Xuanhun nodded hastily, "yes!"

"Hum, when I catch this slut, I must make a good preparation for her, so that she can't live or die!"

Qi Xuanfeng's eyes were full of resentment, because when he heard the name of Zhong An'an, he felt his face burning with pain, which made him go crazy.

Qi Si Xiang saw the situation, moved his eyes, and was about to speak.

Just then, a line of fire suddenly came and appeared in front of him.

With a wave of Qi's four elephants, the fire fell into his hands.

The field became quiet.

As we all know, this is the sacred fire order specially used to transmit information.

At this time, Qi Si Xiang suddenly began to laugh, and the laughter was very happy.

Bai Tu on one side asked, "chief Qi, what's going on?"

Qi Sixiang said with a smile: "nothing, just someone has passed on the picture of a curse city!"

"Oh? A picture of the city of curse? " The white picture is slightly stunned.

Qi Sixiang nodded, "yes!"

With a wave of his hand, he saw a water mirror appear in the Shenxuan.

In the water mirror, Xue an, an Yan, Hu Ying and others are sitting around eating hot pot together on the city wall.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Then there was a burst of laughter.

"It's really funny that at this time, she still has the heart to eat. How big is Xue an's heart?" A lot of people laughed.

The focus of fierce Xiao is different from that of ordinary people.

He gazed greedily at the beautiful Anyan and Huying, licking his lips and saying, "these women are so beautiful! When xue'an is killed, I will arrest all the women around him and enjoy it

Saying, he then Jie Jie Jie strange smile.

But at this time, only a cold voice came from afar, "it's a pity that you're dead to enjoy it!"

"Who is it?" Everyone was surprised.

At the same time, I saw Xue an leading the people of the Taiyin Shenzu, holding their heads high, walked into the Tianhuo Shenxuan.

"It's Xue an!" Someone screamed.


It was as if there had been a magnitude 9 earthquake, and everyone was shocked by it.

Qi Si Xiang and Bai Tu stood up and looked at Xue an in horror.

Qi Si Xiang, in particular, could not believe his eyes.

You should know that the city of Skyfire, and even the whole sky fire desert, are under his full control.

It's no exaggeration to say that even if an ant crawls in, he will feel something.

But unexpectedly, when Xue an led a large group of people to come in, he did not notice at all.

How can this not make Qi four Xiang be shocked.

Qi Xuanfeng, standing in the crowd, was infuriated when he saw Zhong An'an behind xue'an. "Bitch, how dare you come?"

Zhong An's face was cold and cold. After seeing Qi Xuanfeng, he turned his eyes to the mysterious soul with a frightened look.

Although he didn't speak, the fierce killing intention in his eyes made xuanhun's body shake, and he hid behind Qi Xuanfeng with a guilty heart.

At this time, Xue an looked around the audience and said faintly, "are all the people here?"

The voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears.

In an instant, the sky fire god Xuan became very quiet.

A lot of people look at Xue an with incredible eyes.

Because nobody expected him to come so suddenly.

Isn't he still eating in the water mirror image?

What's going on?

A lot of people were in doubt, so when facing Xue an's question, the whole audience became quiet for a moment.

Xue an laughed, "don't be so serious. I'm just asking! Since it's all here, it's easy to do it! "

With that, Xue an raised his head and looked at the fierce Xiao. The light in his eyes flashed slightly and said faintly, "look at the breath on your body. It should be the man of the five links cult?"

Somehow, in the face of Xue an's eyes, the fierce Xiao, who is famous for his ferocity, subconsciously stepped back.

Because he was staring at Xue an, he felt that he was not facing an ordinary teenager, but a mammoth.

The young man in white, who was slightly thin, seemed to be hiding a huge dragon in his body, which made him feel a trace of fear.

But soon.

He realized his gaffe, and then took a fierce step forward and said in a rage: "yes, I am the leader of Wutong theology, I'm fierce Xiao, er..."

Xue an didn't even say a word. He held out a palm carved from sapphire and photographed it.


But see a huge palm shadow, like the fall of Mount Tai to the fierce sky.Fierce Xiao was also aroused fierce anger, ferocious roar way: "upright son dares!"

Say, then agitate whole body divine power, want to resist this one palm hard.

But he underestimated Xue an, or overestimated himself.

When Fu contacted, he heard the sound of fracture like firecracker coming from the body of fierce Xiao.

Then fierce Xiao screamed and was directly smashed into the hard and incomparable ground by this palm, and the height was instantly compressed by the birth.

What's more, the skin of fierce Xiao is all broken by mistake. The broken bones are raw and pierced. The blood is dripping and the bones are white.

A slap.

The leader of Wutong Shinto cult was hit by Xue an, and he was about to die.

The whole scene suddenly became silent.

People who were going to see Xue an's jokes were all dumbfounded at the moment.

Even the people of the Taiyin Protoss who followed were all shocked in the same place.

Because they didn't expect that Xue an would be so tough. After entering the arena, he didn't even say a few words, so he directly moved his hand.

A quiet, Xue an light way: "I just don't care who you are, but with your words just now, this palm is just an appetizer!"

Hearing Xue an's overbearing words, many people around him were silent.

Even the timid one has quietly stepped back a few steps, trying to distance himself from xue'an.

At the same time.

But see Qi four elephant also wake up from the shock, and then look at Xue an coldly, cold voice way.

"Xue an, I really admire you! How brave are you? How dare you make trouble in the city of fire! Are you impatient to live? "

"Yes! Xue an, you killed my son. I haven't settled with you about this matter. How dare you send it to your door today? " The white picture of the ancient sword Protoss is also a grim voice.

Even fierce Xiao, who was almost slapped into a meat pie by Xue an, is also spitting out a large mouthful of blood at the moment. He stares at Xue an with the fierce eyes of choosing people to eat. Then he wipes the blood from the corners of his mouth and laughs bitterly.

"Xue an, your strength is really good! But do you really think that this one hand can do to me? You are still too naive

Say, but see a large part of the body are smashed into the earth fierce Xiao, the body suddenly burst open.

But there was no blood splashing out, even the meat and bones began to gather together in an instant.

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