that the sword was extraordinary.

That's why I sympathize with you at this time.

After a moment of silence, mu GuQing suddenly chuckled, "what should be the treatment of the strong?"


"But Is not the end result of a strong man in battle? " Mu Gu Qing said coldly.

Hearing this, Bai Chi's face sank, and he said coldly, "patriarch mu, I'm a person who respects you. And after you die, isn't this sword still in my hand? So now, if you give it up, you can have less suffering! Otherwise

Bai Chi looked at mu GuQing's haggard but beautiful cheek and said with a smile, "I can't guarantee that you will suffer from any unbearable treatment."

This made Qi Xuanfeng and others laugh.

"Yes, surrender, and you'll suffer less!"

In the drum noise, mu GuQing suddenly laughed, then turned his head and looked at xuanhun. He said faintly, "see? This is the protoss you want to join! In their eyes, we are nothing but playthings

Xuanhun's face changed, but he still snorted coldly: "Mu GuQing, don't talk nonsense. You can surrender to the adults now, but it's still too late!"

"Surrender?" Mu GuQing shook his head and chuckled, but his eyes showed a resolute color, "although I am a woman, I never want to live in humiliation and become the slave of others' crotch!""You..." The mysterious soul suddenly changed color.

At this time, mu GuQing stood up with his sword in his hand and looked around the audience. Then he pointed his sword in front of him and said indifferently: "let's go together!"

"Looking for death!" Bai Chi is the first to rush up.

He coveted the sword in Mu GuQing's hand, so he rushed up without hesitation.

But when he just rushed to the half, mu GuQing raised his hand and chopped down with a sword.

Boom, a cold and gorgeous sword light straight to the white gallop, and in an instant blocked all his retreat.

"How can it be possible?" he said

But this sword is about to reach the body. However, Bai Chi has no choice but to urge him to move his sword. A sword awn suddenly appears in his hand, and then he goes up.


After a big bang, but see Bai Chi body shape huge earthquake, scream is shocked to fly out.

After landing on the ground, the clothes on the chest were cut by the sword awn, which almost opened the belly of baichi.

This time, everyone was shocked.

Bai Chi is more angry, but his eyes also show a touch of fear.

After all, if he didn't hide quickly, the sword would have cost him half his life.

But it was just then.

Mu GuQing's body suddenly began to shake violently, then opened his mouth and vomited out a big mouthful of blood.

And the blood is also mixed with a lot of visceral debris, obviously has hurt the root.

Seeing this scene, Bai Chi and others looked at each other, and then cried out in unison: "she can't do it. Let's do it together!"

With these words, they all rushed up.

In their opinion, the siege must be a sure thing.

But at this time, mu GuQing, who had already lost his momentum, suddenly burst out in his eyes with a bright cold light, and his momentum soared in an instant.

"Not good!" Baichi and others screamed and retreated.

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