But mu Gu Qing didn't do anything, just lowered his head and chuckled at the sword in his hand.

"Goodbye, old man! Remember to go to Ann, so that you can protect her

After that, she suddenly burst out a drink, raised her hand and waved a sword.

The sword made a sad sound, as if crying, and then it was directly thrust into the void by mu GuQing and disappeared.

See this scene, white Chi all over a shock, and then full of unwilling roar: "bitches dare you!"

At this time, he could see that mu GuQing sent the sword through the void at the cost of burning his soul.

This time, his wishful thinking can be all failed.

"I will humiliate you to death!" Baichi's hysterical roar is about to rush forward.

Mu GuQing glanced at everyone and gave xuanhun a cold smile,

"I'm looking forward to the day you regret!"

Then she jumped up and threw herself into the cold spring with a determined attitude.

"She's going to commit suicide. Stop her!" Xuanhun exclaimed.

Needless to say, Qi Xuanfeng and Bai Chi have directly moved their hands to stop mu GuQing.

But it was late.

Mu GuQing obviously had planned everything. When the attack of these people arrived, the speed of Mu GuQing's whereabouts suddenly accelerated, and he threw himself into the spring in an instant.

In the hall, a dead silence, mu GuQing's fall did not stir up the slightest ripple of the spring eye, only the curly cold air was still floating upward.

"Death Dead? " Qi Xuanfeng asked in amazement.

Xuanhun nodded with a flattering smile, "master Xuanfeng, under the siege of you and other adults, this mu GuQing knows that he has committed a serious crime, and he has already killed himself, and his spirits are all gone!"


Qi Xuanfeng slapped him and said angrily, "son of a bitch, I want to take her back. Now that she has committed suicide, are you still very happy?"

Xuanhun was shocked by the fan, but he didn't dare to resist at all. He had to cover his cheek with his hand and nodded his head: "yes, master Xuanfeng. I'm wrong."

"Really dead?" Bai Chi still doesn't believe it.

Xuanhun quickly said: "this is the eternal spring of Yin. Don't say it's mu GuQing. Even if the king level or even the ancient god level strong people enter into it, all the spirits will be destroyed! So she must be dead, and she can't die any more! "

Although not content, but the matter has been so far, Qi Xuanfeng and Bai Chi had to accept.

Fortunately, there are a lot of things left behind by the Taiyin Protoss, including many kinds of treasures, which can be regarded as an assignment after taking them back.

At the time when Qi Xuanfeng led the people to search for treasures in the Taiyin pool.

On the border of the four worlds and the curse City, Zhong An'an and the Taiyin Protoss are speeding up their journey!

Along the way, they did not dare to have the slightest pause, for fear that there would be pursuers after them.

Fortunately, the boundaries of the city of Damnation are right in front of us.

There was a deep sigh of relief.

But at this time, there were ripples in the void above the team, and then a sword light came out and circled the crowd at a very fast speed.

All of them were shocked, and then they saw that the sword light flew directly to Zhong An'an in front of the crowd. After a circle, a sad cry came out.

At the sight of the sword, Zhong An'an was shocked and his face was as white as paper.

"This This is the master's sword! "

Then she felt that the seemingly indistinct connection with mu GuQing was completely disconnected.

This makes Zhong An as if struck by lightning, standing in place.

At this time, all the elders recognized the sword, and their faces changed greatly.

"Patriarch! Old clan leader, she... "

With trembling hands, Zhong An gently stroked the sword, and then he said: "master She's gone


Zhong An's words seemed like a bolt from the blue, which shocked all the people of the Taiyin Protoss.

Then the crowd burst into tears.

"Old patriarch!"

"Mu clan chief!"

Among these shouts.

Zhong An'an slowly fell to his knees.

As soon as she knelt down, all the people behind her fell to the ground.

At the moment, Zhong An'an is already in tears.

She has always been a calm and rational woman, always feel that crying is a very boring act, which is of no help at all.

But at this moment, her tears can not stop falling.

Everyone sobbed, too.

But soon, Zhong An'an wiped away the tears on his face, and his eyes showed the light of perseverance.

"Don't cry, master is gone. All we can do now is to avenge her!" Speaking of this, Zhong An'an turned to look around all the people and said, "because the blood of the enemy is more comforting than tears! Do you understand? ""Understand!" Everyone roared in unison.

At this time, zhong an an tore the corner of a white dress and tied it to his forehead.

All the people of the Taiyin Protoss also followed her actions, tearing off the corners of their clothes and wearing them on their heads.

In an instant, the whole team was in full swing.

Zhong An'an got up slowly, holding the long sword suspended in the air, and said coldly, "let's go!"

All the people's eyes are full of bone chilling, silent and speechless.

It's like a team coming out of hell, murderous!

The city of curse.

This is the third day, but the whole city of curse is cold and desolate, not to mention the rich, but an ordinary force has not come.

Such a scene, let a lot of people silent.

Because everybody knows what it means.

Three days have passed since the ten day agreement. The news must have been spread all over the country, but no one came. It is obvious that all the rich people are watching!

In particular, Chu Xiaoyun also heard that those powerful families in the four corners of the world were gathering, which made her worried.

But different from her anxiety, Xue an's life has been very leisurely in the past three days.

If it's OK, I will accompany my two daughters to play games, eat snacks, or chat with Anyan.

There was no sign of anxiety.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiaoyun couldn't help crying or laughing.

She never seems to know.

Has the LORD made a decision?

Chu Xiaoyun thinks about it.

But she didn't dare to ask, so she held all her questions in her heart.

On this day, the gate of the curse city was as cold as usual.

Chu Xiaoyun sat in the mansion of the city Lord, stunned.

She hoped that someone would come here, at least not so embarrassed.

Can stare the eye to wait a full hour, but obtain nothing.

Chu Xiaoyun shook his head with a bitter smile and stood up and prepared to go to the back house.

But at this time, she suddenly turned around and looked at the sky in the distance.

"What a powerful murderous spirit, this This is... "

Just at this time, there was a faint laugh beside her.

"I'm still keeping my promise. I'm really here!"

With that, Xue an's figure emerged from the void, and then turned to smile at Chu.

"Let's go and meet the Taiyin Protoss who has come here!"

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