Xue an nodded slightly, "come and sit down!"

The second daughter hesitated for a moment, and finally walked over and sat down at the head of the table.

This time, this so big table becomes lively.

The two little girls and Zhang Xiaoyu are enjoying themselves. It's a pleasure to eat.

However, Chu Xiaoyun and Zhong An'an have never eaten hotpot at all. In fact, with their current cultivation, they no longer need to eat.

But after a tentative taste, they can't help but brighten their eyes.

This smell It's amazing! The key is that every bite contains powerful spiritual power.

Xue an smiles, "delicious! In recent days, I went to the surrounding mountains for inspection and found many good ingredients. The bottom of the pot is cooked with the spirit grass which has been practiced for at least one thousand years. These meat are also rare birds and beasts. If you go down, you will have at least fifty years' Cultivation of ordinary people! "

Chu Xiaoyun and Zhong An'an are stupid.

In any case, they could not think of such a way to refine their accomplishments.

And Hu Ying is in the head crazy eat for a while, very comfortable sigh tone, "brother Xue, for a long time did not eat your own deployment of hot pot, really fragrant ah!"

Xue an was dumbfounded, "so delicious?"

Hu Ying nodded, "mm-hmm, it's so fragrant! Although the ingredients may be almost the same, this is the craftsmanship of brother Xue! " Hu Ying held out a thumb.

"If it's delicious, eat more!" Xue an said with a smile.

Hu Ying looked at the surrounding environment with some doubts, especially noticed the stunned people in the distance. She could not help frowning and asked in a low voice, "brother Xue, what's the matter? Why are so many people watching over there? "

Xue an light way: "nothing, just a small matter."

Little things.

This understatement makes Chu Xiaoyun and Zhong An both smile bitterly.

Hu Ying also had some doubts, and then Xue an briefly told the story.

After listening to Fox's breast beating, she was full of remorse.

"Why don't you call me brother Xue? My strength is much better than before! At least I can help you to fight

"You don't have to fight. You can't do it against these guys!" Xue an's tone is indifferent.

These words can be heard not only here, but also by the crowd in the distance. There is a commotion.

"This Xue an is so crazy! If such a thing can't be committed, what can be counted as? "

"That's right, that sounds like a joke!"

A lot of people were scoffing and whispering.

After hearing Xue an's words, Hu Ying nodded naturally. "It's just a group of gods who have been eliminated by the general trend of the universe. It's their blessing that brother Xue can deal with them."

This sentence made people quiet, and then all aphasia.

Gods It should have been eliminated long ago, and it's lucky to be dealt with by Xue an.

These words sound so harsh!

The faces of Chu Xiaoyun and Zhong An'an can't help but change.

They did not know the background of this extremely noble girl, or even dare to speak like this.

Hu Ying had no idea of these eyes, but chuckled: "brother Xue, today is ten days. What are you going to do?"

Xue an looked up at the sky and said, "what else can I do? I've given them the chance. They don't know how to cherish it. So I can't blame my ruthlessness!"

Hearing Xue an's words, Hu Ying's eyes were full of splendor, and her eyes were soft and charming.

This is the elder brother Xue in her memory who stands aloof above everyone and is in charge of life and death.

Can seem to be aware of her eyes, Xue an also did not return, immediately hit her head.

"What are you looking at? Don't hurry to eat!"

"Oh Hu Ying felt her head in pain, then pursed her mouth and bowed her head to eat.

Xue an also ate a few mouthfuls, then put down his chopsticks and began to drink slowly.

Whenever the cup is empty, an Yan will fill it for him.

A cup of time passed.

When a light Day falls into the sky and the stars and moons rise together.

The atmosphere gradually became oppressive.

Because it's getting closer and closer to the ten day period.

The gate of the whole curse city is wide open, but there is no figure in the distance.

However, more and more people were watching from afar.

There are even a lot of good people who transmit the scene here through the method of water mirror.

All forces are quietly looking at the cup after cup of wine drinking young people in white.

Many people are indifferent and cynical, and think that Xue an's move is nothing more than delaying time.Moreover, some people saw that xue'an was drunk in the shade of a very strong wine. Most people would not be able to afford to drink this kind of wine.

And he has drunk more than a dozen pots.

With so much wine, even if it's a real immortal, it's estimated that it's drunk. How can we cash in the previous words?

It can be seen that xue'an wants to cover this matter with wine!

People have different thoughts, but without exception, they all think that the ten day agreement has become a joke.

But they did not notice that Xue an's eyes became more and more clear even though he was drinking from cup to cup.

Even to the end, it is as bright as the moon.


When a breeze blows.

Xue an looked up and looked at the Starry Sea all over the sky with a faint smile, "OK, time is up!"

The voice was not loud, but it spread all over the audience in an instant, attracting all people's eyes.

At the same time, Xue an drinks up the wine in the cup, and then stands up slowly in the eyes of countless astonishment and disbelief, and stretches for a long time.

"Eat and drink enough, it's time to do some exercise!"

At this time, an Yan also stood up, "husband..."

Xue an turned to smile at her. "Yan'er, wait for me here. I'll go back."

And the two little girls who had been lowering their heads to eat at the moment also raised their heads and clenched their small fists to Xue an and said, "Dad, come on!"

Xue an ha ha a smile, "good!"

After that, Xue an looks around.

After seeing Xue an's eyes, the crowd in the distance all recoiled in horror.

Xue an gave a faint smile and then said in a cold voice, "Miss Zhong, don't you want revenge? Then come with me

Zhong An was stunned, and then nodded with a dignified face, "yes!"

Then he turned his head and called out to the darkness, "come here

All the elders and strong men of the Taiyin Protoss came over.

Xue an took a look at these people, and with a wave of his hand, he saw a lot of swords flying out of each of them.

"All right! Let's go

After that, Xue an waves his hand, and the whole person rises in an instant.

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