"Evil cult leader, don't worry, listen to me! Xue an's origin is unknown, but his strength can't be underestimated. This time, he tried to kill the gods and make us yield. Although it's wishful thinking, we should not underestimate the enemy! "

"In addition, now the Taiyin Protoss has turned to him, which makes him arrogant! Therefore, I think the best way for us now is to give him a strong hand first! "

"Down? What's wrong He was stunned.

"It's very simple. Didn't he say that he would let me go to the curse city ten days later to show my surrender? Let's just sit still! When it comes to ten days, no one in the city of curse will go to the city except the Taiyin Protoss. Then I will see how arrogant Xue an is! "

One side of Bai Tu clapped his hands and exclaimed, "great kindness! What the chief of Qi said is exactly what I mean! Although he is incomparable, he is just a tree without roots and water without a source in front of our powerful families! Even if he is really a strong dragon crossing the river, he has to do nothing in the face of this helpless situation! "

Fierce Xiao bowed his head and thought for a moment, then turned to be angry and said with a grin: "it sounds good!"

Qi Sixiang said with a smile, "let's hang him for a few days. When the ten day period comes, he will know how much weight he has. When the morale drops, he may not have to do anything about it, and his curse city will be defeated."

"Very well! Then we will be able to carve up this big cake of Tianzhao God territory without any effort! " Fierce Xiao burst out laughing.

Qi Si Xiang and Bai Tu looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

As for the other noble families in the sky fire god Pavilion, they all lowered their heads and showed their awe and submission.

Now, it is obvious that the two tribes and one religion have formed an alliance. In front of such huge things, no one dare not show awe.

This is also the reason why fierce Xiao dare to be so unscrupulous and utter words.

Finally, under the leadership of the three major forces, the Tianhuo Protoss, the Gujian Protoss, and the Wutong theology, this gathering of the powerful families around the world has become a great integration of forces.

All the powerful families were forced to unite together, and the main people were Qi Si Xiang, Bai Tu and Xiong Xiao.

For a moment, the whole world was boiling.

Soon, the news also spread to Tianzhao divine region, especially to the territory of curse city.

This time, the people who heard the news couldn't help turning pale.

The purpose of the alliance of all the powerful clans in the world is to deal with the curse city and Xue an.

And such a colossus is even more powerful than the gods before.

Under this, a lot of people who had been very optimistic about Xue an, at this moment, can not help but play the retreat drum.

After all, in people's eyes, no matter how powerful Xue an is, there is only one person.

And what he is facing is countless powerful families!

And the Taiyin Shenzu's defection has become a lot of people's laughing after dinner.

Almost everyone thinks that the Taiyin Protoss is wrong in this move, and the curse city will surely lose this time.

As a result, Zhong An'an, who made this decision, naturally was called immature or even naive by many people.

Some people even think that she only did it because she wanted to take the position of the patriarch of the Taiyin Shenzu, so she also indirectly killed mu GuQing's murderer.

These messy rumors are rampant, making the situation more chaotic.

To everyone's surprise, the city of curse, as one of the parties to the event, is suddenly silent at the moment.

It's as if the chaos of the outside world had no effect on it.

But the more so, the more people think that this is the curse of the city or Xue an has been afraid of the performance.

This idea even reaches many people in the city of curse.

But even so, Xue an still did not show up.

This time, even a few elders in the Taiyin God clan can't sit still.

"Your honor! Now there are rumors outside. Do you think you want to explain it? " Asked an elder.

For many people who don't believe in you, you just don't believe them! Let them say it, but the truth will not be changed by anyone's words! "

"But..." The elder pause, and then some hesitation to look out of the window of the city Lord's house.

"Patriarch, although I know that this sentence should not be said, but now you can see that the sky fire god family and other powerful families unite together, and the momentum is extremely great!"

"Of course, I don't question what you and Mr. Xue mean, but no matter how powerful he is, he is only one person. How can he cope with so many people? In case things change, we Taiyin gods

Zhong An suddenly said in a cold voice, "well, don't say it again. I understand what you mean! You are here to ask if you can win this time and what to do if you fail, right? ""Forgive me, clan leader!" Several elders bowed in a hurry.

"I don't blame you, after all, you are also for the sake of the Taiyin Protoss! But have you ever thought that we have no other way to choose now. From the moment we walk out of the Taiyin pool, we will never be able to turn back! "

Several elders were all silent, because they knew that Zhong An'an was right.

At this time, Zhong An gave a cold smile, "but you think that if we did not leave but went in accordance with the order of the heavenly fire, what kind of situation would we be now?"

"Become the plaything of the strong and abuse them wantonly? Even as private property

The elders were very ugly.

"I dare not say anything else, but I can assure you that our situation at that time must have been more miserable than it is now! Because now, even if we fail, at least our fate is in our own hands! "

With that, Zhong An'an stood up, looked out of the window at the city Lord's house, and said faintly, "since this road is our own choice, even if we kneel down, we have to go down! Do you understand? "

Several of the old faces of the Taiyin were ashamed, and then they bowed their heads deeply, "understand!"

At the moment, Zhong An'an's back became very tall in their eyes.

At this time, only listen to someone's hand and praise: "well said, their choice of the road, even kneeling also want to go down!"

With the voice, see Xue an slowly walk into the room, smiling at the people.

"Yes, my Lord!" Zhong An'an and all the elders present bowed down.

Xue an waved his hand, "OK! Don't be so polite. I just happened to pass by here. When I heard Miss Zhong's words, I couldn't help but exclaim

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