When Zhong An and his party appeared in the city, they immediately attracted countless eyes.

After all, Zhong An'an is a beautiful woman.

So many high-quality beauty gathered together, itself is a very eye-catching thing.

But at this moment, led by Zhong An'an, all the women are cold, with white scarves on their heads, and the whole team is plain.

The atmosphere was solemn to the point of depression.

It also made the crowd quieter.

When Xue an walked up the city wall, he could not help but be stunned. Then he suddenly laughed and walked slowly.

Zhong An raised his head and looked at the young man in white who stepped into the sky.

And the crowd behind her was a slight commotion.

All the Taiyin people can guess that it was Xue an, as the new patriarch said.

But they did not expect that Xue an, who had traveled a long way, was so young that he looked like a teenager.

This has raised a trace of suspicion in the hearts of many elders.

At this time, Xue an had come to Zhong An'an and others, and then gave zhong an an a faint smile, "you really keep your promise!"

Zhong An takes a deep breath and kneels slowly on one knee.

She this kneeling, behind the Taiyin people in slightly a Leng, then also followed one knee kneeling.

Then Zhong An said in a deep voice, "Zhong An'an, the leader of the Taiyin Shenzu, leads all the people and is willing to submit to the adults!"

Then the whole Taiyin people all cried out in unison: "Taiyin Shenzu, please submit to the Lord's command!"

The sound was so loud.

Xue an laughed, "OK! In that case, get up! "

However, Zhong An'an did not get up. Instead, he raised his head and said with sadness on his face: "Taiyin Shenzu, only ask for revenge for us!"

"Revenge?" Xue an said lightly.

"Yes Then, Zhong An'an told the story of the incident.

After hearing this, Xue an was silent.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

All the people of the Taiyin deity raised their hearts to their voices, especially many elders, who were staring at xue'an, and felt that they were not reliable.

After all, the boy in white is too young and handsome!

Even without the slightest murderous spirit, it looks like an ordinary teenager.

But Zhong An'an looked at xue'an eagerly.

After a moment, but see Xue an's mouth appeared a faint smile, and then nodded.

"Good! Since you have turned to me, I will take care of this hatred for you! When the time comes, none of them can run away. What do you think? "

Xue an's voice is very indifferent, even as if talking about a trivial matter.

But the people of the Taiyin Protoss were dumbfounded.

This tone of voice It's too big!

But Zhong An gave a long breath, and then bowed his hand respectfully, "thank you very much."

Xue an laughed and waved. All the people kneeling were lifted up by a gentle force. Then Xue an turned around and said, "you've been working hard all the way. Let's go! Follow me into the city

Xue an's casual hand shocked many people in the Taiyin Protoss.

Especially those elders, their accomplishments are quite good.

But in front of Xue an, he had no resistance and was directly held up.

Under this, many people's hearts can not help but ignite a glimmer of hope.


This Xue an can really help us revenge!

But there are still many people who are still worried.

After all, the curse city seems too weak!

No matter how powerful Xue an is, there is only one person.

And the other party, but the whole world's elite ah!

When the Taiyin Protoss arrived at the curse City, Qi Xuanfeng and others had already returned to the sky fire god Xuan.

When he told the story, there was a great uproar.

"What? All the people of the Taiyin protoss have run away? " Some people were shocked.

"It's really true that Ju clan escaped to the city of curse. These women of the Taiyin Protoss are cruel enough to act!" Some people marvel.

"Tut Tut, I wonder, what is the attraction of the curse City, which can make the Taiyin Protoss abandon their life-long foundation?" Someone sneered.

"After all, I'm still young, and I don't see many things thoroughly enough." Others sigh softly.

On the other hand, Qi Si Xiang and Bai Tu looked at each other.

Then Qi four elephant just light way: "you say that mu GuQing also died?"

Qi Xuanfeng nodded, "yes! She threw herself into the Taiyin pool in front of us. She is dead and can't die any more"Hum! It's a bargain for her White picture cold channel.

But Wu Tong's fierce Xiao licked his lips. "I heard that the girl was so beautiful that she wanted to take it back and enjoy it. It's a pity!"

A lot of people's faces changed slightly, subconsciously, they were a little far away from the fierce sky.

At this time, Qi Xuanfeng then said, "my father, this time it's not without harvest. The people of the Taiyin Shenzu are in a hurry, leaving behind a lot of treasures! I chose the most precious of them and have brought them back! "

Then he handed in the list.

Qi Si Xiang looked at it a little, his eyes showed a touch of satisfaction, and then he rolled it into the sleeve of the robe, and then said faintly.

"I have seen mu GuQing a few times. She can be called a strange woman. It's a pity that she went astray and finally deserved to die! As for the rebellious Protoss... "

Qi Si Xiang turns his head and looks at the two men.

"What do you think?"

"How can you see it?" he said with a grim smile? Now that we are strong and strong, we will directly kill the city of curse, tear xue'an, who killed my disciple, into pieces, and take back all the people of the Taiyin Shenzu, and do a good job of ravaging them! "

The evil spirit revealed in this discourse makes many people pale.

It seems that he had expected that fierce Xiao would say so. Qi Sixiang just laughed, and then he turned his head and looked at the white figure on one side.

"Do you think so?"

Bai Tu laughed, "clan chief Qi, since we are here at your invitation, naturally we should give priority to your Tianhuo Shenzu, so it's better for you to make a decision. I won't be able to make a fuss over the guests and dominate the country."

Hearing this, Qi Sixiang's face was more smiling, and his eyes flashed a touch of satisfaction, and then nodded.

"Since the chief of the Bai nationality is so humble, I'm not polite! Just now, the evil cult leader said that Xue an killed my son. I wish I could eat his flesh and drink his blood, so as to eliminate my hatred in my heart! "

"And it's an unforgivable sin for the Shenzu of Taiyin to rebel against the clan! You must be punished

Hear this, fierce Xiao hey hey a smile, is about to talk.

"But..." Qi Si Xiang said, "I think this curse city must be removed, but not now!"

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