Zhong An'an said softly, "follow closely."

Say, then also urge the divine power, follow closely fly.

In an instant.

With the blessing of Xue an's sword, all the people of the Taiyin God family rose to the sky and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

All people are staring at the streamer disappearing in the sky, and their brains are blank for a while.

I thought that Xue an admitted defeat, but I didn't expect that he was so bold. He really dares to go to the four corners of the world and find those noble families to set up a teacher and make a crime.

But can he come back this time?

After all, those rich people are not vegetarian either!

There was a sneer on many people's faces.

And Chu Xiaoyun and others are looking with worry, for fear of Xue an again.

Even an Yan was worried.

Only Hu Ying was careless, "OK, sister Yan, don't worry about brother Xue. This kind of God with mixed hair is nothing in brother Xue's eyes. If you put it in the past, even one look of brother Xue can turn them into powder! So you can rest assured! "

Nevertheless, Anyan is still a little worried.

At this moment.

The koi ball, which was transformed by the divine pattern, suddenly jumped into the pot after turning around the table for several times.

"Ball!" Think about and read a cry of surprise.

After all, the hot pot is very hot!

But I didn't expect that the ball was sticking out and swimming in it.

Zhang Xiaoyu, who had been eating happily, was stunned when he saw the situation. Then he stretched out his chopsticks with saliva.

"The fish is delicious at first sight."

But the chopsticks just into the pot, the ball suddenly flicked its tail.

The hot soup splashed Zhang Xiaoyu's face.

Zhang Xiaoyu screamed, and then angrily roared: "how dare you do this to my mother, I have to pull your fins off today!"

With that, she would roll her arms and sleeves.

But this Koi has no sense of fear, even lying on her back in the soup, showing her white belly and looking at Zhang Xiaoyu with provocative eyes.

Zhang Xiaoyu was very angry. "No one can stop me today. I have to eat this guy!"

Said, Zhang Xiaoyu then increased the hot pot fireworks.

The soup boiled, the ball struggled a few times, and then sank into the soup.

"Ball!" Think of Niannian and scream.

Then think of looking at Zhang Xiaoyu with anger on his face, "you actually boiled the ball to death, you compensate us for the ball!"

"Yes! You compensate us for the ball Nianniannian is crying.

Zhang Xiaoyu can't help but have some silly eyes.

"I I'm just kidding, but who would have thought this ball would boil like this? "

"I don't care. You pay for the ball!" Read and cry.

At this time, the soup in the hot pot suddenly began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the koi ball drank all the hot pot soup, and then belched contentedly. Then he jumped up from the pot and looked at Zhang Xiaoyu with disdain.

Then he flew into the arms of recitation and closed his eyes comfortably.

Seeing the ball was ok, the two little girls turned angry into joy.

But Zhang Xiaoyu was a little silly. After a meeting, she roared angrily: "have you seen it? How dare this ball look down on me? How dare a fish look down on me? This is a great shame

Her voice was ignored.

Zhang Xiaoyu was so angry that he called out to Huying: "sister fox, you just saw it. How dare this fish despise me? I... "

Fox Ying immediately knocked her head, "see how, who let you first provoke others, shut up!"

Zhang Xiaoyu covered his head and closed his mouth to cry without tears. However, he was trying to figure out how to deal with this stupid fish in the future.

At the same time.

Xue an and his party have gone through the void layer by layer, leaving the scope of the celestial sphere and arriving at the four corners of the world.

Such a speed, if you say it, can almost startle people's eyes.

This is because Xue an had to take care of the Taiyin people behind him and slowed down his speed.


They're out of the space of the Skyfire Protoss.

Zhong An said softly, "my Lord, the sky fire desert is ahead! This time, the alliance of the powerful families should be in the city of Tianhuo! "

Xue an looked at it quietly and seemed to feel something. Her eyes gradually brightened up. Then she said with a smile: "let's go!"

Then he was ready to step forward.

Zhong An was surprised, "my Lord, don't..."

For a strong clan like the sky fire Protoss, there must be a defensive array at the edge of the territory.If Xue an enters directly like this, it is likely to stimulate the defensive array, thus alerting the people inside.

But it was too late, Xue an's foot had fallen into the void.

With a sigh in his heart, Zhong An thought that he must have startled the snake.

The next scene, however, was far beyond her expectation.

However, there is a light curtain in the void. The fireworks flow on the light screen, emitting intense heat, which is obviously the defense array of the sky fire Protoss.

However, when Xue an's body touched the defensive array, the light curtain was full of ripples, and then, like seeing the master's servant, quietly retreated.

A huge gap appeared in front of the public.

Zhong An'an and the people of the Taiyin Protoss look at it in amazement.

The sky fire Protoss's defense array is so lightly broken? It's amazing!

Xue an didn't care at all, so he stepped into it.

While Xue an and his party had already entered the sky fire desert.

Tianhuo Shenxuan is still a prosperous scene.

All the rich people gathered together to drink happily and happily.

Even Qi Si Xiang and Bai Tu, who were sitting on the high platform, were also pleased.

"Hehe, it's time for ten days now. It's estimated that Xue is making a fool of himself in the curse city." Baitu said with a sneer.

Fierce Xiao hears speech to also maliciously smile, "I pour don't think must be in silly, perhaps be hide in quilt cry!"

This caused a burst of laughter.

Among them, Qi Xuanfeng laughed the most exaggeration, and said: "I don't know what the mood of those bitches of the Taiyin Shenzu are now. I guess those who regret want to hit the wall!"

Xuanhun, standing respectfully behind him, hears the speech and quickly flatters and laughs: "the second young master is right. I think those people of the Taiyin Shenzu will hate Zhong An'an this bitch now!"

On hearing the name of Zhong An'an, Qi Xuanfeng changed his face and slapped xuanhun.

Xuanhun was hit by a stagger, nearly fell to the ground, and then looked at Qi Xuanfeng with consternation.

Qi Xuanfeng said maliciously, "don't mention that bitch's name in front of me in the future! Do you understand? "

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